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Order Sheet feature, gives you the provision to: - maintain and track all your orders from a single screen with respect to Lab, Radiology, Consult, and Procedures - track if a referred patient has gone and done the tests - order a Procedure/Consult and track the same - switching between individual screens of Orders is not required. Note:
Field Description
On Select tab Add ICDs: on click the button displays two options, General and Past ICD to choose ICDs from. Selecting the 'General' option invokes the IMO Search for Diagnocis Codes and selecting the 'Past ICD' option displays the Past ICD Search popup. The area or section next to the Add ICDs button displaysall the ICDs that have been either added from the Assessment screen (Dark Cyan colored ICDs) or added from the Order Sheet screen (Olive colored ICDs) itself; the assessment ICDs are displayed first followed by non-Assessment ICDs of the current encounter. ![]() Lab; Radiology; Consult; Procedure; and QuickTabs: Each tab is horizontally divided for ‘display’ of results. - Selection/Filter Pane Available parameters and options are o Vendor o Preferred/All/HM/Order Set o Filter By drop-down list and Filter By search field I. Selection Pane on the Lab/Radiology tabs Vendor – displays the list of (active) labs available. By default, 'Any Lab/Rad' is selected. Preferred – displays Doctor preferred list of Lab/Radiology tests (on the Display pane) for the Vendor selected, followed by Clinic preferred list. The option remains selected by default only if there are tests available in the Preferred List. All – displays active Lab/Radiology tests (on the Display pane) that are supported by Patient’s gender (male/female/both) and supported by the Vendor selected. The option remains selected by default only if there are no tests available in the Preferred List. HM - displays Lab/Radiology tests (on the Display pane) which are added in the Health Maintenance with status as Due and Tentative. ![]() Order Set - displays the Order set name, the tests which are included in that Order set, supported by Patient’s gender followed by Last Order/Result date. The Vendor drop-down list displays, ‘Any Lab’ as default selection (disabled) and the Filter By drop-down list option has ‘Order Set Name’ text displayed. Order Set option displays only of type ‘LB’ (Lab)/ ‘RL’ (Radiology) respectively. Filter By - the drop-down list displays the criteria such as All, Panel, Test Name, Category, and LOINC Code to filter and display tests on the Result/Display pane. The text field next to the Filter By drop-down list is used for manual search. Result/Display Pane: The first column displays the Select button: which on click transfers the selected test to the Right side section. The first column is the same for all four tabs. Note: Not every test has the select button; instead only the first test of the order has the select button which when clicked transfers and displays the entire details of all the tests on the right side section. The other columns displayed on Lab/Radiology tabs are Test Name, Category, and Last Order/Result;Under the Last Order/Result column, the dates hyperlinks are displayed which on click invoke the Order or Result popup respectively; it is easy to distinguish an Order date from Result received dates as the icon: when prefixed to a date indicates it to be order date of an Order and the icon: when prefixed to a date indicates it to be order date of Results received for the Order. II. Selection Pane on the Consult tab The list of all consults that are added from the Consult Master (GoTo tab: Settings Configuration à Consult) are displayed. Vendor – Not Applicable for Consult tab Preferred – Not Applicable for Consult tab All – displays active Consults tests (on the Display pane) that are supported by Patient’s gender (male/female/both). HM - displays Consults tests (on the Display pane) which are added in the Health Maintenance with status as Due and Tentative. Note: There is a cut-off period considered with respect to the Due date. Cut-off period is calculated by adding the Encounter date to the No. of days configured in the property, os.dueafter.days Thus only when the Due date for a test on the HM screen is less than the cut-off date, is the test displayed. Order Set - displays Order Sets only of type ‘CM’ (Consult) on the Consult tab. Filter By - the drop-down list displays the criteria such as All, Specialty and Complaint to filter and display tests on the Display panel. Result/Display Pane: The first column displays the Select button: which on click transfers the selected test to the Right side section. The first column is the same for all four tabs. Note: Not every test has the select button; instead only the first test of the order has the select button which when clicked transfers and displays the entire details of all the tests on the right side section. The other columns displayed on Consult tab are Consult Name, Specialty, and Consult Provider. Under the Consult Provider column, if the Consult Provider information is not available or present for any Consult then the Assign Provider link is displayed instead. On click, the Assign Provider link invokes the Consult Provider Search popup and the Assign Provider link is replaced with the selected value immediately after a Provider is assigned III. Selection Pane on the Procedure tab A list of Internal as well as External Procedures that are added from the Procedure Master (Goto menu: Settings → Configuration → click Procedure link to invoke Procedure Master screen) is displayed. Procedures are categorized into types such as Internal (for procedures done within the clinic) and External (for procedures done in external clinic; the distinction is clear with the Type column displaying it as Internal or External. ![]() Vendor – the drop-down list is Not Applicable for Procedure tab. Preferred – the option is Not Applicable for Procedure tab. All – the option displays active Procedure tests (on the Display pane) that are supported by Patient’s gender (male/female/both). HM - the option displays Procedure tests (on the Display pane) which are added in the Health Maintenance with status as 'Due' and 'Tentative'. Order Set - displays Order Sets only of type ‘PR’ (Procedure) on the Procedure tab. Filter By – The filter By drop-down list is not available for Procedures, but the filter text field is available wherein the results are filtered for display depending upon the text entered. Result/Display Pane The first column displays the Select button: which on click transfers the selected test to the Right side section. The first column is the same for all four tabs. Note: Not every test has the select button; instead only the first test of the order has the select button which when clicked transfers and displays the entire details of all the tests on the right side section. The other columns displayed on the Procedure tab are Procedure Name, Type, and Last Order/Result;Under the Last Order/Result column, the dates hyperlinks are displayed which on click invoke the Order or Result popup respectively; it is easy to distinguish an Order date from Result received dates as the icon: when prefixed to a date indicates it to be order date of an Order and the icon: when prefixed to a date indicates it to be order date of Results received for the Order. IV. Selection Pane on the Quick tab Tests of all type (i.e. LB, RL, CM, PR, and additionally OS) are displayed in a common list, thus creating a one-point entry to select and Order tests. The tests of type, Order Sheet or OS are defined from the existing Order Set Master screen (Goto tab: Settings → Configuration → under Workflow column → Order Set. Vendor – the drop-down list is Not Applicable for Quick tab. Preferred – the option is Not Applicable for Quick tab. All – the option displays all type of Orders that are active and are supported by Patient’s gender (male/female/both). HM - the option is Not Applicable for Quick tab. Order Set - displays Order Sets of all types on the Quick tab. Filter By – The filter By drop-down list is not available for Quick tab, the default text displayed on the drop-down list is 'Order Set Name' but the filter text field is available wherein the results are filtered for display depending upon the text entered. Result/Display Pane The first column displays the Select button: which on click transfers the selected test to the Right side section. The first column is the same for all four tabs. Note: Not every test has the select button; instead only the first test of the order has the select button which when clicked transfers and displays the entire details of all the tests on the right side section. The columns displayed on the Quick tab when 'All' option are selected are Name, Type, Category, Last Order/Result whereas when the option, Order Set is selected then columns such as Orderset, Name (of the tests), Type, and Last Order/Result are displayed. ![]()
Right side section : (Selected Orders) consists of accordion panels of Lab Orders; Radiology Order; Consult; and Procedure. And each test is displayed Vendor wise. For example, the tests of Lab Vendor, Lab Corp would have all lab tests under the same Lab vendor. • The toggle buttons when expanded displays the details of individual tests. Tests are transferred from the left side section to the respective section on the right side with a click on Select icon: ![]() Note: The icon: indicates there are data or details present in the respective accordion. On Lab Order/Radiology Order accordion • On the right side, the Lab/Radiology Order accordion displays the details of the test such as Vendor Name, Order Number (if any), Order Status (if any), Test name, and assigned ICD details available in the Assessment for that encounter (if any) are displayed. Assign ICDs - on click the Assign ICDs button invokes Test-ICD Mapping popup. All assessment ICDs and non-assessment ICDs are available for assignment. ICDs selected and assigned are displayed along with the Test details. ICDs are allowed to be removed or reassigned from the same popup but only for tests with no status. Vendor Name - The drop-down list displays the Vendor list. Order Number - Order Number is displayed in the brackets if an Order is created for the Test. Status - Order status such as Entered, or Approved, or Ordered or Deleted is displayed. The Tests whose order is saved in the Order sheet and order is yet to be created then no status is displayed. Note:
Comments - The Comment icon: invokes different popups for Lab and Radiology.The maximum character entry allowed in the Comments for Lab section is 1024; for Internal Comments and Report Comments sections are 300 each. Test name - displays the test name. ICD link - on click the link invokes the popup, ICD Mapping (Assign ICDs) and through the popup it is possible to change the assigned ICDs – the link is available only when an Order is in the Entered state. Now - The option when selected schedules the Order in the current moment. Future - The option when selected enables its drop-down list to display future time duration in days; weeks; months; and year. Note: If the options, ‘Now’ and ‘Future’ are selected then system creates two orders, one for now and the other for future scheduled day. On Consult Order accordion On the right side, the Consult Order accordion displays the details of the test such as Consult Name, Consult Order Number (if available), Order Status (if any), Consult Provider name, reason for consult, and the assigned ICD details available in the Assessment for that encounter (if any).Note: Order Number is displayed only if an Order has been generated; it will not be present if the Order number is yet to be generated. ICD link - on click the link invokes the popup, ICD Mapping (Assign ICDs) and through the popup it is possible to change the assigned ICDs – the link is available only when an Order is in the Entered state. Now - The option when selected schedules the Order in the current moment. Future - The option when selected enables its drop-down list to display future time duration in days; weeks; months; and year.Note: If the options, ‘Now’ and ‘Future’ are selected then system creates two orders, one for now and the other for future scheduled day. Search - the search icon on click invokes Consult Provider search giving a provision to change the Consult Provider name displayed on the Consult (only on Consult with ‘Entered’ status or no status). [+] - click the icon to add a new Consult Provider by entering the details. On Procedure accordion On the right side, the Procedure Order accordion displays the details of the test such as Procedure Name, Procedure Type indicator icons: (indicating Internal Procedure) and (indicating External Procedure), Procedure Order Number (if available), Procedure Status (if any), (Procedure) Performing Provider name, and the assigned ICD details available in the Assessment for that encounter (if any). Note: Order Number is displayed only if an Order has been generated; it will not be present if the Order number is yet to be generated. ICD link - on click the link invokes the popup, ICD Mapping (Assign ICDs) and through the popup it is possible to change the assigned ICDs – the link is available only when an Order is in the Entered state. Performing Provider - click the search iconto invoke Medics search. Schedule - The drop-down list is a combo of ‘Now’ option and ‘Future’ drop-down list as seen on the other accordions. – The ‘Now’ option when selected schedules the Order in the current moment. – The period options when selected schedules an appointment in a future time frame, it is either in days; or weeks; or months; and or a year. Search icon - to change the Performing Provider name displayed on the Procedure (only on Procedure with ‘Entered’ status or no status). [+] - click to add a new Performing Provider by entering the details.Note: The Medics search displays Providers of type, RD (Referring Provider); DR (Attending Provider); ZE (Organization Provider); ZR(Referring Organization) On Order tab Refer to Table 1 to understand the significance of Order statuses: Table 1:
On Lab/Radiology Order tab Refer to the 'See Also' at the end for more details on Lab and Radiology Order. On Consult Order tab Order details – displays the order details, the details are as entered in the Select tab. Only the Order By, Reason, ICD link, Order date fields in the section are editable. For Statuses and their significance refer to table 1. Refer to – the section displays details such as name, telephone number, address, email address (if available), n2n email address (if available). The link, Refer To when clicked invokes the Consult Provider’s search popup (displaying Providers of type, DR; RD; ZE; and ZR). The CC: link invokes Medics search popup with the categories of types such as Medics; Address Book; Others; Surescript. Consult tab – Editable fields are Subject (only if the status is Entered or Approved); Fax Coversheet option; Attach (only if the status is Entered or Approved); and the text editor. The working and functioning of the Consult tab is similar to the as the existing functionality of Letters-Out, the text area displays the Letter Template HTML associated to the Consult master. It is possible to edit the Letter body only if the status of the Order is Entered or Approved. The Attach icon, on click invokes Document List search to choose an attachment from. Response tab – the tab is enabled for Orders with status, Ordered. The Attachment button on the tab gives provision to attach Consult Report either from the Users computer or from the Document List. Consult Attach is available from three locations, - Menu: Messages à click Attach - Menu: Messages à click Scan - Menu: Messages à click Letters-In Note:
On Procedure Order tab The UI of Order tab consists of Order details on the top followed by provision to add results on three tabs namely, Procedural; Pre-Procedural; and Attachments. The Procedure Order gives provision to - Visit Patient’s past ICD; Face Sheet; Document List; and Doctor Form. - Copy from existing Procedures present in the Patient’s encounter. - Review results of Procedures done. - Assign optional CPT/HCPC - Enter Review comments for the results received
Preview of Procedure Order On Preview of Procedure Order (with statuses Entered/Approved/Ordered) the Procedure Order details is displayed followed by Pre-Procedural details. Preview of Procedure Result On Preview of Procedure Result (with status Result Received) the Procedure Order details is displayed followed by Attachments (if available) and then followed by Pre-Procedural details (if Print template available). Hint: - The templates used are the Procedure Order Template (as selected in the Procedure Master) and Pre-Procedural template (assigned in Clinic Forms); if print template of Procedure Order is not defined then system considers the default template for preview and print. If the print template of Pre-Procedural is not defined then the Pre-Procedural details are not displayed on preview and print. - No Fax or Email or Download options available for Internal Procedure. External Procedure Order The External Procedure Order screen is same as Letter-Out screen. The Attach icon on click invokes the Document List screen. Note: The External Order once ordered is removed from the Orders list. Action buttons Create Order: click to create order. Save: click to save any updated details. Reset: click to revert the unsaved changes. |
See Also: | |
Lab Order | |
Radiology Order |