Topics Assign To Search:  
Introduction: Assign To popup is divided in two halves for the ease of navigation and understanding. The Left side of window is designed to list the Assignment details and the right side is to document Actions taken by the assignee. The header section Lists task related activities such as: Claim ID, Claim ID and Patient Name and DOB. The tasks which are not related to claims or patients, will simply list the task ID generated internally in the header row.

Clinic/Claim Details: Depending on whether the task is clinic level or claim level, appropriate details are displayed in the header section of the Assign To popup. When the task is a clinic level task, then Clinic Task Id and Date are displayed whereas when the task is a claim level task, then Claim ID, Claim Date and Patient name along with DOB of the Patient is displayed.

Clinic Task Id: This label displays the clinic's task ID number.

Date: This label displays today's date in MM-DD-YYYY format.

Claim ID: This label displays the claim ID number of the Patient.

Claim Date: This label displays the date of service on which encounter was created.

Patient: This label displays the name of the Patient. The date of birth of the Patient is displayed in brackets in MM-DD-YYYY format beside the Patient's name.

Attach: Clicking on the Attach button invokes Task Attachments popup. The users have the provision to attach documents on the Task Attachments popup. This popup has five columns - Del, File Name, Attach, View and Attachment Date. The file extensions that are supported for attachment on this popup are .txt, .pdf, .tif/tiff, .rmt, .jpeg/jpg, .gif, .bmp, .xls/xlsx, .csv, .html, .png and the property supporting these file extensions is prognocis.attach.filetypes. If attachments have been saved on the Task Attachments popup then the Attach button present on the Assign To popup displays a check mark.

Assignment section

Assigned To: Users can assign a task to a specific User or to a Role by selecting appropriate radio button. Users option enables the users to send messages to other selected users. Roles option enables the users to send messages to other selected roles. A property is present to enable Assignments to Roles. If this property is turned ON, Assigned To button , Radio button Role is enabled and the user will be able to assign tasks to Roles. If this property is turned OFF assignments can only be made to Users. Users option enables the users to send messages to other selected users. Roles option enables the users to send messages to other selected roles.
When the property is turned ON
  • Radio button User and Role are present and available for selection.
  • Send Message To Checkbox is available for selection and according to the radio button selected, Once checked, the labels are changed to: Assigned User when Radio button User is selected and Assigned Role when Radio button Role is selected
Source: The source of the assignment can be documented here. For eg, an assignment can be prompted due to a Denial received or patient inquiry or an Insurance letter. Users can customize the list of sources applicable for their practice from Settings Configuration Group Types Non System Assignment Source (AF) option.

Action Required: Assigner also needs to specify the Action what is expected from a particular tasks. Examples of expected actions are: Send Fax, Contact Patient, Send appeal, Consult Medical Coder etc. Users can customize the list of sources applicable for their practice from Settings Configuration Group Types Non System Assignment Action Required (AA) section.

Comments: Its a Text field where Assigner can add specific requirements in reference to a Task which is being assigned.

Expected Date: Users can set an expected date of completion of an assignment. Expected date cannot be less than todays date i.e. when the task is being assigned.

Send Message and CC: Users can also opt for sending internal message notifications in reference to tasks which are being assigned by selecting Send Message option. Send Message To checkbox will be enabled when assignments are done for a specific role.

Action section
Assignee can document actions taken for specific assignment on the right hand side of Assigned Tasks screen.

Action Taken: User can select and document the action taken from the dropdown. Examples of Actions taken are: Appeal Faxed, Follow up Scheduled, Medical Records released etc. Users can customize the list of sources applicable for their practice from Settings Configuration Group Types Non System Assignment Action Taken.

Comments: Its a text field where assignee can add their notes in reference to actions which needs to be taken against a particular assignment. When assignment is completed (When Done checkbox on an attachment is checked), comments entered in this section are auto copied to Claim notes time stamped with name of an assignee.

Status: Assignee can select Action status from the available dropdown. Examples of Action statuses are: Claim Paid, Check mailed to incorrect address etc. Users can customize the list of sources applicable for their practice from Settings Configuration Group Types Non System Assignment Done Status.

Done Checkbox: An assignee can indicate completion of an assignment by checking the Done checkbox. When a particular assignment is done, a row is added in the assignment tracking section.

Date: Date gets auto populated on the completion of the assigned task. Done Date cannot be less than Assigned Expected date.

Followup Date: Assignee can set a Follow Up Date for an assignment which will act as a reminder. For RCM clients, Followup Date is set as Done Date if the number of days is zero.

Forward button: An assignment can be forwarded to another user by clicking on Forward Button. When an assignment is forwarded, the right hand side of Assigned To screen is disabled and Assignment screen is available for selection.

UDF button: If the property, udf.supported.types has the value 17 – Assign Task selected and saved then UDF button is displayed on the Assign To popup. Click on the UDF button to invoke Assign Task popup. The Field Names and Sequence Nos as configured on UDF Master screen for Claim Assign Task are shown on this popup. A checkmark is displayed on the UDF button to indicate that data is present in the popup. The label and tooltip of the UDF button can be defined in the property, udf.type.label. If the property does not have an entry for Assign Task, then UDF label is displayed on the button by default without a tooltip.

udfCopy button: Click on the udfCopy button to copy saved data from the UDF button to the Comments field under Action section. If data is already present in the Comments field, then that data is overwritten by data saved on the Assign Task popup of the UDF button.

Action Buttons

CLOSE button: Click on the CLOSE button, to close the popup.

ADD button: This button is enabled for any task which is marked as Done. Click on the ADD button, to add an assignment.

SAVE button: Click on the SAVE button, to save the particular Assignment and Actions taken.