CPT stands for Current Procedure Terminology. These codes are used to indicate the Procedure required / provided to a patient. Procedure can be as simple as providing Consulting, giving an Injection, ordering a Lab Test to as complex as a Surgical Procedure.
Code : This is mandatory and is applicable only while adding new codes. Existing codes that are already imported cannot be changed. In such a case one needs to delete the record and create a new one.
User Name / Short Name / Full Name: It is mandatory to specify at least one of the three names given for the disease. The user name will be used to specify this CPT code in PrognoCis. Since the names are imported from the External CPT database the user is allowed to change the name according to his nomenclature.
Category : Enter the name of the category under which CPT is to be grouped.
User Category : The CPT can be grouped in user defined categories that can be achieved by either putting a new user category or selecting one from Auto Complete List. Each code can belong to a particular category. However this is optional.
Revenue Code : Select the revenue code to assign from the pick list. Revenue codes are three digit numbers used on hospital bills, indicating to the Insurance Company, either the patient's place of treatment or the type of items received by Patient as part of his or her treatment.
Cost : Indicative Cost for each CPT is also maintained for Reference.
The user may occasionally add a new code, or delete a redundant code. He can also flag a code as inactive, so that it does not get used in any subsequent Patient Encounter.
Also user may add a new code as a Child CPT code if he finds that existing CPT code is not adequate enough. For all child codes it is mandatory to select Parent CPT code. |