Topics | Lab/Radiology Vendor | Search: |
The Lab Vendors denote the Laboratories where pathological tests are done.
Whereas the Radiology Vendors denote the Radiologist where radiology tests
such as MRI, CT Scan, X-rays etc. are done. From the Lab/Radiology Vendor
Master screen, a User has provision to add Lab/Radiology vendors. Fields Description: Code: It is the code of the Lab/Radiology Vendor. Special Code: To support Lab/Radiology import in a multi-location Clinic for the Quest vendor, enter the same Special Code as QUEST for multiple Quest Labs. Name: It is the Name of the Lab/Radiology vendor. Address button: Click to enter or edit the address of Lab/Radiology vendor. The address entered in the Address popup is displayed in the next line's Address field. Address: Displays the address of the Lab/Radiology vendor that is entered in the Address popup (click on Address button). Regn. No: It is the registration number of Lab/Radiology vendor. InHouse: Select the checkbox if the Lab/Radiology vendor is Inhouse. Order No. Editable: Select the checkbox to make the Lab/Radiology Order number editable. Title: It is the title of the Contact person for respective Lab/Radiology vendor. For example: Mr., Ms., Mrs. etc. First Name: It is the first name of the Contact person for respective Lab/Radiology vendor. Middle Name: It is the middle name of the Contact person for respective Lab/Radiology vendor. Last Name: It is the Last name of the Contact person for respective Lab/Radiology vendor. Default Bill Type: Select the option to whom Bill will be claimed. The options are None, Patient, Client, and Third Party. Sample Type: Select the collection site for the Lab/Radiology test i.e. either Physician's Office or Patient Service Center (PSC). Max ICDS: The maximum ICDs that can be associated to the test(s) for a respective Lab vendor. This field is available only on the Lab vendor Master screen. Supported Tests: Select the options from the following for the Test selection search: Need to be Explicilty defined: The option when selected, displays only those tests that are defined under the Lab/Radiology Vendor Tests (Settings > Configuration > under Lab/Radiology column, Vendor Tests). Supports All Tests: The option when selected, displays all the tests. Same As Vendor Tests of: The option when selected, enables the Lab/Radiology Vendor search. From the search, select the vendor whose tests need to be displayed. Insurance List: A click on Export button, exports all the Insurance's details in an excel sheet. Whereas a click on Import button, imports all the Insurances with Carrier code. Compendium: A click on Import button, imports all the compendium Tests and a click on Update button, updates all the compendium Tests. AOE Questions: A click on AOE Ques button imports the Ask at Order Entry (AOE) Questions for the tests of respective vendor. Bulk e-Send: Select the checkbox to eSend the Orders in bulk. All the Orders marked as Ready to eSend on the Lab/Radiology Order screen will be available under the respective Lab/Radiology eSend submenu to eSend in bulk. One Test Per Order: Select the checkbox to send one test per Lab/Radiology order. This checkbox is displayed only if the Lab/Radiology vendor is applicable for eSend. The recurrence button on the Lab/Radiology Order screen is displayed disabled if this checkbox is selected. The maximum number of tests in one order which can be split is 26. Note: The Bulk e-Send and One Test Per Order checkboxes are available only if the respective Lab/Radiology vendor is eSend enabled. Barcode: Select the type of Barcode i.e. either Code-39 or Code-128. Available only for Lab Vendor. Barcode for: Enter the text to be displayed for Barcode. By entering the following tags with the carrot separator (^) its respective values are displayed: • LOH_ORDER_NO: Displays the Lab Order number • VEN_CODE: Displays the Vendor’s Code • LOH_DOC_VEN_ACC: Displays the Lab Vendor’s Account number associated with the Provider • VEN_LOCATION: Displays the Vendor’s Location This field is available only for Lab Vendor. Note: Only Hyphen (-) with carrot separator is supported in the Barcode for field. Active: Select the checkbox to make the Lab/Radiology vendor active. Action buttons: save: Click to save the vendor details. delete: Click to delete the vendor record. reset: Click to reset the vendor details to its previously saved values. Hint: HL7 App (Application Code) and HL7 Facility can be specified for Labs and Rads if the Orders / Results are going to be exchanged with the Clinic using HL7 ver 2.3 for messaging. Contact Support team for further details. A Vendor cannot be deleted, if there are any Orders on him in the Clinical Information System. If the vendor is eSend enabled then the message, "Vendor is supported for eSend" is displayed in Red. |