Topics Consults Search:  
Introduction: A physician refers the Patient to a specialist for various reasons as a part of routine check-up. This depends on the age, gender and medical history of the Patient. When a specialist renders an advice or a professional opinion to the patient, followed by sending a report of findings to the physician or a Referring Provider, such exchange of opinions is called Consult.

There are two types of consult orders that can be created from PrognoCIS:
  • In-House Consult: When the specialist is associated with the clinic.
  • External Consult: When the specialist is associated with some outside clinic.
To add new Consult, click on the Add New button present on the Consults search popup, invoked on clicking the Settings → Configuration → Workflow → Consults or click on the Add button present on the top left corner, next to the search binocular icon on this screen.

Field Description:
  • *Name: Give appropriate name to a Consult while defining it. The name can be suggestive of the specialty or the purpose of that specific Consult. For example, Eye Examination or Progression of Cataract. This is the only mandatory field on the Consults Master screen. Enter upto 50 alphanumeric characters in the Name field is allowed. Special characters like #%^<>"& are not allowed in the field, if added, an error message, “Special Characters(#%^<>"&) are not allowed.” is displayed.
  • CPT/HCPC: This CPT/HCPC button is displayed beside the Name field. The button is disabled until the User adds value in the mandatory Name field,the button is then enabled.The tooltip of this button reads‘PreAuth CPT/HCPC’ . Clicking on this button invokes the Assign Codes CPT/HCPC popup for the User.
  • Gender: Select the applicable gender for the Consult that is being defined; accordingly the consult is then available either for Male or Female or for Both genders. By default, Both is the value selected on the gender dropdown.
  • Specialty: This drop-down displays a list of specialties. It is required that the Consult be referred to a Physician with the selected specialty.
    1. On changing a specialty, the list of preferred doctors changes.
    2. First value is selected by default from the Specialty drop down.
    3. The values in the drop down get displayed from the Settings →Configuration →Groups →Group Type →Non System →SP type
  • Pref Provider: A Consult Order is categorised as In-House or External on the transaction screen like TOC Consult, CPOE Consult and Order Sheet Consult tab, based on the Pref Provider selected in this field.
    On clicking the Search binocular next to this field, the Consult Provider search popup is invoked. It is a list of referring doctors with the specialty selected in the Specialty dropdown mentioned above. From this popup, a referring doctor can be selected as a default preferred provider for the Consult that is being defined.
    Consult Provider search displays Provider Types such as DR, RD, ZE and ZR. Based on these Provider Types, a Consult Order is marked as In-House or External while ordering the Consult. Here DR represents Pref Provider type for In-House Consults and RD, ZR and ZE represent Pref Provider type for External Consults. Please refer to the following table for more details regarding the Provider Types and the corresponding Consult Order types.

    Provider Type
    Consult Type
    Full Form
    1. DR
    2. RD
    Ref Doc (Referring Provider)
    3. ZE
    Org Provider (Provider Organizations)
    4. ZR
    Ref Org (Referring Organization)

    The User can change this preferred doctor on any transaction screens like TOC Consult, CPOE Consult and Order Sheet Consult tab.
  • Letter Template: Encounter Letter outs are generated on Progress Notes based Template. Select the default Template to be used while generating a Consult letter. The values in the drop down are getting displayed from Settings →Configuration →Output Templates →Letter.
  • SNOMED code for Order: On clicking the Search binocular next to this field invokes the SNOMED codes search popup for assigning it to the Consult Order. On ordering the respective Consult, associated codes are added on the Assessment screen.
  • SNOMED code for Report: On clicking the Search binocular next to this field invokes the SNOMED codes search popup for assigning it to the Consult Result. When a result is received for the respective Consult order then the associated code to the result is added on the Assessment screen. On clicking the Clear hyperlink, selected codes are removed.
  • Active: When this checkbox is checked, the Consult is marked as 'Active' else it is marked as 'Inactive'. The system considers only the active Consults for creating a Consult Order as part of Protocols.

Action buttons

save button: Clicking the save button either creates a new record or updates the changes in an existing record.
delete button: On clicking the delete button, a warning message, “Are you sure you want to delete this record?” is displayed. The warning message popup has the OK and Cancel buttons. On clicking the OK button, that Consult is deleted. On clicking the Cancel button, the User is navigated back on the existing Consults Master screen.
reset button: Clicking on the Reset button reverts the field values to the last saved changes.
See Also: Preferred Pharmacy (Patient and Clinic) | Prescriptions | Pharmacy Vendor Master