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Encounter is the Patient's Visit to Clinic / Interaction
with the Doctor. The purpose of the software is to document all the details
of this encounter, so that data is captured fast, comprehensively, stored
efficiently and can be retrieved and analyzed whenever required. Note: The encounter screen shows details about a specific encounter for the selected Patient. Date: of Encounter. Normally this will be taken as a system date and the user will not be allowed to modify this. However, to allow the user in initial days of implementation to enter data for past encounters, user can set a property, Encounter params > encounter.startdate.enabled, and take the liberty of entering this date. In any case, this date cannot be greater than the application login date. Attending Doctor: Select from List Box. If the Logged in Person is a Doctor, he is the Attending Doctor and there are no more entries in the List Box. If the Logged in Person is a Nurse, all the Doctors to whom she is attached are available for selection in the List Box. In case any other person Logs in, all Doctors are available for selection in the List Box. The default Doctor selected is the one from the Previous Patient Encounter. If this was the first Encounter of the Patient, it is the Primary Doctor from the Patient Registration screen. If the default Doctor selected is inactive OR logged in Nurse is not attached to him, the first Doctor from the list is selected. Encounter Type: A List Box is provided. The default is OV for Office Visit OR any other type as set in the property, Encounter params > encounter.default_type. Encounter Types are defined in Settings > Configuration > Groups > Clinic > Enc Types. Referring Doc: User may choose from List Box if applicable. The default is taken from the Patient Registration screen. Reason: Reason for visit can be entered. These values can be changed before the encounter is closed. P.S. Creating a New Encounter for an existing Patient: a. If there is an exisitng appointment for that Patient with status "Scheduled" OR "Tentative" for that date, the status changes to "With Doc / Nurse". b. If there is not an existing appointment for that Patient, a new appointment is scheduled with status "With Doc / Nurse" with the date and time, when the new encounter was created. c. While in Appointmet Scheduling, if the user changes the appointment status to Arrived, a new Encounter is created automatically. |