Write Off screen allows to write off the patient responsibility of a patient. To write off patient responsibility, claim should be in 'Billed' state and claim should have patient responsibility amount balance.
Add New Patient Wirite Off
To add a new Patient Write Off, click button 'Add New'. Enter Date and select Patient. All other fields are disabled. Click on Save to reatin the details. Once patient write off is saved, note that the other fields are enabled and user can enter all details against this Write Off.
Patient Write off No.: It is patient write off voucher no. and is auto generated by system when Patient write off is created. This is non editable field. It is hyperlinked to display pop up 'Patient Write Off - Last Update Details'. Pop up 'Patient Write Off - Last Update Details' displays details like 'Claim', 'Code', 'User who updated the write off', 'Timestamp - modified time and date'.
Write off date: It is the date on which patient write off was credited. Generally, system puts current date but user can change it using binocular.
Status: There are two statuses of Patient Write Off.
'Entered' - For newly created patient write off or till it is not posted.
'Posted'- Once Patient Write off is posted using checkbox 'Ready to Post', status finally changes to 'Posted'. It can not be further edited unless reopened again using button 're-open'.
Post Date: It is the date patient write off posting.
Select Claims for Write Off: : Click binocular to select claims of patient for which patient responsibility amount is pending. (Note that claim records for Patient Bills Only are considered)
Claims Details
Del:Click icon to delete the selected claim from Patient Write Off.
Claim Id: It the Id of the claim selected for patient write off.
DOS: It is date of service.
POS: It is place of service.
Patient Name: It is the name of patient associated to claim which has to written off.
Provider: It is the provider assoicated to claim.
Bill Amount: It is the Total Billed Amount.
Bal Amt: It is the outstanding patient balance amount.
Insurance: It is name of the insurance company associated to claim.
Charge Code Details
Code: It is the charge code in claim.
Name: It is the name of the charge code.
Bill: It is the billed amount of charge code.
Paid : It is the amount paid for the charge code in claim.
Bal: It is the calculated Balance Amount which can be written off.
Write Off Amount: In case there is a Balance Amount, Biller can enter the same Amount under this column and so that the Bill amount and Write Off are fully matched and adjusted. If the Balance Amount is not written Off, the Bill will remain as outstanding and will appear in every statement / report.
Reasons: Select reason for write off from drop down list.
Comments: Enter comment here.
On post records in the bottom detail table, against which No amount is entered will be deleted.
Note: Updates about patient write off is updated on Patient A/C. Click hyperlink 'Pat W0' on Patient A/C to view written off amount. The Patient Balance is also updated on Patient A/C.
Totals: Shows the Totals of all the records.