Patient Payment Plan or Financial Plan is based on an individual patient’s Insurance, Self Pay treatments offered by clinic and financial condition of patient. The Copay, Deductible, Visit Fee and Co-Ins amount is considered when offering the payment plan. There are three likely plans which are allowed 'Weekly', 'Monthly' and 'Per Visit' by the system.
Note: The Payment Plan is always finalized before the patient treatment starts. One Patient has only one Payment Plan Open at a given time.
Note: If Copay/ Visit Fee are collected then it is collected in ‘Advance’ tab of Copay screen when patient has Patient Payment Plan.
If the patient pays after patient responsibility is created, then normal fees are charged to the patient. If the patient pre-pays i.e before responsibility is created or during visit then the patient is given appropriate discount and the payment plan is chalked out based on the discounted rate.
A tracking mechanism is incorporated for remind users about next payment due, amount due, last payment date, amount paid last, Balance Amount etc.