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The In Box shows all the messages addressed to the Login User. He can sort them, delete them, read them. The major feature being that he can click on a sender name to zoom to the relevant document. e.g. It is an Alert that the Doctor needs to Approve a Lab Order. A click takes him to the Lab Order Entry screen with the specified Lab Order opened for him. He can just click on Save to Approve it. No more clicks, no more navigation.

This option is a messaging system for use within the application. There are five types of Messages:

All radio button: Displays all incoming messages.

Alert radio button: Displays only alert type of messages.

Normal mail radio button: Displays only Normal Mails.

Notification radio button: Displays only Notification type of messages.

Telephonic radio button: Displays only Telephonic type of messages.

ToDo radio button: Displays only incoming messages where flag is applicable.

Urgent radio button: Displays only urgent type of messages.

All checkbox : allows User to make selection of all the messages together for deletion.

Mark Unread : User just has to select a message or message row and click on Mark Unread button has to be clicked – the respective message gets marked as Unread, indicated by the message icon.

Type: The Type of Message.

Alerts (A): These are also system generated messages to Doctors when a predefined subscribed event takes place. The difference being that the Doctor is expected to act on it.
e.g. A nurse enters a new Lab Order and the Doctor is expected to Approve it. Like wise he needs to Approve the Lab Results which have come in.

Normal Message (M): This is more like short email messages, which can be send to any authorized user within the application.

Notification (N): These are system generated messages to Doctors when a predefined subscribed event takes place. In the context of the applications some events have been predefined. The configuration option allows the admin to subscribe to one or more of these events.
These could be simple ones like e.g. Today's appointment of Mr John has been rescheduled, Or a New Patient has been referred by a Doctor.

Note: On successful login the system deletes all the old read messages which are System generated (Alert/Notifications) AND which are pertaining to Lab/Rad AND which are read AND their Read Date < (Today - property days).
The mail purging after required days is set by mentioning the number of days to the property,
Mail Related Parameters > mail.purge.lab.days
Mail Related Parameters > mail.purge.rad.days

Urgent Message (U): This is like a Normal Message but with a different categorization to indicate priority.

Telephonic Message (T): Message sent by any User within the Application when the Doctor was busy and had received a telephone, attended by that user.

Status: Displays an image of an open or closed envelope to indicate if the message is read.

Flag: Flags are used to track messages with action. These same messages can also be viewed by selecting the ToDo radio button. If the action is complete the flag is not displayed. Scheduled actions are indicated with a Green flag and overdue actions with a Red flag.

From: Sender's name which is hyperlinked to take the user to the concerned message.

Patient Name: This is the reference patient. The name is hyperlinked to take the user to his default encounter.

Subject: Message subject.

Action: Action to be taken, if applicable.

Zoom To: A click on this button takes the user to the referenced document.

Received Date: Message received date.

Due Date: Due date for Action.

Forward: Any message can be forwarded to any number of users through this button.

Events: The comprehensive list of events for which Alerts and Notifications can be generated is:

Event Abbr Description
11 AM Appointment Moved
12 AC Appointment Cancelled
13 NR New Patient Referred to Attending Doc
14 SLO Lab Order is Sent
15 SRO Rad Order is Sent
18 NLO Lab Order (if nurse has approved)
19 NRO Rad Order (if nurse has approved)
20 NLR Normal Lab Result (if nurse has approved)
21 NRR Normal Rad Result (if nurse has approved)
22 NLR AbNormal Lab Result (if nurse has approved)
23 NRR AbNormal Rad Result (if nurse has approved)
31 AT Authorize Encounter Transcript
32 AL Authorize the Out Letter
33 AL Authorize the In Letter
34 ALO Approve Lab Order
35 ARO Approve Rad Order
36 ALR Approve Normal Lab Result
37 ARR Approve Normal Rad Result
38 ARX Approve Rx
39 ARRX Approve Request Refill - Rx
40 ALR Approve AbNormal Lab Order
41 ARR Approve AbNormal Rad Order
42 AAA The Encounter Progress Notes Attachment
51 LOF Send Lab Failed
52 ROF Send Rad Failed
53 RXF Send Rx Failed
54 LTF Send Letter Failed
61 HPT Invalid Patient
62 HLB Invalid Lab
63 HAP Invalid Appointment
The System takes care of Message box size. The messages are automatically purged after number of messages for a user exceeds a particular number defined in property, Mail related params > mail.purgecount. The Messages can be sorted by clicking on each of the underlined column headings.

The System Admin can edit the comma separated list of event numbers in property, Supported Events > events.supported, for which the Alerts and Notifications need to be Re-generated.