Topics History of Present Illness Search:  
This is a summary of all Complaints reported by the Patient and its details. If no complaint is entered, on selecting this option a list of all complaints is poped up. The HPI screen then appears with all selected complaints.

Reason for Visit: If the Patient had a scheduled appointment then the complaint specified while scheduling the appointment is displayed. If the encounter was directly created from the start encounter option, the reason entered there appears here. This Reason for Visit can be modified.

Add Complaint:
The user may enter a complaint name. This gets auto completed. Alternately, the user may click on the button to invoke a search pop up to select applicable complaints. These complaints are defined under Settings > Configuration > Masters > Codes. In the definition there is a template and ICD Code also associated with it. The pop up also provides an option to add new complaints on the fly. (However no ICD Code gets assigned. And the assigned HPI template is the default one.)

If the test name entered could not be auto completed it can added as a new complaint.

Past ICD icon: Click to view a list of all Past ICDs associated to an encounter.

Copy icon: This icon is available at all times, but will be enabled only if Encounter is Live OR User has modify rights OR Save Button is disabled. Click on this to invoke a relevant search.
It will display a List of Encounters for the Patient with Complaint Names.
The Complaint, its associated Template and Tests will be copied, only if the selected Complaint was not present in the current encounter.

Complaints LIST:

Del: Check box to delete selected complaint.

Complaint: Name of complaint applicable. The default complaints that are defined in the Encounter Type screen are available on the HPI screen.


1) If an Encounter's type is changed then the default complaint list displaying on HPI will also change accordingly.
2) If an Encounter's type is changed after any updates to the original and default complaint list then the HPI screen would not only display complaints of the latest Encounter type but also the updated list of the first Encounter type.
Chief? Check Box: Mark as one or more selected complaints as Chief Complaints using the Check Box.


Click on any complaint in the table to make it current. The background changes to a different color. To the right a screen of elements appear corresponding to the template associated with the complaint and the tests applicable to the sex of the patient. The user can enter details for the elements listed.when the result type is 'master search' and its value is 'ICD', the ICD10 information is displayed in the tooltip.

Check Mark: A check mark appears before the Test name if any test is answered.

Elements: Displays all the Test names.

Result: Select or enter the required result for the respective test.

Abn: The checkbox is selected automatically if the Test's result is abnormal. A User can also select the checkbox explicilty, if required.

Remarks: Enter the remarks for the respective Test.

Notes: Notes can also be entered with more details about the complaint. Click on the Phrases icon to select from the list of pre defined Phrases and add them to the notes. The different types of Phrases used in PrognoCIS are displayed as per category. User can perform search based on the Category, phrase title and/or textual search or search based on keywords. User can insert a single or multiple phrases by selecting single or multiple checkboxes.

Grid Tests:

When the template contains Grid defined system then depending on the number of grids defined, the icons: are displayed enabled. Clicking on the icon, opens up a popup with matrix of selected tests and occurrences.

  See Also:
  Test Execution Grid Tests