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The Doctor very often receives a letter with Assessment
/ Plan / Lab Results / Other info from the Referring Doctor / Referred Doctor
/ Insurance. Patient: Since all correspondence is saved with reference to the Patient, the right Patient must be selected first. Letter From: This can be from a Patient, Referred By Doctor, Referred To Doctor, Insurance (Patient's primary insurance) or others. Name and Address; Email & Fax: If the Patient or Referring Doctor was selected, their Name and Address are automatically populated and the fields made non editable. If others was selected then of course both Name and Address need to be explicitly entered. Consult Result: the field has a search icon which on click invokes the Consult Order search popup displaying Consult Orders that have statuses such as 'Ordered' and 'Result Received'. The selected value is then displayed in the Consult Result field. Clear: On click, the link clears the selection from the Consult Result field Subject: Enter Subject for the Letter in this box. Status: The status is either set to Entered, Approved or Send. Date: Is set to run date. Attach: Click on this button to attach an Incoming Letter file. Letter Contents: The view of the attached letter is shown by default. New: To create a new letter. Search: Displays a list of all letters receieved for the current Patient in reverse order of date. |