The Phrases used in PrognoCIS are displayed as per category. User can search phrase on any keyword and also view the category associated to phrase. User can insert a single or multiple phrases by selecting single or multiple checkboxes.
User can add phrases with unlimited character.
Category: Select the Category to add new phrases under it from the drop-down menu. The phrases are grouped in user defined categories. This field is mandatory.
Add New link: Click on the link to add a new phrase category. Enter the category name to be created in the Add New Phrases Category popup.
Edit link: Click on the link to modify the name of existing phrase category. Enter the new category name for existing category in the Edit Phrases Category popup.
Title: Enter the title
to define the Name / Keyword of the Phrase that can be used in search for
selection. For example the title can be: Care before Angioplasty. The Phrases when shown in search
are anyway restricted to 50 characters. Hence, showing the initial part
of the phrase does not turn out to be very productive.
Phrase: Enter the Phrase to be used in the Notes. Phrases can be in multiple lines and the length upto 5000 characters. This field is mandatory.
Active: Select checkbox to make available for selection.
Note : To edit an existing phrase select the respective checkbox and then click Add/Edit button in Phrase popup. At a time only one phrase is allowed for selection and editing.
save button: Click the button to save the record in PrognoCIS.
delete button: Click the button to delete the patient's record from PrognoCIS; a prompt, confirming your delete action is displayed.
reset button: Click the button to reset the recently entered changes in the record before it was saved.