Topics Family History Search:  

Introduction: When a new patient comes in, the doctor or nurse collects information on the Family History of serious congenital problems. The Family History screen is prepopulated with the doctor's preferred family history problem. User can add to the list by entering details on a blank row - the added problem or relation is specific to the patient and remains editable.

User can set the property, Face Sheet Settings > facesheet.familyhistory.byrelation (at Admin Level) to decide if he prefers Family History as Problem + Relation OR Relation + Problem on the Face Sheet details screen. In other words, depending upon the property, facesheet.familyhistory.byrelation the List of Problems OR Relation is displayed in the right pane.

On selection of a single row in the center pane, multiple options from the right hand pane are available for selection. Click on Add generates that many rows as the number of options selected.

The default or the standard list available on the right hand pane has SNOMED codes displayed. The associated SNOMED codes to the list in the center pane have the codes displayed on its tooltip.

The Problem [+] search and the Relation [+] search displays the associated SNOMED code in a separate column; There is a provision to enter Notes too. Details in Face Sheet Cell will also be accordingly displayed (including Notes).

Sel: Check it to Select the row on Save.

Problem: A problem can be added by clicking on the button. And corresponding Relation(s) from the list on the Right Hand Side can be checked and clicked on OK Button, to populate the new rows. More problems can be added by clicking on the button.

Relation: A Relationship can be added by clicking on the button. And corresponding Problem(s) from the list on the Right Hand Side can be checked and clicked on OK Button, to populate the new rows. More Relations can be added by clicking on the button.

Comments: Any other comments to be made by the Doctor.

Relevant: Relevance is to present condition. User can flag mentioned family history of the patient if it is relevant; the records with Relevance checked are highlighted in a different color on the Face Sheet.