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Introduction: The list of standard Vaccines is defined and maintained
here. PrognoCIS comes with a prepopulated set of vaccine information. The user can add more vaccines, if required. The prepopulated vaccines cannot be deleted.
Code: This is mandatory and is applicable only while adding new codes. Existing codes that are already imported cannot be changed. In such a case one needs to delete the record and create a new one. Name : It is mandatory to specify the name of the vaccine . Since the names are imported from the external database the user is allowed to change the name according to his nomenclature. By default if this is not specified, it is taken as the first 50 characters of Full Name. Route : The Route of administering the vaccine. e.g. Oral. Site : The site of administering the vaccine. e.g. Arm, butt. Lot No.(State / Commercial) : The manufacturing lot number of the vaccine is used for administering. This field keeps changing for a vaccine. It has been kept here so that whenever a new batch (Lot No.) arrives at a clinic this field can be updated. Further when the vaccine is actually administered to a Patient, this Lot No. and expiry date automatically gets saved as part of the Patient transaction.
Expiry Date: Select the expiry date from the Calendar or enter in mm-dd-yyyy format. This specifies the expiry date for the vaccine manufactured with the above Lot No. VIS Publish Date : date when VIS of the vaccine was published. VIS Presented Date :date when VIS of the vaccine was published. State Provided : Select the checkbox if the specified vaccine is State provided. Set the state.provided.vaccines property to value ‘Y'. By setting this property the options like State Provided in Vaccine Master and Eligible for State Vaccines in Patient Registration screen are made available.PrognoCIS has provision to administer VFC vaccine for VFC eligible children by assigning VFC code for vaccines. ICD / CPT / HCPC: User can select any required ICD / CPT / HCPC by clicking on the search button and clear it if desired. SNOMED code if available is displayed as tooltip on the field. CVX Code : Enter the CVX code to vaccine. When a MVX (manufacturer) code is paired with a CVX (vaccine administered) code, the specific trade named vaccine may be indicated. These codes should be used for immunization messages using either HL7 Version 2.3.1 or HL7 Version 2.5.1. Adult / As Needed: Select the checkbox if the vaccines are meant for adults.
Sequence: Enter the the sequence number in which the vaccine should be displayed in the List Box. Dosage: Many vaccines for children need to be given in multiple doses, each applicable at a different age range. All these details can be specified in this section: Dose: Enter the dose number for the vaccine which is to be given to the children. From Age: Enter the starting age in which the vaccine can be given to the children. UpTo Age: Enter the age till which the vaccine can be given to the children. Unit: Select the appropriate option month or year from the drop-down list in which the age is entered. Gap Month: Enter the number of month gap that should be there between the current and next vaccine dose. Constituent Vaccines List panel: A combination vaccine is a vaccine that consists of two or more separate vaccines physically combined into a single dose in order to reduce the number of shots given. The list is of active vaccine(s) is displayed along with the Code and Vaccine Name. Vaccines once added for combo vaccine are called as Constituent vaccine. Constituent vaccine can be deleted from Combo vaccine via the available trash can icon. A Combo vaccine can be deleted only if it is NOT associated with any Encounter wherein it has been administered. And If a Combo vaccination is deleted then it gets deleted along with its associated constituents. An administered Combo vaccine, displays the list of its constituents on the Vaccination screen (GoTo Encounter TOC > Face sheet > Vaccination) with status as ‘Administered' and if a Combo vaccine has been ‘unadministered' i.e. the status of an administered vaccine is forcibly changed to upcoming (by removing the Adm. When date value and saving the record) then the associated Constituent(s) is removed from the system while the Combo vaccine remains with its status as ‘Upcoming'. (GoTo tab: TOC > Facesheet > vaccine > Plus sign).
Vaccine Name : Click on the (+) button to add the vaccines to create combination vaccine. Del :Click the icon against the vaccine to delete which is added to create the combination vaccine. Notes : User can enter standard instructions for each of the standard vaccines. Active:User can also flag a vaccine as inactive, so that it does not get used in any subsequent Patient Encounter. save button: Click the button to save the record in PrognoCIS. delete button: Click the button to delete the patient's record from PrognoCIS; a prompt, confirming your delete action is displayed. reset button: Click the button to reset the recently entered changes in the record before it was saved. editCVX button: Click the button to add new or edit existing details of CVX code for vaccines. |