Topics Sort Criteria Search:  

Clicking on Sort icon invokes Sort Criteria popup displaying three fields Sort By,Then By and Then By. From the dropdown of the field user can select the column name for sorting. In front of the fields two radio buttons ‘Ascending’ and ‘Descending’ are present. The combination of selected column and radio button execute the sort function. 
User can select the column name from the dropdown for sort and then on click of button ‘ok’, screen gets auto refreshed and the column selected will be displayed on the UI.
When two contradictory options are mentioned for sorting data, then PrognoCIS considers the option mention in the first field and ignore the other one. For example: If user selects Claim Id in the first field with radio button Ascending checked and in the second field select DOS with radio button Descending checked, then this becomes a contradictory command. Hence, system will only consider the selection made in the first field and will ignore the selection made in the second field.       
Action Buttons:
button: Click the cancel button, to close the popup.

ok button: Click the ok button, to save the changes on popup.