Topics Patient Insurance Search:  
Introduction: When a Patient is registered at a clinic, along with his demographic details, the Insurance details are also captured. They are added on this screen. This screen is called the Patient Insurance Screen and is invoked from multiple places in PrognoCIS by clicking on the Umbrella icon. Entering Insurance details is an important part of patient registration. This information is mandatory and is required to identify the Insurances that the patient has subscribed to, in order to generate claims. It is advisable to build the Insurance master first from Settings → Configuration → Insurance screen before assigning Insurances to patients from this screen. A patient can have multiple active Insurances. They can be classified as Healthcare (that comprises Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Insurances) , WorkerComp, MotorAcc, PersonalAcc, Employer, DMERC or Attorney. PrognoCIS supports various automatic workflows where relevant Insurance is automatically associated with Encounters and Claims. Hence it is important to add correct details about Patient Insurances on this screen and to keep them up to date. Multiple Insurance companies can be classified as Healthcare Insurance but at one point of time only one Insurance can be Billed As Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Insurances. These are listed on the Left Pane of this screen.

Field Description:

Add icon: Clicking on this icon, ‘New Insurance For (Patient’s Last Name, Patient First Name)’ popup is invoked. Click on the ’Search’ icon provided next to the ‘Insurance’ field, select the preferred Insurance from the ‘Insurance Definition’ popup or add a new Insurance in the Master screen with the help of ’Add Insurance Company’ icon and click on ‘OK’ button. On clicking the ‘ADD BY OCR’ button a ‘Scan Card’ popup is invoked. The OCR scanner auto populates the details such as Subscriber Id, Group No., Group Name, Effective Date, Expiry Date, and scan Front and Back Images of Insurance Card on this popup which are then auto populated in the respective fields of the Patient Insurance screen. When a new Insurance is added from the Add icon, the details are displayed on the Middle Pane and only on click of save, the Insurance name and related details are displayed on the Left Pane. If the User clicks on the ‘Add icon’ again without saving the previously saved Insurance, a validation message, ‘There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save and proceed ?.’ is displayed.

Left Pane

All the Active and Non-Active Insurances of the Patient are listed on the Left side of the Patient Insurance screen. The first three spots in the list are occupied by Insurance selected as Billed As Primary, followed by Secondary and then Tertiary. The remaining Active Insurances not selected as Billed As Primary, Secondary or Tertiary follow suit. These Active Insurances are arranged alphabetically in ascending order of the Insurance Name.

The colors used to highlight Insurances displayed in the list are as follows:

Primary (P) - Green
Secondary (S) - Blue
Tertiary (T) - Orange
Inactive - Gray

Every Insurance in the list displays the Insurance Name, Classified As, Expiry and Type. The Expiry date of the Insurance can be kept blank. An Insurance which is marked as Inactive moves at the bottom of the list and gets greyed out. These Inactive Insurances are arranged alphabetically in ascending order of the Insurance Name.

Billed As

Primary: If only one Insurance is saved on the Patient Insurance screen then it can only be selected as Billed As Primary. For only one saved Insurance which is already selected as Billed As Primary, if the User selects the radio button for Secondary, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, the validation message, ‘Billed as cannot be set as Secondary without any Primary Insurance set.’ is displayed. For only one saved Insurance which is selected as Billed As Primary, if the User selects the radio button for Tertiary, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, the validation message, ‘Billed as cannot be set as Tertiary without any Secondary and Primary Insurance set.’ Multiple Insurances for a Patient cannot be selected as Billed As Primary. If the Patient Insurance screen already has an Insurance selected as Billed As Primary and the User selects the Billed As Primary radio button after adding a new Insurance then on click of ‘SAVE’ button, a message ‘XXXXX is already billed as Primary. Do you want to switch this insurance to Primary?’ is displayed. On clicking the OK button in the message, the Insurance marked as Billed As Primary automatically gets changed. On clicking the Cancel button in the message, the popup gets closed.

Secondary: Select the Insurance to be Billed as Secondary. Multiple Insurances for a Patient cannot be selected as Billed As Secondary. If the Patient Insurance screen already has an Insurance selected as Billed As Secondary and the User selects the Billed As Secondary radio button after adding a new Insurance then on click of ‘SAVE’ button, a message ‘XXXXX is already billed as Secondary. Do you want to switch this insurance to Secondary’ is displayed. On clicking the OK button in the message, the Insurance marked as Billed As Secondary automatically gets changed. On clicking the Cancel button in the message, the popup gets closed.

Tertiary: Select the Insurance to be Billed as Tertiary. Multiple Insurances for a Patient cannot be selected as Billed As Tertiary. If the Patient Insurance screen already has an Insurance selected as Billed As Tertiary and the User selects the Billed As Tertiary radio button after adding a new Insurance then on click of ‘SAVE’ button, a message ‘XXXXX is already billed as Tertiary. Do you want to switch this insurance to Tertiary?’ is displayed. On clicking the OK button in the message, the Insurance marked as Billed As Tertiary automatically gets changed. On clicking the Cancel button in the message, the popup gets closed.
Note: Only Insurances Classified As Healthcare or Attorney can be selected as Billed As Primary, Secondary or Tertiary whereas Insurances Classified as WorkerComp, MotorAcc or PersonalAcc can only be selected as Billed As Primary. An Insurance Classified as DMERC cannot be selected as Billed As Primary, Secondary or Tertiary. For an Insurance Classified As WorkerComp, if the User selects the radio buttons for Billed As Secondary or Tertiary, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, the validation message, ‘This insurance is classified as Worker’s Comp and hence billed as cannot be set to Secondary or Tertiary’ is displayed. For an Insurance Classified As MotorAcc, if the User selects the radio buttons for Billed As Secondary or Tertiary, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, the validation message, ‘This insurance is classified as MotorAcc and hence billed as cannot be set to Secondary or Tertiary’ is displayed. For an Insurance Classified As PersonalAcc, if the User selects the radio buttons for Billed As Secondary or Tertiary, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, the validation message, ‘This insurance is classified as PersonalAcc and hence billed as cannot be set to Secondary or Tertiary’ is displayed. For an Insurance Classified As DMERC, if the User selects the radio buttons for Billed As Primary, Secondary or Tertiary, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, the validation message, ‘This insurance is classified as DMERC and hence billed as cannot be set to Primary, Secondary or Tertiary.’ is displayed. On clicking the OK button in the validation message, a popup called ‘Billed As Validations’ is invoked in which all the Billed As Insurances of a patient are displayed. In this popup, the User can change the existing Billed As and Classified As values of the Insurance or clear the selections or mark one or more Insurances as Inactive. For an Inactive Insurance, if the User tries to select radio buttons for Billed As Primary, Secondary or Tertiary, on click of ‘SAVE’, a validation message, ‘This insurance is marked inactive and hence billed as cannot be set to Primary, Secondary or Tertiary.’ is displayed.


Insurance: This field is greyed out in appearance and displays the Insurance associated with the Patient or Subscriber which can be selected with the help of the Add icon. Address of the selected Insurance is displayed below this field after selecting an Insurance. Clicking on the ‘Insurance’ hyperlink, ‘Insurance’ popup is invoked. This popup gets invoked from the hyperlink only when the ‘Insurance’ field is not blank. Insurance details related to EDI, UB04 insurance, UB04 Rural Health Insurance and Paper Insurance are displayed on ‘Insurance’ popup. The User can edit any information on this popup if required. These changes are done on the Insurance Master and affect all the patients to whom this Insurance is associated and not just the selected patient.

*Policy No./Subscriber ID: This is a mandatory field where the User needs to add the Policy Number or Subscriber ID which is provided by the Insurance when Patient or Subscriber opts for an Insurance policy. All the information about the Subscriber and plan coverage can be fetched from the Insurance by providing them the Policy No. The Policy No. field has a character limit of 30. Alphanumeric and only certain special characters such as ~!@$*()_-+= are supported. A tooltip displays the Policy No. entered in the field.
  • As per the new MBI standards, the format of the Subscriber ID of Medicare Insurance must be: 0AA0-AA0-AA00, 11 characters in length, and made up of numbers 1-9 and letters from A to Z except for S, L, O, I, B and Z. The 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th place should be a number and the rest should be alphabets. There should be a dash present between 4th and 5th place and 7th and 8th place. It accepts both uppercase and lowercase alphabets. e.g. 1EG4-TE7-MK01.
  • If the Medicare Subscriber ID is not entered in this format, on clicking SAVE, an alert message is shown that says - Insurance Subscriber ID for Medicare does not meet new MBI standards. Please check and make necessary corrections if applicable.
  • This field can be made non-mandatory by turning the property insurance.policyno.mandatory OFF. By default, the property value is set to ON.
  • The label for this field can be changed by entering the preferred label name in the property insurance.policyno.label insurance.policyno.label.
Relation: Use the Relation dropdown to define the relation of the subscriber with the patient. If the policy is subscribed by the patient themself, the option Self can be selected. If the subscriber is the patient’s Spouse, Parent, Legal Guardian, Life Partner, Employer or Other (someone else), the User can select the appropriate option from the dropdown. The default value in this dropdown is Self. When an Employer Name has not been entered on the Patient Registration screen, ‘Employer None’ is the option displayed in the dropdown. On selecting ‘Employer None’ from the dropdown and clicking the ‘SAVE’ button, an alert message, ‘Employer Name not Selected on Patient Registration.’ is displayed.

Type: Select the Insurance Type from the standard list of Insurance Types displayed in this dropdown. The Insurance Type is mentioned on the Insurance Card. The first value from the dropdown is the default selection. If an Insurance Type associated with a patient’s Insurance is inactivated, its font is observed to be greyed out in the dropdown. However, if any field of the Patient Insurance screen is later edited, on clicking the ‘SAVE’ button, an alert message, ‘Insurance Type Inactive’, is displayed. An Insurance Type that has already been associated with a Patient cannot be deleted from the ‘Ins Types’ Master. A new Insurance Type can be added or an existing one inactivated from Settings → Configuration → Ins Types Master screen.

Classified As: This dropdown consists of the options - Healthcare, DMERC, MotorAcc, PersonalAcc, WorkerComp and Attorney.
  • Healthcare:
  • Healthcare comprises Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Insurances. Generally, if the patient is working and is covered by the Employer's health Insurance plan or has a private health Insurance plan where he is the primary beneficiary, it is called a Primary Insurance. If the patient is covered under an Insurance plan of a family member or a partner as an added beneficiary or the patient has another Insurance plan that offers slightly lesser benefits than the other plan he has, it becomes the Secondary Insurance. Besides the two major policies, if the patient has a third policy, it becomes the Tertiary Insurance.
  • DMERC:
  • DMERC stands for Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier. DMERC is a Subsidiary Insurance of Medicare which processes all claims for Durable Medical Equipment for patients with Medicare as Primary Insurance. For creating a DMERC claim, the User needs to: Classify the Insurance as DMERC by selecting the DMERC option from this dropdown. It can have any Claim Filing Code. DMERC Equipment CPT/HCPCS codes for which a separate claim needs to be created should have the DMERC checkbox checked on CPT /HCPCS Master Screen. Healthcare (Primary) Insurance of the patient needs to be Medicare where Insurance Claim Filing Code is selected as MB-Medicare Part B.
    Note: When above criteria are fulfilled, on close of Encounter, 2 claims are created: first claim with Primary as Medicare with all non DMERC marked CPT codes from Assessment and second with Primary Insurance as this Insurance Classified as DMERC and Assessment CPT/HCPC codes marked as DMERC on CPT/HCPC Master.
  • MotorAcc:
  • Insurance that specifically covers vehicular accidents injuries and treatments for patients. It gets automatically picked up as Encounter’s Primary based on Encounter Type logic. An Encounter Type can be created from the Enc Types Master with the Claim Type ‘Auto Accident - Professional’. If a patient comes with a Motor Vehicle i.e Auto Accident, select Encounter Type of the appointment as the Enc Type with Claim Type defined as ‘Auto Accident - Professional’. When the Encounter starts for the patient, the Patient Insurance Classified As MotorAcc automatically gets picked up as Encounter’s Primary Insurance and the same is carried forward to Claim on the Billing side.
    Note: No validation message is shown if this Insurance is associated as Primary Insurance for an Encounter where Encounter Type associated is other than Motor Accident.
  • PersonalAcc:
  • PersonalAcc: Insurance covering personal accidents, excluding work and motor accidents. It gets automatically picked up as Encounter’s Primary based on Encounter Type logic. An Encounter Type can be created from the Enc Types Master with the Claim Type ‘Other Accident - Professional’. If a patient comes with a Personal i.e Other Accident, select Encounter Type of the appointment as the Enc Type with Claim Type defined as ‘Other Accident - Professional’. When the Encounter starts for the patient, the Patient Insurance Classified As PersonalAcc automatically gets picked up as Encounter’s Primary Insurance and the same is carried forward to Claim on the Billing side.
    Note: No validation message is shown if this Insurance is associated as Primary Insurance for an Encounter where Encounter Type associated is other than Personal Accident.
  • WorkerComp:
  • Employer sponsored Insurance that provides medical and wage benefits to workers who get injured at work. In order to define a Worker Comp Insurance for a patient, the Employer name should be entered under Contact → Employer Details on the Patient Registration screen and Relation should be set to Employer on the Patient Insurance screen. On saving the changes, ‘Employer Name’ field is auto populated on the Patient Insurance screen. An Encounter Type for WorkerComp can be created through Settings → Configuration → Enc Types by assigning ‘Workers Comp - Professional’ Claim Type. Even if another Encounter Type is assigned to that patient, the system recognises it as WorkerComp while creating a claim. If the value in the Relation dropdown is other than Employer for an Insurance Classified As WorkerComp, on click of ‘SAVE’, a validation message, ‘Subscriber Relation must be Employer for Worker Comp.’ is displayed.
  • Attorney:
  • Attorney billing is controlled by a property which can be enabled by contacting the support team and creating a service request. PrognoCIS would enable the property for Users opting to use the workflow for Attorney Billing. On the Patient Registration screen, under ‘Billing Info.’ tab, the User can assign a Patient Attorney from the Attorney Master by clicking on the ’Search’ icon or add a new Attorney by clicking on the ’Add New’ icon. An entry in the Attorney Master is also added to the Insurance Master. On click of the ‘SAVE’ button, following changes are observed on the Patient Insurance screen-
    1. ‘Classified As’ is set to ‘Attorney’
    2. ‘Subscriber ID’ is auto populated as NA which can later be changed.
    3. ‘Relation’ is set to Self from the dropdown list.
    4. First value from the ‘Type’ dropdown is selected as the default value which can later be changed.
Note: When a Patient Attorney is added from the button, it gets registered in Attorney as well as Insurance Master. When the User tries to change ‘Classified As’ to a value other than Attorney for Attorney Insurance saved on the Patient Insurance screen, on click of ‘SAVE’ button, a validation message ‘Insurance Master is Mapped to Attorney, User cannot classify this Insurance other than ‘Attorney’' is displayed. When the User changes the Attorney from the Patient Registration screen, on editing the previously mapped Attorney and clicking the ‘SAVE’ button, a validation message ‘Patient Attorney is not the same as Attorney Mapped to Insurance Master’ is displayed.

Group No.: Enter the Group number provided by the Insurance in this field. Group Number is applicable only to employer sponsored health Insurance. Unemployed and self-employed individuals can also opt to form their group. In this situation, Insurances provide a group number, which is applicable to all dependents of the group.

Group Name: Enter the name of the Insurance group or plan defined for the patient's account.

Copay: Depending on the plan, a Patient might need to pay a CoPayment on every visit. This can be specified in terms of the actual amount, percentage or in a descriptive text format (e.g. One third of the Billed Amount). This Copay information is received from Eligibility details of the selected Insurance.
  • When the value ‘Text’ is selected from the dropdown, it accepts any Text upto 50 characters including special characters like $. Except for Special characters like # % & ∧ < →, all other special characters are accepted. There can be different Copays for different visit types like Office Visit and Procedures, etc. In such cases, the value ‘Text’ can be selected and Abbreviated entries of different Copays can be added. For Ex: OV$10PR$50RX$20.
  • When the value ‘Percentage’ is selected from the dropdown, it accepts only numeric values upto 50 digits. For ex: 10 added for the radio button ‘Percentage’ means 10% of Total Amount Billed. The percentage for Copay cannot be more than less than 0 and more than 100.
  • When the value ‘Amount’ is selected from the dropdown, it accepts only numeric values upto 50 digits. For ex: 10 added for the value selected as ‘Amount’ means $10 Copay has to be collected from the patient for each visit.
Note: The Copay entered here is displayed on the Copay screen while collecting Copay after marking the Patient Appointment as Arrived.

Deductible: Enter the amount that must be paid by the Patient before the Insurance starts paying for the policy period. This field supports alphanumeric and special characters. The Deductible amount counter gets reset every time a policy is renewed. This amount varies with every Insurance plan. There are different Deductibles applicable for different types of treatments. The latest information about Total Deductible applicable, Deductible met and deductible pending for the current policy period is available from Eligibility details. These details can be added in this field and referred to from the Copay screen while collecting the Copay and Deductible from the patient.

Effective From: Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format from which the Insurance policy became effective. A Calendar icon is provided beside the field to select the date. Effective From date specified for the Insurance associated to the Employer is autopopulated in this field when no Insurance is already added for the Patient on the 'Patient Insurance' popup. This field is not mandatory.

Upto: Enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format upto which the Insurance policy is effective. A Calendar icon is provided beside the field to select the date. If the date entered in this field is less than the date entered in the ‘Effective From’ field on clicking the ‘SAVE’ button, a validation message, ‘Effective Through date must be greater than from date’ is displayed in red font. Effective Upto date specified for the Insurance associated to the Employer is autopopulated in this field when no Insurance is already added for the Patient on the 'Patient Insurance' popup. This field is not mandatory.

Medicare Secondary Code: The Medicare Secondary Code dropdown gets enabled only on click of the ‘SAVE’ button on the Patient’s Insurance screen for a selected Insurance with Claim Filing Code selected as MB - Medicare Part B from the Insurance master. This dropdown remains disabled for selected Insurance that has any other Claim Filing Code selected. This dropdown is mandatory when enabled. On clicking the ‘SAVE’ button without selecting a value from this dropdown, a validation message, ‘Medicare Secondary Code is mandatory field’ is displayed. If the User changes the Claim Filing Code from MB - Medicare Part B to MB - Medicare Part A, on click of the ‘SAVE’ button, the value selected in the ‘Medicare Secondary Code’ dropdown is displayed in a greyed out manner.

Subscriber Details

When in Relation dropdown, the relation of the subscriber to the patient is selected as anything other than Self or Employer, this card gets enabled for the User to add the details. When the relation is Self or Employer, the area is greyed out as the demographic details of the patient as well as his employer are already added on the Patient Registration screen.

*First Name: Enter the first name of the subscriber. This is an alphanumeric field which does not support special characters and is mandatory if the subscription is not for Self or Employer. The character limit of this field is 50.

Middle Name: Enter the middle name of the subscriber. This is a non-mandatory alphanumeric field which does not support special characters which is enabled only when the subscription is not for Self or Employer. The character limit of this field is 50.

*Last Name: Enter the last name of the subscriber. This is an alphanumeric field which does not support special characters and is mandatory if the subscription is not for Self or Employer. The character limit of this field is 50.

*DOB: Enter the Date of Birth of the subscriber manually in the given field or select date from the Calendar icon beside the field. This field is mandatory if the subscription is not for Self or Employer. As per the date of birth entered or selected, if the subscriber is a minor on clicking the ‘SAVE’ button, a warning message, ‘Warning: Subscriber is a minor’ is displayed.

Sex: Select the Sex of the subscriber from the dropdown. If the sex of the subscriber is not selected then on clicking the ‘SAVE’ button, the default value selected from the dropdown is ‘Male’.

SSN: Enter the SSN (Social Security Number) of the subscriber. SSN is a nine-digit number that the U.S. government issues to all U.S. citizens and eligible U.S. residents. This is a non-mandatory field having XXX-XX-XXXX format.

Address...: Clicking on the Address button invokes ‘Address of Subscriber’ popup. The Patient’s address mentioned on the Patient Registration screen is auto populated in this popup. The User can later change the address in this popup. The changes made in this popup are not reflected back on the Patient Registration screen.

Same As Patient: Check the Same As Patient checkbox if the subscriber’s address is the same as that of the patient.

Employer Name: When the Patient has an Employer associated on the Patient Registration screen and the Relation dropdown of the Patient Insurance screen has ‘Employer’ as the selected value, then on click of ‘SAVE’ this field gets auto populated with the Employer Name. For an already saved Insurance, if the User later changes the Employer on the Patient Registration screen, the changes are not reflected on the Patient Insurance. User can change the Employer name from the Search icon. User can add a new Employer to the system and select the same through the Add New Employer icon and edit an existing Employer record selected in the field using the Edit hyperlink. Using the Clear hyperlink, the selected Employer gets removed.

Employment Status: Select the Employment status of the subscriber. This dropdown is enabled only when the Relation dropdown has values other than ‘Self’ or ‘Employer’ selected and saved. The first value from this dropdown is the default selection. The User can select the preferred value from the dropdown.


Plan Id: Enter the ID number of the plan signed up by the patient for the selected Insurance. Each person covered by a health insurance plan has a unique ID number that allows healthcare providers and their staff to verify coverage and arrange payment for services. It's also the number health insurers use to look up specific members and answer questions about claims and benefits.

Plan Name: Enter the name of the health plan offered by the Insurance. A plan acts as the overall financial coverage for the family and beneficiaries when the insured person is no longer around.

Group Employer Id: Enter the Group Employer Id. Each employer that purchases a health plan for its employees also has a number that identifies the specific benefits associated with an employer's plan.

Group Employer Name: Enter the name of the Group Employer. Group Employer refers to any commercial employer, association, labor union, trust or other commercial group of individuals or Persons that legally contract to provide health benefits on behalf of their eligible employees, members or beneficiaries.

Attorney: Clicking on the ’Attorney’ icon, ‘Attorney’ popup is invoked. On selecting an Attorney from the popup, the selection gets populated in the text field. Click on the ’Add Insurance Attorney’ icon to add a new Insurance Attorney in the ‘Attorney’ Master. The added Attorney is displayed in this field. Click on the Clear hyperlink to remove any entry from the field.

Adjuster: Clicking on the 'Insurance Adjuster’ icon, ‘Insurance Adjuster’ popup is invoked. On selecting an Insurance Adjuster from the popup, the selection gets populated in the text field. Click on the ’Add Insurance Adjuster’ icon to add a new Insurance Adjuster in the ‘Ins Adjuster’ Master. The added ‘Insurance Adjuster’ is displayed in this field. Click on the Clear hyperlink to remove any entry from the field.
  • This field is visible only when insurance.hide.adjuster property is turned OFF. When the property is ON, the Adjuster field is not displayed on the Patient Insurance screen. By default, the property value is ON.
  • This search is governed by the property search.mstinsadjuster.table. The same search can be invoked from Claims → Edit claims → Umbrella Icon (Patient Insurance) Adjuster and Settings → Configuration → Insurance Adjuster.
  • Once an Insurance Adjuster associated with an Insurance is linked with an Encounter and has been used for generating claims, the Insurance Adjuster cannot be deleted from the Insurance Adjuster master screen. If tried to delete, a warning message “Cannot delete. Adjuster Referenced in both patient insurance and billing head.” is displayed.
Hospital Certification: Check the Hospital Certification checkbox if Pre-Certification is required. If a patient is required to be admitted in a hospital then depending on this flag the doctor seeks prior consent from the Insurance.

Need Referral: Check the Need Referral checkbox, to give reminder that the patient needs referral, to the one entering the details of the patient.

Notes: Clicking on the Notes button, ‘Patient Insurance Notes’ popup is invoked. Enter notes related to Patient’s Insurance in the provided text box.

External Id: This ID is for importing Patient Insurance records. The field gets auto populated if the selected Insurance is added from an external application through interface or an import process.

Mark Inactive / Expired : Check the Mark Inactive/Expired checkbox and save the changes to mark the selected Insurance as inactive or expired. If a User checks this checkbox for an Insurance Billed as Primary, the message, ‘To inactivate this insurance, please update another insurance to be billed as Primary’ is displayed.

Right Pane

History: Clicking this icon, ‘Patient Insurance History’ popup is invoked. This popup displays the history of the Insurance record in a table provided with 3 columns, Modified By, Date and Modified Notes. When no Insurance is saved for a Patient, on clicking this icon, the message displayed reads, ‘No history to display’.

Eligibility: Clicking on the Eligibility button, a popup to check the Eligibility of selected Insurance is invoked. When the User clicks this button, the system checks if an Eligibility was fetched for the current date. If an Eligibility was fetched for the current date then the latest response fetched is displayed, if the Eligibility was not fetched for the current date, the system first fetches the latest response and then displays it. Each response fetched is displayed in the list box with the Date, Time and Timezone. In case, the Eligibility was fetched for the current date, however the User wants to fetch Eligibility again, the User can click on the Fetch Eligibility icon provided on the top left corner of the popup to fetch the response again.

Pre Auth: Clicking on the Pre Auth button, ‘Insurance PreAuthorizations’ popup is invoked. Prior authorization is a utilization management process used by some health insurance companies to determine if they will cover a prescribed procedure, service, or medication. When no Insurance record is saved for a patient then on click of ‘Pre Auth’ button a validation message, ‘Please save Patient Insurance record first.’ is displayed. The PreAuths for Patient Insurance are saved systematically in a tabular form in the ‘Insurance PreAuthorizations’ popup. After entering single or multiple Pre Auths in this popup and saving the changes on the Patient Insurance screen, a tick is displayed on the Pre Auth button that suggests that this Insurance for the patient has Pre Auth/s entered.

Card Scan: Clicking the Card Scan button, ‘Scan Card’ popup is invoked. The User can scan the Front and Back images of the Insurance Card. After scanning a card, the details on the card are automatically fetched. The OCR scanner captures details such as Subscriber Id, Group No.,Group Name, Effective Date, Expire Date on this popup. Depending upon the selection of the option (Insurance details, Front Image, or Back Image), the respective details are updated and displayed on the Insurance popup.

Front: Attach Image / Capture Image / Detach Image: Clicking the Attach Image/Capture Image/Detach Image icon invokes a dropdown with Attach Image, Capture Image, Detach Image options. On clicking the Attach Image option, a popup to attach image is invoked and the User can attach an image of the Front side of a card. Recommended file formats for attachment are GIF, JPEG, JPG, BMP and PNG. On clicking the Capture Image option, the User can capture the Front image of the Card. If a Camera is not connected, an alert message, ‘No camera found. Please connect the camera and try again.’ is displayed. On clicking the Detach Image option, the User gets a message, ‘Do you really want to remove the photo?’. On clicking the ‘OK’ button another message, ‘The File is Detached.’ is displayed.
Note: The Detach Image option is available only when the image is attached.

Rotate: Click on the Rotate icon to rotate the Front image of the card. Clicking on the downward arrow of this icon invokes a dropdown with the options Rotate Right 90°, Rotate Left 90° and Rotate 180°. The User can rotate the Front image of the card to the selected extent.

Print: Click on the Print icon to invoke a popup to print the Front image of the card. This icon is enabled only after attaching an Image and saving the screen.

Back: Attach Image / Capture Image / Detach Image: Clicking the Attach Image/Capture Image/Detach Image icon invokes a dropdown with Attach Image, Capture Image, Detach Image options. On clicking the Attach Image option, a popup to attach images is invoked and the User can attach an image of the Back side of a card. Recommended file formats for attachment are GIF, JPEG, JPG, BMP and PNG. On clicking the Capture Image option, the User can capture the Back image of the Card. If a Camera is not connected, an alert message, ‘No camera found. Please connect the camera and try again.’ is displayed. On clicking the Detach Image option, the User gets a message, ‘Do you really want to remove the photo?’. On clicking the ‘OK’ button another message, ‘The File is Detached.’ is displayed.
Note: The Detach Image option is available only when the image is attached.

Rotate: Click on the Rotate icon to rotate the Back image of the card. Clicking on the downward arrow of this icon invokes a dropdown with the options Rotate Right 90°, Rotate Left 90° and Rotate 180°. The User can rotate the Back image of the card to the selected extent.

Print: Click on the Print icon to invoke a popup to print the Back image of the card. This icon is enabled only after attaching an Image and saving the screen.

Action Buttons

Close: Click on the close button to close the Patient Insurance popup.

Delete: Clicking on the delete button gives a message, ‘Are you sure you want to delete this insurance?.’ Either click on OK to delete the Insurance or CANCEL to avoid deleting the Insurance. If an Insurance has been used in Encounter, Claims or Orders, on click of OK provided in the validation message, ‘Cannot delete. Insurance Used in Encounter / Claims / Lab Order.’ is displayed in red bold font. If the User tries to delete an Insurance Billed as Primary, the validation message, ‘To delete this record, please update another insurance to be billed as Primary.’ is displayed.

Reset: Click on the reset button to reset changes on this screen.

Save: Click on the save button to save the changes on the screen. When a User is able to save changes successfully, ‘Save Successful.’ message is displayed in green bold font.
Note: On the Employer Master screen, the User can associate Insurance and Insurance Policy to a selected Employer under the Insurance Details section. The Employer can then be selected for a Patient on the Patient Registration screen in the Employer Details section under the Contact tab. When a Patient has no Insurances saved, on navigating to the Patient Insurance screen by clicking the Insurance umbrella icon, the Insurance and Insurance Policy associated to that Employer are auto populated in the Insurance and Subscriber ID fields respectively. For such an Insurance, the Type dropdown has the first value selected by default, the Relation dropdown has Self and Classified As dropdown has Healthcare as the default values selected. The User can make changes or directly click on the ‘SAVE’ button. On click of the ‘SAVE’ button, the Insurance automatically selects Billed As radio button for Primary. When a selected Employer does not have Insurance and Insurance Policy associated on the Employer Master screen, the Insurance and Subscriber ID fields on the Patient Insurance screen are blank.