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Introduction: The Encounter Copay screen has a provision to apportion collected amount to:
  • CoPay - Amount C
  • Deductible - Amount D
  • Visit Charges - Amount V
  • Advance - Amount A
Since the same names appear in the Encounter Copay screen for apportionment and also in the Remittance screen, it would be confusing. So the Copay screen amounts for apportionment have been named as Amount C, D, V and A above.

Amount C is the copay amount which is taken over the counter from the patient. If the remittance specified a Copay of $20, then it is to be charged to the patient. However, if an amount of $20 was already collected as Amount C, then the net amount to be charged to the patient will be $0, as such an invoice/bill will NOT be raised. However if the Amount C was only $15 then the patient bill be invoiced/billed for $5 ($20 - $15). Theoretically, if Amount C was $25 (which is unlikely) then $20 will get adjusted as in first case and $5 will remain as excess Copay and will be moved to the Advance bucket.

Amount D is used to square Off the Deductible + Not Covered Amount specified in the Remittance fields. If the remittance specified a Deductible of $50 and Not Covered $25, then the program will charge $75 to the patient (Invoice / Bill). However if an amount of $75 was collected as Amount D, then the net amount to be charged to the Patient will be $0, as such an invoice/bill will NOT be raised. However if the Amount D was only $60 then the Patient bill be invoiced/billed for $15 ($75 - $60). Theoretically if Amount D was $100 (which is unlikely) then $75 will get adjusted as in first case and $25 will remain as excess Deductible collected but Not Adjusted. What's to be done with it will become clear in the Remittance → Advance option.

Many a times it is clear that the patient is going to self pay. This can happen because either they do not have an Insurance or they know that they have come for some procedure/supplies/items which are definitely not covered by Insurance, so they would pay for it. In such a case, only Amount V Visit Amount is specified on the Encounter Copay screen. At the end of the encounter, the Patient will be billed with necessary amount. It would in all probability be same as the amount collected, in which case the Patient is Not Billed. For excess or short collection, the treatment is identical to that explained earlier.

Lastly Amount A, is the Advance/Adhoc Amount collected at the front desk against a patient's previous bills. If the patient wants to provide an extra amount for future service, then amount can be collected as Amount A.
When a patient registers at a clinic, along with their personal details, their Insurance details are also captured. This screen (which is also invoked as a popup on some other screens) provides the ability to accept the Co Payment made by a patient and print a receipt.

Field Descriptions:
Preview icon or Preview button: Click on this icon/button to invoke the Copay Receipt For (Patient Name) popup. You can print or email Copay Receipt to the Patient from this popup.

Print icon: Click on this icon to Print the Patient Receipt.

Email icon: Click on this icon to to Email the Patient Receipt.

History icon or history button: Click the History icon/button to view the copay history details on the Copay History popup.

Patient Name: Displays the patient's name in a greyed-out manner which cannot be edited. The Patient Billing Notes icon displayed next to the Patient Name field can be used to add, display, print or delete Patient Billing Notes.

Date: Displays the encounter date in a greyed-out manner which cannot be edited.

Insurance Company: Displays the Primary Insurance name, depending on which Insurance has been assigned to the Appointment/Encounter/Claim of the selected DOS. The dropdown displays all Active insurances in the following sequence: Default Primary, Default Secondary, Default Tertiary, and the rest are listed according to the defined type as Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and then Accident insurances.

Subscriber Id: The Subscriber ID present on the Patient Insurance screen is displayed here. If the Subscriber ID is not mentioned, this field remains blank.

Subscriber Name: Displays the name of the subscriber. This could be either the patient themself or any relative of the patient or a legal guardian.

Relation: Displays the relation of the subscriber with the patient.

Plan: Displays the plan name of purchased Insurance if provided on the Patient Insurance card.

Pat OS: Displays the remaining balance for previous services rendered so that the front desk person can ask for the outstanding amount of the previous services. The amount is displayed in red and bold color. Pat OS is provided with a hyperlink that on click, displays the Patient Statement of the selected Patient.

Copay Collectable: Displays the Copay Collectable entered on Patient Insurance screen. This field displays the keyword Copay: followed by the Text, Amount and Percentage value. It also displays the amount and text entered in the Deductible field with prefix as Ded:.

Non-Posted Rcpt: Displays the non-posted amount in the Receipt. The amount is displayed in red and bold color. If Patient has a Non-Posted Rcpt Amount, then the Non-Posted Rcpt label is hyperlinked. On clicking the hyperlink, Non-Posted Receipts popup is invoked which displays details such as Date, Receipt No., Received From, Amount of the Non-Posted Receipts.

Post Date: Shows the Receipt Post Date. This field is set to today's date by default.

Batch No: Batch Number field is governed by a property billing.use.receipt.batchno. When the property is turned ‘On’ then no entry can be saved without a Receipt Batch Number. All the receipts are automatically assigned to the first created open Receipt Batch Number. If the property is ‘Off’ then the field batch no remains disabled or grayed out.

Info button: Click on the Info button to invoke the Copay Collection popup. Data for copay collection such as Location, Business Unit, Rendering Provider, Attending Provider can be selected in this popup.

Co-Payment: Co-Payment conditions are displayed depending on the Insurance company selected from the dropdown.

Details of Co-Payment

Total Charges: This is the total CoPay collection. The amount entered in this field will be reflected as Total Amount which is collected after the patient checks out from the clinic. This field along with the SuperBill hyperlink is displayed only when the property is turned Off.

SuperBill: This hyperlink is displayed only when the property is turned Off. Click on this hyperlink to invoke the SuperBill Summary popup which displays the amount which will be sent to Insurance Company.

Payment Amount: Users can make payment by cash, check or credit card. Click on Check or Credit Card enables corressponding fields for Check No., Bank, Validity Thru, Card Type, for details to be entered.
  • Check: Click on the Show Details For Bank icon and enter check details in the Bank and Check Number fields.
  • Cash: Select this option if the amount is collected upfront for Patient Receipt.
  • Card: Enter the payment amount to be made by card. Click on the icon and select a card type from the Card Type dropdown, enter the card holder's name in the Card Holder field and enter your card number in the Card Number field. To make your payment through credit card, click on the Credit Card button.
  • Other Pay: Click on the Other Pay icon to display the Other Payment Type dropdown and Reference Number field. Select a payment mode from the Other Payment Type dropdown. The list of options available in this dropdown are Other, PAYPAL, HEALTHCARD, NETBANKING, CARECREDIT, EWALLET, EFT and ATH MOVIL. These dropdown options are governed by the property If the property era.patreceipt.paymodes is left blank, then the options displayed by default in the Other Payment Type dropdown are Other, Paypal, NetBanking, PhonePay and HealthCard. In the Reference Number field, enter the transaction reference number. This field supports alphanumeric values and special characters and has a maximum character limit of 30.
  • If the user tries to make half of the payment through Check and the half through Other Pay, then a message: Can not accept Check/Card amount with Other Pay amount is displayed.
  • If the user tries to make half of the payment through Credit Card and the half through Other Pay, then a message: Can not accept Check/Card amount with Other Pay amount is displayed.
  • If the user tries to make half of the payment through Check and Credit Card and the half through Other Pay, then a message: Can not accept Check/Card amount with Other Pay amount is displayed.
Apportion To: The payment amount may be divided under any or all heads for CoPay, Deductible, Visit/Self Pay or Advance.

Remarks: Enter remarks, if any, or select any remarks from the Insert Phrases or icon.

Action Buttons:

SAVE or save button: Click this button to save the changes made on the screen.

DELETE or delete button: Click this button to delete the copayment.

reset button: Click this button to reset the changes carried out on the screen.

CLOSE button: Click this button to close the Patient Payments popup.
See Also: Copay Receipt Preview