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nu tabs on the screen, Appointments, Claims, Remittance, Messages, Reports, and Settings to see the sub menu as a dropdown list. Click on the Sub Menu option to invoke it.
Dashboard: Dashboard icon is introduced on billing side at header level. Dashboard helps to view the graphical representation of transaction related data. There are nine sets of cell on Dashboard screen. Switch to EMR: Helps the user to toggle between Billing and EMR screens. Patient A/C: Directs user to the Patient Account screen. If there is no patient selected, it invokes a Patient Search screen to select the required patient. Resource Center: The Client Resource Center is a convenient source of user-oriented and technical documentation to assist all users of PrognoCIS with all features of the system. Conveniently presented in categories such as User Quick Guides, FAQ, Training Videos, and Submit a Ticket, the Client Resource Center gives you a one-stop experience to get the answers. Online Help: It displays the entire list of HTML Help documentation according to category. About: Displays license information. While reporting problems to tech support, specify the PrognoCIS Version, the SP (Service Pack) Number and Build Number, to help you better. Lock: to lock the currently open screen, incase the user needs a break before resuming again. It is advisable to close all the pop-up window that are open . On click, a Prognocis screensaver with an image of a Key appears. All the menu options are locked. The User has to re-enter the password to unlock the screen. In this way the privacy / confidentiality of data are maintained. Note:
Logout: User gets logged out from the system. Back: Allows user to visit previously visited pages. It is possible to trace back 20 previously visited pages. Forward: Allows user to visit pages ahead of the current page. This is applicable only if the User has clicked on the 'Back' button to move to previous pages and now wants to move forward from the backed pages. Consider a user has visited 6 pages in PrognoCIS. He then traverses back 4 pages. He can click on Forward to come back, however if he visits a page by selecting a menu option, the visited pages list, corresponding to forward will be cleared. The history will hold only two pages plus current page and forward button will be disabled. Help: Invokes alphabetically categorized and hyperlinked help topics of module in PrognoCIS. Inbox Messages: To view the messages awaiting attention. It can also be accessed by clicking Messages > In.The table in the upper-left corner of the screen displays the number of unread messages for the logged in User in his Inbox with different categories, namely:
Remittance is the Total Dollar Amount of Insurance Remittance vouchers with Today's Date, irrespective of the Status whether Entered or Posted. Receipt is the Total Dollar Amount of Patient Receipt vouchers with Today's Date, irrespective of the status whether 'Entered' or 'Posted'.
Action Icons
Patient Details:Clicking on the icon allows entering patient information details. Entering Patient details are mandatory part of Patient Registration. Clicking on this button invokes the ‘Patient Registration’ screen displaying Patient details and can also update the Patient details. Patient Insurance: Clicking on the icon allows entering insurance policy details. Entering Insurance details are an important part of patient registration. This information is needed to identify the insurance policies that the patient has subscribed to. In case of multiple policies, they are identified as Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Insurance.
Insurance Eligibility:
Clicking on the icon displays the
eligibility fetched for the Patient. Print button allows user to print the
fetched eligibility.
Patient must have Insurance associated then only
Insurance Eligibility can be fetched and details are displayed.
Patient Alert:
Click on the icon to add new
Patient alerts and display them, required by the front office while taking
appointments, it can be also viewed from Encounter and Billing screen as well.
Patient Billing Notes:Clicking
on the icon invokes a
pop-up to display or add Patient billing notes. It is important for the biller
to add notes and these notes can be seen for the Patient on all screens where
Patient Billing Notes icon can be seen. Print button allows taking print of the
notes. Claim Details: Clicking on the icon takes user to the Claims àEdit screen. If the claim was created for appointment/visits, the status will be Ready to Bill/Ready to Send/Billed. In such a case the user is taken to the ClaimsàEdit screen. If the claim was not created then it would give the message: No Information to Show. Patient Statement: Clicking on the icon invokes a pop-up to display the patient's statement as per the properties defined, Billing Parameters >billing.ptstatement.template.Print button allows taking print of the Patient Statement. Patient A/C: Clicking on the icon invokes a billing report of the patient (highlighted by a blue band) account. Encounter Details: Clicking on the icon invokes the encounter screen only if encounter has been started or if Claim is created from billing side then message ‘Adhoc Claim. No information to show’ is shown on homepage. CoPay Details: Clicking on the icon invokes the Copayment collected actually made by the Patient from EMR side and also allows the Patient to collect Copay from Billing side Please note, the money collected towards the earlier outstanding statements, should go to the advanced bucket or should be entered using the patient receipt icon.
Patient Appointment History:
Clicking on this icon invokes a popup to display the appointment details
of the Patient.
Note: Button: Providers displays a list of all providers and/or resources as a parameter to filter the appointment list; if the logged in personnel is a nurse then all providers assigned to that particular nurse is displayed. Also, Button Location displays a list of all locations included in a multi-location setup; It remains disabled in a Single location clinic. Visits Tab:Displays a list of all Open Visit Encounters upto a day prior to the current day as all the current day's visits are displayed under the tab: Appt, who's Status is Nothing to Bill Or Ready to Bill. If the encounter is closed and the Status was Nothing to Bill, it will be included for X days, so that the Biller is aware of this fact. This number X is defined in properties Billing > billing.nothingtobillenc.showdays (default value 5) The fields displayed are the same as under tab: Appt except for an additional column for Visit/Appt Date. The fields can be sorted on