Topics Billing : New Claims Search:  


New Claims is a provision for the user to create claims independent of the Encounters. The claims will be created on an adhoc basis as and when required.

The three Radio Buttons provide three options that determine the default values with which the claim will be created.

Create New Claim: This radio button remains checked by default. If user does not want to create a new claim, then they need to select any of the other three radio buttons present below. For creating a new claim following information is to be provided that includes:

Date of Servcie: This displays the date on which the service was rendered to the patient. Date can be either entered manually or can be selected by clicking on the calendar Calender icon.

Patient: This displays the name of the patient. Name can either be entered manually or can be auto-generated by clicking on the binocular Search icon.    

Provider: This displays the name of the provider. Name can either be entered manually or can be auto-generated by clicking on the binocular Search icon.    

Referring Provider:
Here name of referring provider has to be mentioned, which can either be entered manually or can be auto-generated by clicking on the binocular Search icon.    

Claim Location: This displays the location where claim was created.  

Encounter Type: This displays the type of encounter selected from the auto-populated list.

Reason for Visit: This displays the reason of patient’s clinic visit. Reason of visit is associated to Encounter of the patient    

Create a copy of an Existing Claim with a New Visit Id: 
User is expected to select the Date of service or the Claim ID. The search button
Search displays a list of existing claims with status as 'Billed' or ‘Entered’. The program creates a Dummy encounter corresponding to this claim.

Create a copy of an Existing Claim with a Same Visit Id: 
At times after a claim is sent, users want to make more charges in the billed claim. In such a case, a supplementary claim can be created corresponding to the same visit Id.

Create Claims for Encounters Dated: Entering the date in this field will create claims for all the encounters that were either not closed or for those claims were not created for the encounters created on that date. The creation of claims is controlled by a property ‘’; if the property is set to ‘A’ then claims for the encounters that were created on that date but not closed will be created. If the property is set to ‘C’ then claims will be created for all the encounters will CPT and HCPC codes. In case, the property is set to ‘N’ then this field will become inactive and no claims will be created.  



See Also,
Fee Schedule
Fee Calculation
CMS Flag
Employer Billing Claim
Capitation Billing Claim
Supplementary Claims
Additional Claim Info
Paper Form Flag