Topics | Patient Encounter | Search: |
Encounter is the focal point of this application. Note that there can be many encounters per Patients. The encounter screen shows details about a specific (selected) encounter. A Table of Contents appears on this page with many options. A Doctor can select a patient from the Schedule shown on his Home page. The system creates a new encounter for the selected Patient if it does not exist, and comes to the Patient Encounter page. The selected Patient details are shown in a Band. Patient Band: Important patient details like name, age, sex, contact numbers, referring doctor and social security number are displayed in a Patient Band beneath the Patient sub-menu. These fields can be configured in property, Encounter params > patientband.tag.rX.cX. The color of the Patient Band determines whether the patient Encounter is current or past. Gray band with a downward arrow icon on the left, indicates past Encounter. You view the details for the previous patient or next patient (By today's Appointments on the Home Page) by clicking the navigational buttons provided on the right side of the band. Table Of Contents: Important patient encounter options are displayed in the Table Of Contents beneath the Patient band, on the LHS. Face Sheet: Important patient encounter details are displayed in boxes beneath the Patient band, on the RHS. These fields can be configured in property, FaceSheet Settings. To make the background in the boxes on the RHS, a property, FaceSheet Settings > facesheet.background.white should be set to Y. Note that this seeting for white background will be applicable to all the user types. |