Topics Tests Graph Search:  
This is an option to analyze graphically the occurrence of positive test results i.e. those flagged as abnormal in the test results. This is a clinic level analysis. The total data, which needs to be mined, is large. Hence it is necessary to filter the data effectively to present any analysis. The form helps to achieve this objective in a simple fashion.

Gr. Title: Name for the Graph.

Gr. Type: User can choose between different types of graphs.

X-Axis: This could be Day / Week / Month wise statistics.

  • No of Patients undertaking a test
  • No of Patients who tested positive for a test
  • % of Patients testing positive for a test
Date: Consider encounter data within range of selected dates.

Age: For a proper demographic analysis, select the required Age group.

Sex: For a proper demographic analysis, select the required genders.

ICD Code: The analysis could be restricted to encounters involving a specified range of ICD Codes. This will be applicable only if these ICDs were selected in the encounters.

Doc: By default data of all Doctors are selected. OR the user is allowed to select only one doc from the list box.

Test Type:
  • Lab Tests
  • Vitals
  • Physical
  • Radiology
Tests: Click on the button to select a test from the list. It will show test of the selected list type only. It further ensures that only tests which have integer values with specified Range are selected. This way the system can flag the result as +ve (Abnormal) if it is out of range.

show graph button:
This will generate graph with the selected options. Some examples can be:
  • No of Patients taking the Eliza test Month wise
  • Week wise No of Patients testing Positive
  • Weekly % of Patients testing Positive (Showing trend in spread of a disease)
reset button : Click on the button to reset the values to the previously saved values.