Topics Vaccination Search:  
Introduction : A list of Vaccinations is defined from the Vaccination screen . A doctor can vaccinate a patient immediately, or schedule a vaccination at a later date. The doctor decides if a person needs a vaccination depending on various factors like patient's age, job, likely travel destinations, prevailing ailments in the region. The Vaccination screen tracks all the vaccination shots taken by the patient.

Field Description :

No known Vaccination history: This checkbox is enabled only if there are no Vaccination records present for that Patient. The doctor may check it, if required.

Schedule tab: The Vaccination Scheduled and Constituents administered in number of Encounters in case of combo vaccines for the Patient is displayed in this tab.Each and every Constituents administered are traced, dose count is also displayed in this tab.

Del: Select the Del checkbox of the respective vaccination and click save to delete the vaccination record.

Vaccine: The name of Vaccination selected from the list.

Button: click to invoke the list of Vaccinations for selection. On selecting a Vaccination it assigns the dose number.

Dose: The number of dosage for the Vaccine.

Note: Incase of combo vaccine, each and every Constituents administered in number of Encounters are traced and the dose count is displayed on the Scheduled tab on the Vaccination screen.

Age Range: Age Range applicable for that dose number.

Status: The Status can be:

  • Administered: If a vaccine is administered to the patient on the same visit.
  • Not In Visit: If the Patient has multiple dosage and administered its previous dose in another clinic.
  • Not Tracked: If a multiple dosage are attached with the vaccine and not administered due to any reason.
  • Patient Refused: If a Patient has refused a particular dose of vaccine.
  • Clinic Refused: If a Clinic refused a particular dose of vaccine for a patient


1) NOT TRACKED records of Vaccination can be hidden from view in PrognoCIS depending on the value set (Y/N) in the property, facesheet.vacrecord.hide.nottracked a Clinic can decide to either hide the trace of NOT TRACKED vaccination record details from the Face sheet cell as well as from the Records Tab on the Vaccination screen OR display them as before.

2) In case of a Combo vaccine has been ‘unadministered’ i.e. the status of an administered vaccine is forcibly changed to upcoming (by removing the Adm. When date value and saving the record) then the associated Constituent(s) is removed from the system while the Combo vaccine remains with its status as ‘Upcoming’.

To be Administered: If the doctor wants he can flag a vaccination as "To be administered". Based on this an urgent message is generated and sent to the Vaccination staff. The Recipient can be the Attending Nurse Or All Nurses Assigned to the Attending Doc OR all users playing the role defined in Vaccination property vaccination.tobegiven.mailto

Sch Date: It is the scheduled date on which the vaccination is due.

Adm When: This is the free text field i.e. User can enter date which need not be an exact date, Jan 2000 is alright. Alternately User may click on the Calendar Icon, to select a valid date.

Administer: Click Administer to proceed with administering the vaccine, the 'Administer Vaccine' popup is invoked - enter the required details here.

Records tab

The Record of Vaccinations administered in previous encounters.

Vaccinations are shown listed by Due Date in descending order. Overdue vaccinations are shown in a different color on Facesheet, to highlight them.

Note: The display of Combo Vaccine on Records tab and on the Face sheet cell of Vaccination is property dependent.

Ok: On click the button saves the details

Cancel: On click the button cancels any changes done before saving

History: Now benefit from viewing information on patient's current vaccination history with information on vaccines administered for the patient. A click on the history… button invokes Current Vaccination History popup listing out the column details fetched from the Administration popup.

Print: On click prints the vaccination screen details.


1. A HL7 property, ensures that a correct sequence of CVX and CPT codes of vaccination is followed at the time of vaccination export. In the absence of both CVX and associated CPT codes, system does not export any information.

2. Depending upon the property, vaccination.schedule.for.maxyears a maximum number scheduled vaccines is displayed on the Vaccination screen. In the property, if a value (in years) is SET in the property then system calculates considering Patient's current age and the value set in property and displays patient's vaccination details accordingly. For example, if the Patient's age is 2 years and the property has the value set as 10 then on the vaccination screen, Patient's vaccination up to the age of 12 is displayed. The property takes a maximum of 25 years.