Introduction: The Homepage is the first screen that a User is directed to on logging in to PrognoCIS.
The PrognoCIS EMR Homepage currently has the following primary sections:
- A table listing
- Appointments
- Open Encounters
There are certain standard navigations and menu icons for easier navigation for a selected Patient’s Appointments and Encounters:
Clinic Name and Clinic Logo:The logged in User's Clinic name and banner is displayed above the main menu.
This is dependant on the property, which when set to 'Y' will not display the Clinic name on the banner and when set to 'N' or left blank displays both Clinic name and Clinic logo.
Profile icon: Clicking on this icon displays the logged in User's Name and Last Log In details.
Patient Bubble icon:This icon is displayed only on the EMR side of PrognoCIS and is only displayed when a Provider logs into PrognoCIS.The icon displays the total count of patients with the statuses marked as Arrived, With Clinical Staff, With Doc, Ready for Doc, Ready for Clinical Staff, Ready for Checkout, Ready for Review, With MA, Ready for MA, and Checked Out.
The value in the icon is refreshed every 60 seconds. The maximum number supported inside the Patient Bubble icon is 99.
- Visit Prep Encounter counts are not considered in the Patient Bubble icon.
- Zero Duration appointments are not considered in the total count of the appointments in the Patient Bubble icon.
- CCM appointments are not part of the homepage. CCM has a separate homepage and hence they are not considered in the Patient Bubble icon count.
Pending LAB Review icon: This icon is displayed for Provider Login into PrognoCIS. Clicking on this bubble redirected the User to the Lab Review screen. The value set in the admin level property prognocis.bubble.count.2breviewed under Properties Master screen, decides which count should be displayed on the Lab Bubbles. When the value of the property is set to On, then the Lab Bubble displays the actual count of Labs/Radiology to be Reviewed. If the property value is set as Off , then the bubble count displays the number of Notifications received. By default, the property is set to Off.
When the property is set to On, if a Provider navigates to the Lab Review screen, reviews the required Lab Order, then as soon as the screen refreshes the
Bubble count gets updated according to the count of Lab Orders to be reviewed.
Pending RAD Review icon: This icon is displayed for Provider Login into PrognoCIS. Clicking on this bubble redirected the User to the Radiology Review screen.The value set in the admin level property prognocis.bubble.count.2breviewed under Properties Master screen, decides which count should be displayed on the Radiology Bubbles. When the value of the property is set to On, then the Radiology Bubble displays the actual count of Radiology to be Reviewed. If the property value is set as Off , then the bubble count displays the number of Notifications received. By default, the property is set to Off.
When the property is set to On, if a Provider navigates to the Radiology Review screen, reviews the required Lab Order, then as soon as the screen refreshes the Bubble count gets updated according to the count of Radiology Orders to be reviewed.
- If there are no UNREAD notification, then 0 is shown in the bubbles.
- In case notifications are in 3 digits then it is displayed as 99+.
Click on the Back arrow to view the previous visited page. The system keeps track of previous 20 pages.
Forward: Click on the Forward arrow to view the next page visited.
This is applicable only if the User has clicked on the Back arrow to move to previous pages and now wants to move forward from the backed pages.
Consider a user has visited 6 pages in PrognoCIS.
The user then traverses back 4 pages.
The user can click on Forward arrow to come back, however if they visit a page by selecting a menu option, the visited pages list, corresponding to forward will be cleared.
The history will hold only two pages plus current page and the Forward arrow will be disabled.
Home Icon: The User can navigate to the Homepage by clicking on the Home icon throughout PrognoCIS.
Hover the mouse over the main menu tabs on the screen:Appointments, Patient, CPOE, Messages, Report, and Settings to see the sub menu options on the following line.
Click on the sub menu option to invoke the desired screen.
Depending on the assigned User Rights, some of the options might be disabled, denying access to the user.
New: It facilitates the user to invoke help page for the latest features released/to be released.
It acts as a newsletter for displaying all vital information of the newly added features and updates related to PrognoCIS.
This icon is based on an admin level property home.newver.notes.days.
Dashboard: Dashboard helps to view graphical representation of transaction related data.
There are nine sets of cells on the Dashboard screen.
Population Health:
This Population Health icon is displayed on the PrognoCIS Home page for all types of users except Biller and Office Staff.
On clicking this icon, a Population Health Dashboard popup is displayed which prompts the user to select a Provider from the Select Provider dropdown.
The Providers displayed in this dropdown are those Providers which have registered with Population Health for their services.
By default, ALL is selected in the dropdown.
After selecting a Provider from the Select Provider dropdown and clicking on the OK button on this popup, the user is navigated to the acPopulationHealth popup.
Clinics and Providers which have registered with Population Health for eCQM individual/group reporting services can review eCQM data and progress of chosen eCQM measures and generate QRDA reports from this popup.
Note that:
- On selecting a Provider from the Select Provider dropdown and clicking on the OK button, the selected Provider’s name is auto populated in the Provider field on the Patient View tab of acPopulationHealth popup.
This selection is greyed out and cannot be changed.
- On selecting ALL from the Select Provider dropdown and clicking on the OK button, the Provider field on the Patient View tab of acPopulationHealth popup is displayed as blank.
A user can then manually select a Provider from this field.
Switch to Billing: Helps User to toggle between EMR and Billing screens (this icon is displayed only if Billing Module is enabled for the respective Clinic).
Take Appointment: Opens Appointment Schedule popup and enables User to schedule an appointment instantaneously.
Select Patient: Allows selection of Patient Name and further directs user to Patient Encounter screen.
Current Encounter: Directs User to the Current Encounter screen.
Inbox: User can view messages received by clicking this icon. It can also be accessed by clicking Messages→In. Total number of unread messages is displayed in upper-left corner of the popup for respective logged in User followed with different categories as shown below:
All | Urgent: (0) | Alert: (0) | Notification: (0) | To Do: (0) | Telephone: (0)
The number displayed in brackets represents the number of unread messages of that Type.Yellow envelope indicates that new message(s) has been received since User last visited Inbox. (Irrespective of how user accessed Inbox. i.e. from Messages In menu or from above icon).
When the user clicks on the Inbox icon, a new popup appears. It displays the latest 10 messages. (Irrespective of the read or unread message status).
Unread and Read messages are displayed in two different backgrounds. Light blue background color is displayed for Unread messages and white background for Read messages.
On clicking and invoking the Inbox popup, yellow envelope icon: changes to white envelope icon:
On clicking any of the messages from this list another pop for this message is opened allowing user to read and take appropriate actions. Go to Inbox button directs User to current Message Inbox.
Resource Center: Client Resource Center is a convenient source of user-oriented and technical documentation to assist all users of PrognoCIS with all features related to system. Conveniently presented in categories such as User Quick Guides, FAQ, Training Videos, and Submit a Ticket, the Client Resource Center gives the users a one-stop experience to get the answers.
Help: It displays the entire list of HTML Help documentation in an alphabetic and categorical manner.
Info: Displays license information. While reporting problems to tech support, specify the PrognoCIS Version, the SP (Service Pack) Number and Build Number, to help them serve you better.
Lock Screen: To lock the currently open screen, in case the user needs a break before resuming. It is advisable to close all pop-up windows that are open. On clicking this icon, a PrognoCIS screensaver with an image of a Key appears. All menu options are locked. The User must re-enter the password to unlock the screen. In this way the privacy / confidentiality of data is retained.
- User doesn't receive any prompts for incorrect password entry.
- Once the screen is locked, all attempts to close the screen from the top right cross button of the window or from Close option or pressing Alt+F4 will fail.
- It is possible to Logout (in the locked state) by clicking on the button: LOGOUT this action safely logs the user out of the application.
Logout: On clicking the Logout icon the user gets logged out from the system.
The Appointments Tab on EMR Home screen contains columns such as Visit Time, Visit Type, Provider, Location, Patient, etc. Columns displayed over here can be managed as explained in Manage Column
- When the value Homepage (EMR and Billing) is set in the prognocis.display.locationbrfname.forscreens property,on the Visit Location column of Manage Columns the system displays the location's Brief Name instead of the Complete Name on the below mentioned sections of the Home screen.
- EMR Home screen →Appointments tab →Visit Location
- EMR Home screen →Appointments tab →Filter icon →Appointments Filter popup →Location
- EMR Home screen → Open Encounters tab →Visit Location
Vertical Ellipses(Three-dotted icon): A new three dotted icon is added in patient field which displays Patient’s Icon panel. When User hovers the mouse over three dotted icons, different options which conveys more information about that Patient is displayed. The three dotted icon will be displayed only if the value in property"" is set to ‘R – Row Level’. If the value of this property is set to ‘C - Classic’ then all icons are displayed in the Classic format.
The options available are:
Start Visit Prep: If the value in the prognocis.visitprep.applicable property is set to On , this functionality is available to the User to start a visit prep encounter for a patient. By default, the value in the property is set to Off .
On clicking the Start Visit Prep option, the system starts a new Visit Prep Encounter, the Visit Status remains as Scheduled or Tentative. The Start Visit Prep option is only enabled for Visit Status that is Scheduled or Tentative.
The Visit Prep Appointment row on the Home screen is displayed in a pink band.
Mark Arrived: Clicking this icon, Patient is marked Arrived explicitly by person at Reception (or any Clinic Staff). This can also be done from the Appointment tab.
Note: When the appointment associated with last preauthorization visit is marked as ‘Arrived' then an alert, “This is the last pre-auth visit for Pre-Auth numberassociated to this appointment” is displayed.
Workflow: Patient Workflow popup is invoked on clicking this icon. Change in Appointment status can be done from this popup.
Send Text: The Send Text option allows users to quickly send text messages to patients. Clicking on this icon opens a popup titled Send Text for (Patient Name). The popup has two main sections:
- Text History: A display box showing previous text messages sent to the patient, including the message, sender, and date/time.
- Send Text Message: A text field where users compose a new message (character limit of 130 characters, including special characters).
Users can send the composed message by clicking the send icon. The message is sent instantly, and the popup remains open. The new message is added to the Text History section. Users can close the popup by clicking on the Close button. If the user clicks the Send button without typing a message, an alert is displayed that reads "Add a message to send the text" along with an "OK" button. The property text.message.vendor determines the vendor used to send the text message.
The Send Text Message field on the Send Text for (Patient Name) popup is enabled only when the following conditions are met:
- The patient’s cell phone number is populated in the Cell Phone field.
- The Allow text messages on cellphone checkbox is checked in the Address section of the Patient Registration screen.
If either the cell phone number is missing or the checkbox is unchecked, the Send Text Message field will be disabled and greyed out. Additionally, a red alert icon will appear on the send button. The following alert messages will appear in red at the top center of the popup if specific conditions are not met:
- Text Reminder Services are not enabled.
- Missing Patient Cell number.
- "Allow Text Message on Cell phone" is not checked.
Patient Details: Clicking on the icon allows you to enter patient information details. Entering valid Patient details is a mandatory part of Patient Registration. Clicking this icon ‘Patient Information’ popup is invoked displaying Patient details which also allow User to update respective Patient’s details.
Insurance Details: Clicking this icon allows entering respective Patient’s Insurance Policy details. Entering Insurance details is an important part of patient registration. This information is needed to identify insurance policies that patients have subscribed to. In case of multiple policies, they are identified as Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Insurance.
Note:This icon is not highlighted with Red when Patient has an ‘Active’Insurance present for selected patient.
Patient Alert: Clicking on this icon, User can add new Patient alerts and display them. Front office personnel generally use it while scheduling appointments. It can be viewed from Encounter and Billing screen as well. In Patient alert users can also define date range that is Effective From date and Upto Date details for alerts. Delete option allows the user to delete an alert.
Patient Notes: User can click on this icon to write ad hoc notes and add it to respective Patient's Medical Record. This screen populates current encounter Patient name by default. User can edit / select any other Patient if required. The notes are flagged as added by the logged in User. Notes can be deleted by Sender or All Docs as per properties. A Note can be deleted within specified number of days (in properties) only.
CoPay Details: Clicking on the icon invokes the Copayment actually / collected made by the Patient from EMR side.
Progress Notes: Click on this icon to create My Notes as Blank OR from selected Default Tab Progress Notes template OR from Other Template. Select one of the three options and click OK. The selected option notes are created and displayed in the My Notes tab.
Check Out Docs: Click on this icon to view list of documents to be printed in respective Patient’s encounter.
Patient Appointment History: Click on this icon to invoke the Appointment History popup which displays information about a Patient’s previous appointments such as the date, time and status of the appointment, the Provider who scheduled the Appointment, etc.
Legal: User can view all legal documents for the selected Patient from this icon. This icon is enabled after the Patient record is saved. A patient needs to sign a number of documents that:
- Authorize the doctor to physically examine his body
- Indentify the doctor against any advice or procedure
- Authorize the practice to charge him personally in case the insurance company rejects a claim.
A practice can have similar or more legal documents which must be defined in the Group Master (System Groups). The Code indicates the primary file name of the legal document. The extension is assumed to be "doc". The file name starts with 'W' if any witness is required for signing the document. The purpose of this option is to list all documents signed by the patient. The signed documents are physically stored in the practice.
EMR Home Page also lists All Open Encounters in Second Tab. User can now Sort (ascending/descending order) at individual columns level. If the column is Sorted, ↓ or ↑ arrow will be shown next to the label of the column as shown below. These filters and sort settings will be saved at individual User level. The list of Open Encounters for the logged in Provider are shown chronologically. The Open Encounter Tab displays Date of Encounter, Patient Name, Reason for Visit, Attending Provider, Visit Type, Visit Status, and Comments. Provider can click on the Patient name (hyperlink) to navigate to Patient Encounter screen.
The comments field is hyperlinked to take user to edit Appointment Status. Users are expected to enter comments while the encounter has been kept open.
Note: RR (Refill Request) Encounter does not have any Appointments, hence this field will be blank and there will be No hyperlink.
Filters: The Filter option is used to filter the search based on four parameters- Provider, Visit Type, Visit Status and Location. For Multi-Location Clinic, three parameters will be displayed - Provider, Visit Type and Visit Status. Checkbox is provided on each of the parameters to check the required details. By default, all the Checkboxes would be checked displaying all the result. If filter is applied then the icon will show a green dot . Green dot will not get displayed when all the checkboxes are checked. Once values are checked, then on clicking the APPLY button respective details are populated according to the Filters applied on home screen. RESET button resets the last saved changes.
Note:Selected "Filters" settings are saved at individual User level as well as respective tab level (i.e. User can select filters differently for Appointment and Open Encounters tabs).
Manage Columns:
Manage Columns is an additional filter which enables the user to select required columns. User can customize the columns and analyze details on the home screen. After clicking on the Manage Columns icon, a selection box will be displayed which has two columns- Available Columns and Selected Columns. Available Columns are the total available columns from where User can select columns to be displayed on Appointments/Open Encounters tab.
Simply click on arrow buttons →,←,to move it either side. On clicking right arrow →, respective column name is added to Selected Columns. After selecting the preferred columns, clicking APPLY button saves the changes made and the same is reflected in the Appointments/Open Encounters tab. After Selecting the required Columns, click on the APPLY button and all the selected columns will be displayed. RESET button will reset the last saved changes.
- ’Manage Columns’ settings are saved at individual User level as well as respective tab level (i.e. User can select columns to display differently in Appointment and Open Encounters tabs).
- User can set Column Width on Home screen itself by moving the individual column sizing line. Also, position of the column can be changed using drag and drop.
Clinical Forms:
Invoke Clinical Forms by clicking on the Clinical Forms hyperlink. The popup consists of the left panel which has a list of patients’ names and the right panel under which the user can select respective forms and their data are displayed. The data on Clinical Forms get pulled from the patient encounterMasterDoc forms. The data displayed is based on the live/ current encounter of the day. If a patient is marked as arrived and the patient clinical form is accepted or saved, it then gets displayed in the clinical form popup.
Dashboard icon:
Dashboard in PrognoCIS offers an easiest way to keep track of Practice's
performance. The Dashboard icon is placed next to Home screen’s Help icon and invokes a popup which displays individual cells presenting a Graph/Gauge/Tabular Report/Billing Report showing Key Metrics in reference Practice's day to day Operations.
Help: Clicking on the help icon invokes the help for the HomePage screen.
Calendar field: Clicking on the Calendar icon displays dates from the year 2001 until the year 2023.
Today Calendar Icon: Clicking on the Today
Calendar icon displays the list of Appointments for the current date for the logged in User in chronological order.
Total Patient/s Arrived / Total Patient/s Appointment: Clicking on this field displays the total number of patients that have arrived for their appointments, it also displays the total number of patient appointments present for the Provider for the current date.
Patient Search:The Patient Search option provides a way to search for appointments or open encounters for a specific patient. Based on the filters applied for the Appointments and Open Encounters tabs, patient search offers the ability to search among the filtered parameters for appointments or open encounters of a specific patient.
The Patient Search field auto-suggests patient names when typing directly into the field and allows searching from the Patient List popup by clicking on the Search for a Patient icon. It also includes the option to clear the search through the Clear hyperlink. The patient search field displays a watermark, Patient Search, which disappears when anything is typed in the field or selected from the patient search. Clicking the Clear hyperlink brings the watermark back.
Note: In cases where multiple records are fetched by the patient search, the search field with the patient name remains visible even when the user clicks on pagination to visit subsequent pages for the searched records.
Show Telemedicine Appointments Only: Click on the Show Telemedicine Appointments Only checkbox to view the number of telemedicine appointments present for the logged in User for the current date.
Pagination: The user is able to navigate to any required page by simply entering respective page number in small textbox as shown below.
Also, the First page and Last page buttons have been added in the Pagination itself enabling User to navigate to the respective pages on a single click.