Topics Letters Search:  


A letter can be written to one of the following by choosing the radio button for,

  • Patient
  • Responsible Person
  • Patient Payment Plan

Last Name From: Depending upon the alphabet added in the field, last name of patient, responsible person or payment plan patient will be filtered and outstanding letters will send to them. For example, ‘BR’ when entered defines the starting range for statement generation for patients having last name that start with ‘Br’. The range is completed with value entered in Upto last Name field./p>

Last Name Upto: Enter the first few alphabets of the patient’s Last Name starting with – this would help to give an ending range for selecting patients. For example, ‘GE’ when entered defines the ending range for statement generation.

Outstanding From Resp Date: The date on which the responsibility is transferred to patient is termed as Resp Date. Add respective days in these two fields for filtering out the patient.

Total due amount more than: The range of outstanding amount is mentioned in this field. In the field is set on the default value ‘0’, then outstanding letters will be send to all the patients despite of their outstanding balance.

Statement Count more th an: This gives users an ability to bifurcate patients to whom statements had already been sent but no response has been received from their end. With this added feature users will be able sort list patient using Statement Count as the parameter. For Example, if the parameter is set to 3 then only those patients will be considered for generating letters who have received at least 3 statements after their last patient receipt collected on the account. 

A warning mail is send to all such patients informing them that their account is being handed over to the collection agencies. The functional logic of ‘Statement Count more than’ field respond differently for Patient, Responsible Person and for the Payment Plan Patient. 

· When “Patient” Radio button is selected then ‘Statement Count more than’ will remain enable.

· When “Resp Person” Radio button is selected then ‘Statement Count more than’ will get disabled.

· When “Payment Plan” Radio button is selected then ‘Statement Count more than’ will get disabled.

Select the Patient Financial Class Statements: There are three options present in the form of radio buttons, they are:

  • All
  • Not Suppressed          
  • Suppressed

When radio button ‘All’ is selected outstanding letters is send to all the patient despite of their financial class. When radio button ‘Not Suppressed’ is selected then outstanding letters are send only to those patients who are not marked as bankrupt. However, when the radio button Suppressed is selected then outstanding letters will send only to those patients who are marked as bankrupt.    

Select Template: Select the appropriate template by clicking on the binocular icon. The search result considers the ‘Letter to’ selection criteria and accordingly pops up templates with sub types. Like, for patient template with OSLETPT, for Responsible person OSLETRS and for Payment Plans OSLETPP appears. As per the requirement different templates of one subtype can be created and saved.

Add to Patient Account Letters: If user wants to add patient’s outstanding letters in their record file, then user should check the check box ‘Add to Patient Account Letters’.   

Send By eMail If Address is available: When the check box ‘Send By Email If Address is available’ is checked then outstanding letters are also send via mails to patient or responsible person whoevers mail id is available.