Topics | Patient Receipts | Search: |
Intorduction This screen displays the payment received from Patient and gives the detailed breakup of amounts paid against each charge that was claimed. The payment is received for a single Provider or even more. Hence we have to a search the patient. The Biller will break the Bill, Provider wise and then make the entry in the system. All the transactions on patient receipt screen is updated on 'Patient Account' screen.
Click button to add new Patient Receipt entry in the system for a patient. On Patient Receipt screen, enter the required information for which description is given below: Receipt Date: By default, system enters the current system date but using icon calender, user can change 'Receipt Date'. User cannot enter the 'Receipt Date' greater than today's date and if entered then system validates and displays alert message 'Receipt Date greater than today's date.'. System does not allow to enter date greater than today's date. Default date format is 'mm-dd-yyyy'. It is mandatory field. Paid By: Dropdown 'Received From' display options to ensure that amount is received from a particular entity. Various options in the drop down list are:
Pay Mode: It is mandatory field. This drop down provides three modes of payment to accept Patient Receipt. These modes are :
Received Amount: It is mandatory field. Enter the amount which is received as the 'Patient Receipt'. Receipt No: Hyperlinked 'Receipt No.' is auto generated field. The length and prefix of the 'Receipt No.' can be set using property 'era.patrecno.length' and 'era.patrecno.prefix'. 'Receipt No' is hyperlinked to display pop up 'Patient Receipt- Last Update Details'. Pop up 'Patient Receipt- Last Update Details' provides details about 'Claim Id - Claims on Patient Receipt ', 'Code - Charge Code', 'User - updated by', 'Timestamp - last update time and date). Patient: It is mandatory field. The patient receipt is created for a patient. Click binocular icon to search the patient. As soon as the patient is selected in the field, the various details like 'Patient Balance', 'Advance' and 'Batch No'. is updated automatically. Name: It is the edit field. Either using auto complete feature or search binocular, name of the patient/ gurantor can be entered approprately according to selection in dropdown 'Received From'. When 'other' is selected in 'Received From' drop down, the search binocular is disabled. Post Date: It is the date on which 'Patient Receipt' was posted if batch no. is not attached otherwise it takes the date of Batch associated to it. After 'Ready to Post', this field becomes non editable. Allocated Amount:
It is the amount allocated.
Remaining Amount: It is the amount remained according to the amount received by patient receipt and paid amount. On selecting a claim (middle frame on screen) the row has a field to enter Allocated Amount. The List Box following this field has many options based on which the Allocated amount can be assigned / apportioned to all the rows in the details table below. The Allocated Amount is apportioned on the basis of Allowed Amount in one of the following ways:
Charge Code wise detail(bottom frame on screen) The charge code wise details are not displayed automatically as soon as claim is selected on the screen. Click button 'Del' to view charge code details. Del: Click 'Del' to delete claim highlighted with blue color on Patient Receipt screen. Claim Id: It is the unique id of the claim selected for Patient receipt for a patient. Click icon to view charge code wise detail at the bottom table. This is because an Insurance is specific in mentioning the Allowed / Paid / Co Insurance etc Amounts for each charge, where as a Patient would just pay the total amount. Only by exception would he say that he is disputing a specific charge and is paying for the rest. On selecting a claim the details are shown in the bottom table. The Allowed amount is computed at the beginning at the time of charge entry creation, depending on the Insurance company and its applicable schedule (Settings > Configuration > Insurance).
The detail table (if used) has the following fields:
Bill: The Amount billed to Patient for the charge code.
As the values are modified, note that the column totals are billed up. The Paid Amount in the Claims line in the middle table is updated. The Assigned Amount and balance Amounts are updated in the header area. Action Button save: It saves the changes on Patient Receipt screen. delete: It deletes the selected Patient Receipt screen. reset: It resets any changes carried out on Patient Receipt screen.
re-open: It re-opens the Patient Receipt which was in
'posted' state.