Topics | Social History | Search: |
Introduction: Knowledge of a patient’s Social History is extremely
necessary from a diagnosis point of view. A doctor may be interested in
knowing of events that caused mental or physical trauma to the patient,
which may have something to do with the patient’s present problem. For example,
a doctor may find it useful to know whether a patient has a history of alcohol
or drug abuse. The screen is mainly divided vertically into sections of System and its Elements and the workflow is such that
to define a template, first define a system and then define the various elements of the system later assign the system to the templates. To perform the social history Tests: Click on a system name to make it current. The background changes to a different color. In the right pane, elements corresponding to the selected template appear. These include System Name and the tests applicable to the sex of the patient. The attending nurse or doctor can enter all details for the elements listed. when the result type is 'master search' and its value is 'ICD', the ICD10 information is displayed in the tooltip. Template List: Social History screen is template based; various templates are available at the Clinic's disposal – these templates are Clinic-specific in design and implemented via PrognoCIS Support. Systems List: These are important categories like educational background, social habits, addictions and nature of job. The systems applicable to the selected template are shown here. Click a row to make it current system, a check mark appears before the System Name if one or more tests are selected. The tests are all selected by default. Copy button: This Button is available at all times, but will be enabled only if Encounter is Live OR User has rights to modify OR Save Button is disabled. Click on this to invoke a relevant search. It will display a List of Encounters for the Patient having similar data. Note that the Tests and details are copied, only if Test details are not entered in current encounter. Notes: Enter special notes regarding the medications if any. Grid Tests: When the template contains Grid defined system, it enables the "Grid Tests.." the button is shown next to the template selection. Clicking on the button, opens up a popup with matrix of selected tests and occurrences. save button: on click saves the details. reset button: on click reverts the changes to the last saved state. history button: on click displays a search popup of the past test details of the patient, the search view helps a User to search and view details based on Test name, its value, date and timestamp, person who did the change, etc. |
See Also: | ||
Test Execution | Grid Tests |