Topics | Vendors | Search: |
Vendors denote the following type of companies:
HL7 App (Application Code) and HL7 Facility can be specified for Labs and Rads if the Orders / Results are going to be exchanged with the Clinic using HL7 ver 2.3 for messaging. Contact Support team for further details. The information of the contact person is also stored along with the vendor name and address. A Vendor cannot be deleted, if there are any Orders on him in the Clinical Information System. The system can be configured (Refer to PrognoCIS Properties Setup) to allow login to one or more types of Vendor (Labs / Radiologist / Pharmacies). If this is applicable to current Vendor, on adding a new record the login information viz. the User Id and Password is auto generated by the system and intimated to the vendor via email. Hence it is necessary to define the Address of the vendor while defining his demographic data. |