Topics Appointment Report Search:  
The idea is to print the details of all Appointments on specified days. The simplest applicability could be to have the list of Patients visited, Visit Type, Reason for visit and CoPayment so that Billing is fast and accurate. The system executes a query to get the appointment ids satisfying the date and other conditions. The details of an appointment can be printed using all appointment tags. Since we are printing details of more than one appointment, a matrix format of report is ideal. User as such can design a html table row with necessary field tags in each column so that one row is printed per appointment. The user can design templates with multiple rows per appointment, if required.

The querries are defined in Appointment Reports property.
apptrep.sql.1 is an SQL to select appointment ids based on selected period and appointment Doctor.

The following special tags are to define the SQL:
[DATE_FROM] from date defined in selected period.
[DATE_UPTO] up to date defined in selected period.
[TODAY] is run date.
[YESTERDAY] is run date minus one.
[THIS_WEEK_START] the start date of current week. Week is assumed to start on Monday.
[THIS_WEEK_END] the last date of current week. Week is assumed to end on Sunday.
[LAST_WEEK_START] the start date of last week. Week is assumed to start on Monday.
[LAST_WEEK_END] the last date of last week. Week is assumed to end on Sunday.
[THIS_MONTH_START] the start date of current month.
[THIS_MONTH_END] the last date of current month.
[THIS_DOC] is the Id of login Doctor. is the Report name as available in the list box.

apptrep.template.1 is the default template to be used for report.

apptrep.sql.1 is an SQL to select appointment ids based on selected period and appointment Doctor.