Topics Vaccines Search:  
Introduction: A doctor can vaccinate a patient immediately, or schedule next a vaccination at a later date. A provision to ‘refuse' a particular dose of vaccine has been provided on the Administer Vaccine popup. User can also administer VFC vaccine for VFC eligible children by assigning VFC code for vaccines.

Field Description :

Vaccination on this visit: Select this option if administered Vaccine is to be given to patient on same visit.


  1. Depending upon the value(s) set in the property, vaccination.admin.mandatory, the following fields are mandatory: Dosage/Quantity; Unit; Route; Site; Manufacturer; Lot #; Expiration Date; Purchase Date; VIS Publish Date; VIS Presented Date.
  2. If the assigned Route, Site, and/or Manufacturer are inactive in the Vaccine Master then for Upcoming Vaccines, the respective fields displays blank by default. Whereas for already Administered vaccines, the value in the fields displays greyed out.
Vaccination not associated with this visit: Select this option in case of mutiple dosages attached with the vaccine and the patient has been administered its previous dose(s) in another clinic.

NOT Tracked: Select this option, in a scenario where a multiple dosage are attached with the vaccine and not administered, for example, vaccine Hepatitis B has 3 dosages attached and if patient refused to take 3rd dose then dose 1 and 2 will be marked as 'Not Tracked'. The information of the vaccine Not being tracked and refused is displayed on the Vaccination screen as well on the Vaccination cell found on Face Sheet.

Refused by Patient: Select this option to ‘refuse' a particular dose of vaccine; on selection of the option, all fields except for Refusal reason identifier and Comment/Reaction remain disabled. User has the option to specify the reason of refusal from the Refusal reason identifier field.

Note: ‘Not tracked' and ‘refused' dose is not carried forward to the Next Encounter but is displayed under 'Record' tab.

Refused by Clinic: Select the option if Clinic has to refuse vaccination for a patient. The field: Disease of Presumed Immunity helps User confirm that the reason for Clinic's refusal is that the patient is either having or may have had history of illness to which the body's immune system has naturally developed antibiotics and thus is not in need of vaccination. On selecting Yes the drop-down list: Type of Evidence of Immunity is enabled and User has provision to select the type of immunity the patient may have developed.

State Provided : Select the checkbox if the specified vaccine is State provided.

VFC Code: Select the VFC code of vaccine from the drop-down list. Depending upon the value selected the administered vaccine information is sent as State provided vaccine.


  • If the option, Eligible for State Vaccines has been selected in Patient registration screen then the options State Provided Vaccine and VFC code is available on the Administer Vaccine popup.
  • If User does not select a VFC code then the value set in property, vaccine.vfc.defaultcode is taken by default.
Administration When / Time: Select the date and time on which the Vaccine is Administered.

Dosage/ Quantity: Specifies the dosage of the drug to be taken at a time.

Unit: Users can define more units if required. However note that only sure script units can be selected for Bulk Quantity. And that if a non sure script dosage unit is selected, the same is not set to Bulk Unit and the Bulk Qty is not computed.

Administered By: The logged in user's name is displayed here, by default. The user may change this, if required.

Route/Site/Manufacturer/Lot#/Expiration Date/Purchase Date/ VIS Date/Comment/Reaction: These fields are by default displayed as entered in the Vaccine master. The user may change them, if required. If any of these fields are modified then the Vaccine Master is also updated with the modified values. This updation is based on PrognoCis Properties.


1. Vaccine Manufacturer/ Lot No./ Exp. Date/Purchase Date for Commercial or State Vaccines can be defined only for Single Location Clinics in the Settings > Configuration > Vaccine. And in case of Multi Location clinics, In the Vaccine Master, check the Check Box to indicate if the specified vaccine is State provided.
While Administering the Vaccine, the Mfg./ Lot No./ Exp. Date for Commercial or State Vaccine are picked up from the Vaccine Master form, for Single Location Clinic and from Vaccine Administer transaction form for Multi Location Clinics.

2. It is possible to add multiple Lot numbers for the selected manufacture in vaccination screen while administering vaccine. On click of the Add New icon: , the lot number can be added for the selected manufacture. Whereas, on click the Edit Lot No icon: the existing lot number for the selected manufacture can be edited.

Comments/Reaction: Enter Instructions for taking the drugs can be entered here like 'Not on empty stomach'.

Schedule Next Dosage After: Doctor can schedule a next dosage after number of days/months/years or select the 'Not to be Scheduled' option from the drop-down list to stop the dosage.