The idea is to define queries on the database
so that simple tabular reports are available for all users. The user can
thus create his own set of reports without any changes to the program.
Of course, a basic understanding of the underlying database structure
is important, and as such this report is best configured by the admin
or Bizmatics support staff.
Option Name: The Option as seen in the
selection list box by the end user.
Report Header: The name of the report
as it will be printed. This name can consist of the following predefined
<X>: It is the number of days parameter selected
for the report.
<P>: The selected period for which report is to
be generated.
<D>: The specific Doctor selected.
<A>: The applicable code selected.
SQL: The SQL required to generate the
report. This can consist of special tags which get appropriately substituted
before executing the SQL.
The special tags are:
[DATE_FROM] is from date defined in selected period.
[DATE_UPTO] is up to date defined in selected period.
[TODAY] is run date.
[TODAY_MINUS_X] is run date minus the 'X' days parameter.
[YESTERDAY] is run date minus one.
[THIS_WEEK_START] is the start date of current week. Week is assumed to start
on Monday.
[THIS_WEEK_END] is the last date of current week. Week is assumed to end
on Sunday.
[LAST_WEEK_START] is the start date of last week. Week is assumed to start
on Monday.
[LAST_WEEK_END] the last date of last week. Week is assumed to end on
[THIS_MONTH_START] is the start date of current month.
[THIS_MONTH_END] is the last date of current month.
[THIS_DOC] is the Id of login Doctor.
[SPL_CODE] is the entered applicable code.
[THIS_PATIENT] is the Patient ID selected from the current encounter.
[THIS_APPT_ID] is the ID of the current appointment.
[EXTRA_PARAM] is the value to be passed in case of a hyperlinked report.
<This Person> generates the tabular report related to the logged in User only.
[THIS_QUARTER_START] is the start date of current quarter. A year is divided into four Quarters, i.e. January-March (I Quarter); April-June(II Quarter); July-September(III Quarter); October-December(IV Quarter).
[THIS_QUARTER_END] is the end date of current quarter. A year is divided into four Quarters, i.e. January-March (I Quarter); April-June(II Quarter); July-September(III Quarter); October-December(IV Quarter).
[LAST_QUARTER_START] is the start date of the previous quarter. A year is divided into four Quarters, i.e. January-March (I Quarter); April-June(II Quarter); July-September(III Quarter); October-December(IV Quarter).
[LAST_QUARTER_END] is the end date of the previous quarter. A year is divided into four Quarters, i.e. January-March (I Quarter); April-June(II Quarter); July-September(III Quarter); October-December(IV Quarter).
[LAST_YEAR_START] is the start date of the last year.
[LAST_YEAR_END] is the end date of the last year.
Basic / Zoom Report: If the above SQL
uses the [EXTRA_PARAM] tag, the report is considered as a Zoom report
, otherwise as a Basic report.
Applicable: Select the appropriate
check box which will decide what selections a user can make when he selects
this report to be executed.
Group By: If this is checked the report
is assumed to be grouped by the first select field. The report generated
shows a colored band for the value of the grouped field.
Sequence No.: The sequence No in which
the Report Options will be displayed in the List Box.
Column Header: Define the column titles for each of the select
fields in the SQL. The count of fields in the SQL and the titles defined
must be same. In the Title, user can define " WRAPTEXT", " LEFT" or " RIGHT" to wraptext, left intend or right intend data in the column, repectively.
There is a formula, MIN_CALC that can be used in column header to know
the exact time spent on every patient's encounter.
The formula if implemented as MIN_CAL 4:3 then the number 4 and 3 denote the Sr. No. in which the encounter end time and encounter start time have been defined respectively in the Column Header. The formula calculates on the basis of the time difference between the End Time and the Start Time. The Start and End time of the Encounters are captured from Specialty screen and Doctor Form. From the Tabular Report screen Users are able to view the calculated value in minutes.
Note: The space before " WRAPTEXT", " LEFT" or " RIGHT" and Specify this after the actual title.
Only one single field in the current report could be hyperlinked
to generate another report. If this is required keep the check box in
line with the field checked. To generate a relevant hyperlinked report,
a field value on the current report line will need to be passed. Check
the required field to be passed as a parameter.
Zoom Report: This list box is applicable
only if one of the above columns is checked to be hyperlinked. The list
box displays the list of Zoomed reports.