Topics Encounter Type Search:  
Introduction: A practice may have its own Encounter Type names which are defined from this Enocunter Type Master screen. It is possible to define any number of records with Type, Name, Duration, E&M, Appointment Color and Active, as applicable.


Type: Enter a unique code for encounter type. The code should consist of two characters.  This is mandatory without which the group information cannot be saved.

Note: Hardcoded Encounter type codes such as SR, RR, DB, FS, DE, and FZ are not allowed in the Type field.

Name: Enter an elaborate encounter type name that would appear in the list when taking an appointment.

Duration: Enter duration of the appointment in minutes. This can be changed, if required, when taking an appointment, in the Confirm popup.

Work Flow: Select the applicable default workflow from the list box for the encounter type. Medics can choose their own preferred workflow, if required, in the Medics master.

E & M: Select the appropriate E&M code set for the Encounter type. E&M code sets are defined under E&M Master screen and it includes the CPT codes for level 1 to 5 as applicable for the type of Patient being billed.

Follow Up: Select the follow-up days for follow-up to an Encounter type from the drop-down list from the Encounter Master. The selected Follow up value becomes the default Follow up value on the Assessment screen.

SNOMED code : Click on search button to add a SNOMED code. The SNOMED codes associated to type of service is considered for NQF Calculations
ICD tab:

Search By:

Code/Description: Select this option and Enter the either code or code description in the field.

SNOMED US: Select this option and enter a US SNOMED code directly in the 'Search' field to search for results

SNOMED Int'l: Select this option and enter a International SNOMED code directly in the 'Search' field to search for results

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Following is the column details of the list:

Code: The column displays the ICD9 Code

Description (US SNOMED) - The column displays the code description.

SNOMED Int'l - The column displays the International SNOMED code number

ICD 10 - The column displays the ICD 10 code number.


Search By:

Code/Description: Enter the either code or code description in the field.

SNOMED US: Select this option and enter a US SNOMED code directly in the 'Search' field to search for results

SNOMED Int'l: Select this option and enter a International SNOMED code directly in the 'Search' field to search for results

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Following is the column details of the list:

Code: The column displays the ICD9 Code

Type:The column displays the type of the code i.e. either CPT or HCPC or SNOMED.

Description (US SNOMED) - The column displays the code description.

SNOMED Int'l - The column displays the International SNOMED code number.

OK button : Click ok button add the selected code(s) and to close SNOMED popup.

Cancel button: Click Cancel button to close SNOMED popup.
Medicare: The option when selected ensures that the CPT/HCPC (mandatory) codes associated with the specialty template and marked as ‘Both’ and/or ‘Government ‘ is added to assessment or else if the option is not selected then all codes that are marked as ‘Both’ and/or ‘Non-Government’ is added to assessment.

MU Details

There are three options in this section, namely, Office Visit; Seen By Eligible Provider; and Exempt From Reporting. Consider the following conditions for them:

1. When a User selects the option of Office Visit and/or Seen by Eligible Provider then encounters of the selected encounter type are considered for Meaningful Use (MU) calculation.

2. When a User selects either of the options of Office Visit and Seen by Eligible Provider or both along with the third option of Exempt from MU Reporting then the option of Exempt from Reporting overrides the other options and encounters of the selected encounter type are not considered in MU calculation.

3. When a User selects the option, Exempt from MU Reporting then encounters of the selected encounter type are not considered in MU calculation.


Don't Bill No Show: Selecting this checkbox will not create penalty invoices automatically for the Patient with Visit Status as No Show.

Claim Type: Select the type of claim associated with an encounter type from the drop-down list. If the Clinic supports both EMR and Billing modules then the Normal - Professional option is displayed as default selection. However, if the Clinic supports only EMR module then the Claim Type field is not displayed at all.

Types Of Service: Select the respective type  from dropdown associated to an Encounter type.


Progress Note: Associate a specific Progress Note template to the encounter type.

Complaints: The Complaints selected from the list of complaints with ICD9 and ICD10 codes will be assigned as default complaint for that Encounter type.

Associate a specific procedure template of specialty to the encounter type.

TOC Options :

From this field, TOC options for Encounter and Review can be configured based on the Encounter type.
  1. Encounter: This button is used to customize the Encounter TOC options present on Patient Enocunter screen. If the Default checkbox is selected then the values mentioned in the property, will be displayed as selected by default on the Encounter TOC options popup. The user also has provision to set the sequence for those selected options by clicking on Move Up and Move Dn button.

  2. Review: This button is used to customize the Review TOC options present on Patient Enocunter screen. If the Default checkbox is selected then the values mentioned in the property, will be displayed as selected by default on the  TOC Review options popup. The user also has provision to set the sequence for those selected options by clicking on Move Up and Move Dn button.


  • In case, Hook is defined in the hook property, then the label of defined Hook also will be displayed in the TOC Options list.
  • A new property, has been added to consider Specialty Subtypes defined in the property, The values set in the property, will also be displayed in the TOC Options list on Encounter Type Master screen.
  • The Duration field under General section on Encounter Type Master screen should be non-zero to view the customized TOC on Patient Encounter screen.

Patient Portal

Available for appointment from portal: Select the checkbox to select the the encounter type from the portal while taking appointment.

Hide Visit Notes Report in Past Visits: Select the checkbox to hide the Report hyperlink (under Visit Notes column) for Progress Notes of the specific Encounter on Past Visits screen of Patient Portal.

Appointment Settings

Reset Health Status on Encounter Close: Select the checkbox to reset/not carried forward the Health Status selected on the Assessment screen and Encounter Close screen to the next encounter. Also, 'Not Applicable' is displayed as the default Health Status in the next encounter.


  • If the Health Status, 'Not Applicable' is inactive then it is made Active from the backend and set as the default status in the Health Status dropdown list.
  • If all the previous encounters are open or there are any zero duration encounters then the Health Status is set to 'Not Applicable' by default.
Multi Provider: For certain types of encounters involving procedures/surgeries more than one Doctor may need to be scheduled. For such cases keep this flag checked. If this flag is checked on scheduling an appointment the system prompts the user to also select supporting Doctors.

Appointment Color: Click on the color picker icon: to select the required color from the Color popup and set it for the appointments of that Encounter Type. The selected color is displayed before the color picker icon.

CellPhone Text Reminders for Appointments

From this section, custom Text reminder for Appointments specific to the respective Encounter type can be configured.

Default: This option sends out the default Text reminder message.

Custom: This option is used to send custom Text reminder message which is set in the text field. The character limit for this text field is 130. Click on [+] button to add relative tags in the message.

Exclude: This option will not send any Text reminder for the appointments with respective Encounter type.

Note: If any Encounter Type is excluded in the parameters of Text Reminder for Scheduled Appointments process then for that respective Encounter Type, the Text reminder message will not be sent even if the Default or Custom option is selected.

Active: An Encounter Type can be marked as inactive, so that it is no longer available for selection.
  See Also: