Topics | Protocols | Search: |
Protocols define the tests that should be taken by patients on a periodic basis, based on their age, sex and the medical history. |
Field Description |
*Name: Name of the Protocol. Sex: Select applicable M / F / Both *Age: The range of age in years or months for which this Protocol is applicable. ICD Applicable Range: If the Protocol is applicable for all patients in the age group irrespective of their ailments then, do not select any ICD codes. If a specific Protocol needs to be defined for persons suffering from Cardiovascular problems or Hypertension, this can be defined by selecting a range of ICD codes for Cardiovascular problems and another range for Hypertension problems. Upto three such ranges of applicable ICD codes can be defined for a Protocol. Del: Check if required to delete. From - Upto: Select the desired applicable ICD range by clicking on the button. One value for From and second value for Upto, both inclusive. Note, if only one ICD is selected from the search pop up than the the same value is displayed in the Upto column also. Type: A Protocol consists of a set of Lab tests, Rad tests, Consults to other specialists,and Procedures. Select an appropriate type radio button so that tests belonging to that type can be selected on clicking the button on the next row. On selection of Lab type, the Lab tests defined in the Tests Master (under Lab Column) is displayed, on selection of the Rad type, the Radiology tests defined in the Radiology Tests Master (under Radiology column) is displayed, on selection of Consult type, all the consults defined in the Consults Master is displayed, and on selection of type, Procedures all the Procedures defined in the Procedures Master is displayed. Del: Check if required to delete. Type: The column displays the value from the search popup, apllicable to the selected test. Test / Consult name: Select the desired test by clicking on the button. Frequency: Enter a number for the desired frequency in number of Year, Month or Week. Unit: Select the required frequency unit in Year, Month or Week. Remarks: Remarks to be entered for referrence. Notes: When an encounter is created, the system considers the age of the patient on that day, sex and past medical history and finds out the Protocols applicable to him. It is likely that a test was applicable with a frequency of five years considering his age. Further, considering his medical history as per another Protocol the same test might be recommended every two years. The system considers the minimum frequency that becomes applicable. It also considers the date when the test was last done, and accordingly schedules a health reminder for that test. Action buttons save: a click on the save button either creates a new record if not existing or updates the changes in an existing record. delete: a click on the delete button invokes a prompt to confirm deletion of record. The system deletes the record if the ok button is clicked. reset: a click on reset button reverts the field values to the last saved changes. *Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. |
See Also: | |
Consults |