Topics Frequently Asked Questions Search:  
  1. I have 10 types of encounters. What steps do I take to get started?
    To add a new encounter please follow following steps:
    • Identify the encounters, which you would like to add, give them a logical name and two-character code to each of them.
    • Go to Settings > Configuration > Masters > Clinic > Enc Type and add an Encounter Type.
    • Type – Encounter Type Code. Example : OV
    • Name – Encounter Type Name. Example : Office Visit
    • Duration – Duration for Visit corresponding to Encounter Type. Example : 15
    • E & M – E & M type corresponding to Encounter Type. This list of E&M types defines the requirements and corresponding CPTS for upto 5 levels of services. This list is hard coded and cannot be changed by the user. (Contact Support if this list needs to be changed / extended / deleted).
    • Appointment Color – Select color to be displayed for Encounter Type.
    One more setting in Settings > Configuration > Properties is encounter.default_type. Set this to one of the defined encounter type (inclusive of already existing encounter types).There must be one encounter type with code as RR and name as Refill Request.
  2. What data is copied in a new encounter? Can I configure what is copied? How?
    A. Fields that get set automatically and cannot be customized.
    1. Encounter Date
    2. Encounter Type –
      If created from Appointments = Selected Visit Type.
      If from Start Encounter Link = encounter.default_type
      If from Approve Refill menu = “RR”
    3. Reason for Visit –
      If created from Appointments = Reason for Visit
      If from Start Encounter Link = Reason
    4. Attending doctor conditionally (as explained in the next answer)
    5. Referring doctor
      Previous Encounter Referring Doctor if present
      Else Patient Referring Doctor if present
    6. The billable flag – By default all encounters are set to billable with the exception of RR or any other similar encounter type with duration 0.
    7. Visit date and time as system clock date time
    8. No known Drug Allergies Flag from previous patient encounter
    9. PMH notes from previous patient encounter
      Current Medication Notes from previous patient encounter
    10. Personal Notes from previous patient encounter
    11. Encounter Template Id from previous patient encounter
    12. The Health Maintenance tests get scheduled based on Protocols, Patients age and sex.
    13. The first encounter ID field (PT_FENC_ID) is set, if no previous encounter exists for that patient.
    14. The last encounter ID field (PT_LENC_ID) is updated with the current encounter ID.
    15. Update PT_LVISIT_DATE with encounter date.

    B. Configurable Parameters
    The entire test execution can be configured in Settings > Configuration > Properties, by setting the following options. The values seen below are what has currently been set but can be changed according to the clinic.

    VT - Vitals
    HP - History of Present Illness
    RS - Review of Systems
    PH - Physical Examination
    SC - Specialty
    SH - Social History
    PV - Portal Vitals

    The value assigned can be any one of the following 3 characters:
    N - Do not copy automatically nor display the Copy button.
    Y - Display the "Copy" button in Test Execution screen.
    A - Copy data automatically while creating a new encounter.

    As in the case of SH above, the test execution data entered from the previous encounter (if present) is copied internally to the new encounter at the time of creation. Note that here the "Copy" button is not displayed.

    All the above conditions for copying are also applicable to the test diagrams.

    Currently the term previous encounter ignores encounter types with scheduling duration = 0 like Refill.
  3. How do I change Patient Band, color, font, text, size, photo, picture size?
    The patient band text is displayed in a particular format.
    1. It consists of two rows and four columns, and the patient photo.
    2. The first row, first column is reserved for the patient name and cannot be configured.
    3. The user can configure the remaining seven cells.
    4. The settings for each cell is specified in Settings > Configuration > Properties
      For example, settings of the patient band are:
      patientband.tag.r1.c2= Last Visit :[ENC_LAST_VISIT__DATE]
      patientband.tag.r1.c3= Encounter Type :[ENC_TYPE]
      patientband.tag.r1.c4= ENC Date :[ENC_DATE]
      patientband.tag.r2.c1= <B>[ENC_AGE_MINORS] </B>old <B>[PT_SEX]</B>
      patientband.tag.r2.c2= Last FollowUp :[ENC_LAST_FOLLOWUP__DATE]
      patientband.tag.r2.c3= Attending Doc :[ENC_AD_NAME_SHORT__NAME]
      patientband.tag.r2.c4= Home :[PT_ADD_HOMETEL]

      Consider section patientband.tag.r1.c2. Here, r1.c2 is read as the 1st row and 2nd column. It can be set to a String consisting of Text with one or more Tags in it. The Tags are the same as used in the Progress Notes. Although more than one Tag can be used, the space is not enough to display long Tags or more than one tag.

      The Text Font, Size, Style are set in files prognocis??.css. Where ?? stand for 01, 02, 03 and so on. These are different style sheets which can be associated to each role like Doctor, Nurse, Staff. The height of the Patient Band cannot be changed.
      Background and Fore ground colors are set in the Style Sheet (class ptbandlive, class ptbandold and class ptbandname in style sheet file prognocis.css under directory (tomcat > webapps > prognocis > stylesheets) and cannot be changed by the user.
      Photo size is also fixed.
  4. Can I change TOC (Table of Contents) background, foreground, visited link color?
    Prognocis.css defines a class for the same. However these are not painted as a background color, but are images. Hence changing these is neither easy nor recommended.
    tocmenu consists of the following classes:

    Each class has an attribute background, which associates a url to the corresponding image.
  5. Which classes are configured according to user type (Doctor, Nurse, Staff, etc.) in style sheets?
    These classes are defined in prognocis??.css. Where ?? is a serial number 01,02,03 etc. Any one of them can be associated with a user type.
    Class Name Description
    BODY Background color & font for all screens, except Modal Dialog
    apptschscroll Tabs, Doctors’ List box, etc. background color, height & text color
    blueband Submenu background, screen title background, about screen background, 10px wide background color to the left of top left and to the right of top right dialogue box corners in all screens, call list heading background in scheduler screen
    bluebandsmall Used in calendar
    calllistsort Call list headings with underline
    coltitleman Column title with underline and mandatory asterisk in red
    coltitleman1 Column title without underline and mandatory asterisk in red
    dbxbg Dialogue box background color
    dbxL Dialogue box left vertical border currently in light gray color; This is an image of 2px width and 1px height is included in the class definition which is repeated in ‘y’ direction.
    dbxLT Dialogue box top left corner, with an image of fixed width and height with the currently displayed color and background color same as that defined in blue band.
    dbxR Dialogue box right vertical border currently in light gray color; This is an image of 2px width and 1px height is included in the class definition which is repeated in ‘y’ direction
    dbxRT Dialogue box top right corner, with an image of fixed width and height with the currently displayed color and background color same as that defined in blue band
    popupbg Background color of the pop up screens
    popupdbxLT Pop up screen’s Dialogue box top left corner, with an image of fixed width and height with the currently displayed color and background color same as that defined in popuptitleband
    popupdbxRT Pop up screen’s Dialogue box top right corner, with an image of fixed width and height with the currently displayed color and background color same as that defined in popuptitleband
    popuptitleband Background color, text for the pop up screen title band
    scrollstart Scrollbar background color, arrowhead color
    sort Face sheet headings with underline
    submenu2 Used for links in Master Menu, Preferences, and Processes screens.
    submenu2dis Used to disable links in Master Menu, Preferences, and Processes screens.
    submenu3 Background color for face sheet information, test table in pop ups in HPI, ROS, Physical Exam, Specialty, toolbar background in letters screens, PMH and allergy info table on prescription screen.
    tblcoltitle1 Column headings with underline; background color and text, line height.
    tblcoltitle2 Column headings without underline; background color and text, line height.
    tblname Table headings; background color and text.

  6. In the Patient Search Box, can you add sex and age? Does it list only active patients?
    Yes. Sex and Age fields can be part of the Patient search.
    Note that the Age of a Patient is recomputed on Start of a New Encounter. The Patient Search as might not show the exact age.
  7. How is a chart number generated? Is it editable? Importable? Mandatory?
    Auto Number Generation is a common method used for Chart Number, Lab Order Number, and Rad Order Number.
    The method consists of three parameters defined in Settings > Configuration > Properties.
    1. Type of Prefix
          0 > No prefix
          1 > Doctor’s Initials (One character each from First, Middle, Last Name)
          2 > Specified Prefix String
    2. Specified Prefix String. This is applicable only if Type = 2
    3. Length of Serial Number (excluding the prefix)

    The system finds the maximum number with applicable prefix, increments the serial number and creates a new number. It ensures the generated number is unique, otherwise it increments the serial further till the generated number is unique.

    A typical entry for Chart No. in Settings > Configuration > Properties will be:

    A typical entry for Lab Order in Settings > Configuration > Properties will be:

    A typical entry for Rad Order No. in Settings > Configuration > Properties will be:
    The Chart Number is editable.
    If specified it will be imported. If not specified, it will be auto-generated.
  8. When are PHS tests rescheduled?
    The PHS tests get scheduled from three options.
    • Settings > Processes > Calc PHS Tests: This option schedules the tests for all the patients.
    • Patient > Encounter > Health Maintenance: When the doctor explicitly Schedules a Test.
    • Patient > Encounter > Start Encounter: When a new encounter is created for a patient, PHS tests are also scheduled.
  9. Can I select drugs in current medication? How do I see the dosage & frequency?
    Yes. The comments field is used to display Sig + Freq Code + Comments in Prescription. If the details were directly entered, user is expected to enter the details in the comments field.
  10. Can I print a certificate of inoculations taken in this year for each student? How?
    Yes. For the Encounter Report, set a new SQL (in Settings > Configuration > Properties)
    encrep.sql.5= SELECT DISTINCT ENC_ID
    (Actually without a linefeed)
    This sql ensures that only those patients who have taken any vaccination within specified date range will be selected.

    Design an Encounter Report template in the format of the letter. At the end put a page break. So that letters for each patient get printed on a separate page.
  11. How do I define vitals? Especially Height and weight?
    Vitals can be defined using two steps:
    1. Go to "Settings > Configurations > Vitals > Systems" and define the group or System for the vitals, which you want to add. If the System is already present then this step should be skipped.
    2. Go to Settings > Configurations > Vitals > Vital Signs and add the Vitals with appropriate System.
    3. It is a good idea to keep unit as part of the name. E.g. Weight Kg.
    4. If Unit is not a part of the name, define it explicitly.
    5. The result type must be Fraction
    6. To be able to print Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Surface Area (BSA) we need to make some settings in Settings > Configuration > Properties.

      vital.weight.testname=Weight lbs (exactly as the name defined in the Test)
      vital.height.testname=Height cms (exactly as the name defined in the Test) (If the Weight is in KG set Y, if in Pounds set N)
      vital.height.cms=Y (If the Height is in cms set Y, if in Inches set N)
      Only if all these four settings are correct will the BMI / BSA be computed and printed in the Progress Notes.
  12. In Test execution, which template is used? Which is default? Is it logged in doctor’s template or attending doctor? What if attending doctor changes mid way? What happens to copy if previous doctor was different?
    The template list shows all the templates of the attending doctor followed by all the clinic level templates. For a new record, the first template in the list is selected by default.
    If test exec has been done with a doctor’s preferred template and another doctor opens the screen – he sees the test details as per the template used, but the template name is not shown (because that template is not part of the dropdown) instead it has to wrongly show the first template.
  13. When is the copy button shown / enabled? What does it do?
    Copy button is to copy the results from the previous encounter. This button appears if following conditions are satisfied –
    1. Settings > Configuration > Properties settings are set as Y for (applicable.test.copy.XX=Y, where XX could be VT, PH, HP, RS, SC, SH)
    2. There is a previous encounter, and there exists some data in the previous encounter for this test type.
    3. This is a new record (no results are saved yet for this encounter for this test type)

    Copy button copies the results from the previous encounter to this encounter. It displays the results so that user can make necessary modifications.
    Note that clicking on copy saves the previous encounter results as this encounters results. So even if user clicks on cancel, the results are already copied.

  14. In test execution, how do we get the system / test labels? Are the same labels used in transcript? Are they same in menus?
    System and test labels are taken from the properties files. applicable.system.label.XX and applicable.test.label.XX (where XX are VT, PH, HP, RS, SC, SH). The same labels are used in menus and search screen titles.
  15. In test execution, by default are System / Tests, checked / unchecked? What if the settings say unchecked & also Autocopy?
    By default for a new record, the tests as well as systems are checked or unchecked depending on the property Settings > Configuration > Properties > Applicable Tests Checked.
    If Auto copy is on, the tests that were done in previous encounter will be checked. If there is any test done within a system, then the system will be checked.
  16. In Test execution, which fields can be configured? How?
    There is a setting in Settings > Configuration > Properties like
    applicable.test.fields.XX= uRaNsDQCt
    Where upper case indicate a field is applicable, lower case means not applicable.
    Caution: do not change the sequence.
    U – Unit
    R – Remarks
    A – Abnormal
    N – Notes
    S – Systems list on the left
    D – diagrams
    P – Add to PMH
    Q – Result Based Questions.
          If this property ‘Q’ is applicable, this is a mode where a set of questions belonging to a Group Number are asked. Depending on the response to each question it is possible to zoom to another set of Questions.
    C – Consolidated System List
          Based on this property, a consolidated system list is displayed with the category as head, followed by the tests in that category.
    T – Multiple Templates
          Based on this property, multiple template selection is possible for the test execution option.
  17. What are test result Types? What is the justification (right / left) for each? Where are they shown? What is abnormal for each? What goes into result text field? How many places after decimal? What is the rule for string to Number? Any rounding?
    Result Type Description Alignment D. P. Round Abnormal Result text
    Text Text Left NA NA Manual Text
    Numeric Integer (6 digit) Right 0 Yes Out of Range #####0
    Fraction Decimal (6 before decimal, 2 after decimal) Right 2 Yes Out of Range #####0.00
    Boolean 2 values 2 radio buttons 0 NA Second Option Strings defined for 0 and 1
    Set Of Values From given list of values Dropdown NA NA Other than First option Strings defined in set of values
    Date Date Calendar NA NA Manual Mm/dd/yyyy

    Note: D.P. stands for decimal places. Result Numeric not set for ‘set of values’. This can create a problem if the set of values is changed.
  18. List of topics for which there are images associated and the corresponding file types.
    Images included in PROGNOCIS, and their file types.
    1. 1. Patient Registration – The patient photo stored in:
      (File Types allowed: jpg, gif, bmp)
    2. Patient Insurance – The insurance card image stored in:
      The front image of the card is stored in:
      The back image of the card is stored in:
      (File Types allowed: jpg, gif, bmp)
    3. Encounter Test Diagrams
      The pins needed for test diagrams are stored in:
      The diagrams stored for test diagrams are stored in:
      (File Types allowed: gif)
    4. Encounter Illustrations
      (File Types allowed: gif)
    5. Encounter Pictures
      (File Types allowed: gif, jpeg, bmp)
    6. The clinic logo Tag
      (File Types allowed: gif)
    7. Lab Results Attachment (in case document is scanned and then attached)
      (Image File Types allowed: jpg, gif, bmp, tiff)
    8. Rad Result Images for individual tests
      (Image File Types allowed: jpg, gif, bmp, tiff)
    9. Rad Results Attachment (in case document is scanned and then attached)
      (Image File Types allowed: jpg, gif, bmp, tiff)
    10. Letter IN / OUT (in case of attachment)
      (Image File Types allowed: jpg, gif, bmp, tiff)