Topics Pictures Search:  
With advancement in digital cameras, and connectivity to computers, it is possible for a doctor to take a few photographs of affected body area of the patient, and upload them, for e.g. pictures of a skin lesion. The screen shows the existing pictures (images / photographs) as thumbnails. The more the number of pictures taken smaller is the thumbnail size.

Click a thumbnail to enlarge it. User can also add comments.

Click the Pin feature to include comments specific to a particular point on the picture. Now click again to place the Pin on the point where the problem is suspected. This exact position of the Pin is saved in the system for future reference. The user may also draw lines on the selected image as in illustrations.

Click on the slide show button to see all images attached to the patient encounter here, one after another.

If an image was selected from the Review Picture List screen, a search button will be available to select more images from past encounters for comparision.