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Introduction :
Medical screening includes history,
examination and medical decision-making required to determine the need for
appropriate care and treatment of the patient. The descriptions for the
levels of Evaluation & Management services recognize components viz.
All these are Group Types in the Application. The Interface to define the details is same for all the above Type The printed form for any of these tests will have one thing in common. There is a broad Class/Category and specific tests below it. Consider Labs, the Classes/Category can be Panels, Hematology, Cultures and a number of tests under each. Like wise Review of System can have Classes like Major Body organs Heart, Eyes, and a number of specific parts / tests to be observed. On the other hand Vital Indicators are too few and may not need any Class, but no harm in defining a single Class/Category for the same. Code: On adding a new Test, the Test code is Auto generated. User is allowed to edit the Test Code at any time. This Code is mandatory and must be unique. If the Test is of system level then the word, 'System' displays beside the code and thus a User cannot make any changes to the test. Name: Enter the name of the test. Type: Applicable to only Lab / Rad Tests. The main Types are:
Unit: Define Unit of Measure for the test. Sex : By default it is Both. Other options are Male and Female. Sequence No. : While displaying all tests within a Class, they will normally appear sorted by Name. However the user might prefer to see ‘Pulse’ before ‘BP’. To facilitate this, enter a Sequence No. The actual sort order within a Class will be Sequence No., Name wise. With this mechanism it is not necessary to define the Sequence No. for all entries, nor is it necessary to have the Sequence No. unique. It can be changed any number of times, without any side effects. LOINC Code: It is to enter the LOINC code for the test. LOINC Code for Answer: It is to enter the LOINC code for the specific Answers list. This field is available only for Social History tests. Result Type: To facilitate formatting tests and accepting results in a proper way, it is also important to define the type of result expected. The result type can be:
The supported Result Types can be set using the property, Test Parameters > test.resulttypes. Depending on the Type of result selected, the requisite fields to define the valid Numeric Range OR Valid Set of Values will be either shown or hidden. Note that with this Structure the Test Definition is very generic. It could mean a physical test like Taking Temperature, OR it could even mean asking a Simple Question like “Number of Cigarettes smoked per day”. If the result type is set of values or multiselect, the list can be shuffled using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. CPT/HCPC: Click Name [+] button to invoke CPT/HCPC popup to choose codes (CPT/HCPC/SNOMED) to be assigned. It is mandatory to specify at least one of the three names given for the disease. The user name will be used to specify this CPT/HCPC code in PrognoCIS. Since the names are imported from the External CPT/HCPC database the user is allowed to change the name according to User's nomenclature. SNOMED: click on the button to select a SNOMED code from the Search popup. SNOMED Search popup: Associate either an ICD or CPT/HCPC code to search for respective SNOMED code. ICD: Select ICD option to search for ICD associated SNOMED code. CPT/HCPC: Select CPT/HCPC option to search for either CPT associated or HCPC associated SNOMED code. Code Description: Select this option to either enter a SNOMED code or the description of code directly in the 'Search' field to search for results. SNOMED code: Select this option to enter a SNOMED code directly in the 'Search' field to search for results. Search texbox: Enter either code description or the SNOMED code according to the option selected as the criteria for search. Search button: Click 'Search' button to display the filtered list based on the option selected. Selected: The field displays the codes that are selected from the list. Clear: On click, clears the selection from the ‘Selected’ field. Group Number : For Tests having the Question Settings in property, Applicable Test Fields > applicable.test.fields.VT/HP/RS/PH/SC/SH, this field will appear. This is a mode where a set of questions belonging to a Group Number are asked. Depending on the response to each question it is possible to zoom to another set of Questions.Sub Grp: (Number) can be specified for each option of Boolean Result Type OR Set of Values Result Type. This is the Group Number Question set which will be poped up if the specific answer is chosen by the user while entering the HPI / ROS during the encounter. This can also be specified for Result type Numeric or Fraction. This is the Group Number Question set which will be poped up if the result lies outside the normal range. If the property, prognocis.zoom.anygrpno is set to N, then the subgroup number must be greater than the main group number. Report Sentence: The user can define the format of the sentence in which this test result should be presented when used in the progress notes. This sentence can use one or more of the following tags:
Consider options selected: Sharp, Intermittent, and Radiating Test Sentence was <NAME> is < RESULT > Output: Pain is Sharp, Intermittent, and Radiating. Test Sentence was <NAME> is < MBULRESULT > Output: Pain is
Output: Pain is
Note: Proper serial numbers are assigned to
options. There is an additional construct using a conditional statement which needs special emphasis. A test sentence can be specified as IF(=xyz^sentence1^sentence2) This essentially means if the result satisfies the specified condition use sentence1, otherwise use sentence2. The frist character after IF( is the operator used for evaluation). The permitted operator are = Equal to > Greater than < Less than The string following the operator (xyz) is the one used for comparing with the current test result using the specified operator. Please note that this is a string comparison. Sentence1will be used for printing in the report if the first condition is evaluated to be TRUE. Sentence2 will be used for printing in the report if the first condition is evaluated to be FALSE. Sentence1 and sentence2 can be defined using any of the above-defined tags. The additional information required only for Lab Tests are mentioned below. Panel Check Box: Many standard tests can be combined to form a Panel of tests. If this is checked, the fields for Result types will be hidden and a Table list appears. The test required under this panel can be defined here. Note that one test can appear under more than one Panel. Add: Applicable to only Lab / Rad Tests. Hide: Applicable to only Lab / Rad Tests. CPT Code: All Lab and Radiology Tests have an associated CPT Code. Select one by clicking the adjoining button. CPT Codes can also be selected for Specialty Tests depending on property Test Parameters > test.specialty.cpt=Y. Abnormal Phrases Button: Clicking this button, a popup opens up in which Phrases for Abnormality can be added and/or deleted. If a test is used in any test execution, it should ideally not be modified as it can result in a change in the progress notes for an earlier closed encounter. A property, Tests Parameters> tests.used.messagetype, if set to E does not allow the user to edit the test once it has been used in any encounter. If the property was set to W the program allows the modification but warns the user accordingly. save: Click to save the details. delete: Click to delete the respective test. reset: Click to reset the values of the test to the previously saved values. replace: Click to replace the test with another test selected from the Tests search popup. importXls: Click to import the tests from the attached xls into PrognoCIS. Note: This button is available only through Admin login. |