Topics | Pharmacy Vendor | Search: |
A new Pharmacy or details of the Pharmacy are added from this screen. A user
also has a provision to view the details of Pharmacy Vendor's contact person
from this screen. Fields Description: *Code: It is the code of Pharmacy vendor. *Name: It is the Name of Pharmacy. Address button: Click to enter or edit the address of Pharmacy vendor. The address entered in the Address popup is displayed in the next line's Address field. Address: Displays the Address of Pharmacy vendor that is entered in the Address popup (click on Address button). Regn. No: It is the registration number of Pharmacy vendor. Title: It is the title of the Contact person for respective Pharmacy vendor. For example: Mr., Ms., Mrs. etc. First Name: It is the first name of the Contact person for respective Pharmacy vendor. Middle Name: It is the middle name of the Contact person for respective Pharmacy vendor. Last Name: It is the Last name of the Contact person for respective Pharmacy vendor. Active: Select the checkbox to make the Pharmacy vendor as active. Action buttons: save: Click to save the details. delete: Click to delete the Pharmacy record. reset: Click to reset the Pharmacy details to its previously saved values. import: Click to import the required Pharmacy from the Surescripts Pharmacy list. Hint: If the Pharmacy vendor is Surescripts enabled then the message, "Sure Script Supported" is displayed on top of the screen.