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The Search popup window allows you to search, sort
and filter records. It allows you to filter a long list and narrow your options down to a select few. Just enter a few starting characters according to which you wish to filter. The list is automatically filtered and only relevant records are displayed. e.g. if you type S in the Name textbox, and click filter button, all the names beginning with S will be displayed. If you type %liz in the Name textbox, all the names having the word liz in them (not necessarily starting) will be displayed. Sorting Records: Click on the column headings underlined to sort records. Navigation Buttons: Use the buttons to view multiple pages of records. Style Buttons: The same entity can be selected from various lists. e.g. Under Assessment ICD Codes selection can be done from
Single/Multiple Selection: If the application demands that only one row be selected, no checkbox will be displayed. Click on the text to select the row. If multiple selection was expected, checkbox will appear on each row. The user may check the required number (or max. allowable) of rows to select them. My Preferences: If the Doctor is setting his Preferences (for ICD/CPT/Drugs Codes) a check box appears on each row for search, so that the Doctor can click on it and add the Code to his List. Likewise on his Preferred List, each row has check box to delete. Action Buttons: Possible Action Buttons displayed in the last row are