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Remittance screen is used to document payments received from Insurances. Auto created Electronic Remittances and manually created EOB vouchers both appear under same screen with two statuses
If the voucher is Posted – All posted vouchers are found in PrognoCIS under Remittance → Processed. If the voucher is Not Posted - All Entered EOBs/ ELEs are found in PrognoCIS under Remittance → Unallocated. Non posted Remittance list also appears on Billing Home Page Under Non Posted section. The remittance or payment received from Insurance, gives the detailed breakup of amounts paid against each charge that was claimed. Remittance advice is received either in the form of Explanation Of Benefit (EOB) as a fax or document or Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). The EOB is manually attached whereas the ERA is attached automatically. EOB screen consists of the following sections as follows:
This drop-down helps to search for all (posted and entered) Remittances; or
(either posted or entered) Remittances.
EOB / ELE screen in PrognoCIS is split into two Sections:
Header level:
Claims & Charges
Header contains the information about the following Payor:
Name of Insurance company which has issued Payments. On EOB / ELE Screen, If
the payer selected is present in Settings →Configuration → Vendors→Insurance
Master it is termed as Insurance if the
Payer name selected is free text and does not show up under Insurance
master is its termed as Carrier in ProngoCIS.
Pay Mode:
Pay Mode is a mandatory field. It cannot be blank. PrognoCIS supports 3
payment modes in the Listbox field ‘Pay Mode’ on EOB/ERA screen driven by
property ‘era.remittance.paymodes’.
When Pay Mode is selected as Check, Date field labelled is ‘Check Date’,
Amount field is labelled ‘Check Amt’ and Number field is labelled as ‘Check
No’ and all 3 fields are mandatory.
Mode as Electronic/EFT:
Typically, when Electronic Payments are directly deposited in Clinic’s Bank
Account, Payment Mode is EFT. EFT stands for Electronic Fund Transfer. Each
such transfer transaction has a unique number called Instrument Number. When
ELEs or ERA i.e Electronic Remittance Advice are received from Insurances by
Clinic through EDI 835 files, mostly the payments are also via EFT. Very few
Remittance Advices come electronically and check follow later.
When Pay Mode is selected as EFT,
(three dotted icon) will be shown disabled next to Pay Mode List Box. The
reason for this is that there are no additional details to be noted for EFT
like in case of Check or Card like Check/Card No.
When Pay Mode is selected as EFT, Date Label is Receipt Date, Amount Label
is Receipt Amt and Number field is labelled as Instrument #. In case the
monies are received electronically and EOBs are received on paper, Users can
select EFT as a pay mode to keep track of payments.
If ELE or Electronic remittances and EOBs both are received electronically
then Pay mode is Auto selected to EFT and made non editable. PrognoCIS also
populates instrument # which is not editable.
Mode as Credit Card:
Credit card payments supported by PrognoCIS include manual entry of Credit
Card details and through Payment Gateway like OpenEdge(PayPros) and
Integrity. For doing Insurance payment using Credit Card through Payment
Gateway, the Electronic Payment Gateway has to be first turned On.
If Pay Mode option ‘Credit Card’ is selected then:
(three dotted icon) will be shown for manual entry irrespective of whether
CC Electronic Payment interface is turned ON or not.
‘Credit’ button is shown enabled when CC Electronic Payment interface is
turned ON and Merchant ID is present.
icon is selected then the following fields are shown in a pop-up. None of
them are mandatory:
‘Card No.’, ‘Card Holder’, ‘Card Type’
Button ‘Credit’ next to
icon of Pay Mode Dropdown is shown enabled only if the Pay Mode option
chosen is ‘Credit Card’ and that too where Credit Card Electronic Payment
feature has been turned ON.
When Pay Mode is selected as Credit Card, Date Label is Receipt Date, Amount
Label is Receipt Amt and Number field is labelled as Card No.
Payment is not received as Credit Card when ELE are received.
Label changes based on Pay Mode selected.
Note: * indicates mandatory field. Check Date/Receipt Date: When Pay Mode selected is Check, this Date field label shows Check Date whereas if Pay Mode is EFT or Credit Card, it changes label to Receipt Date. Check Amount/Receipt Amt: When Pay Mode selected is Check, this Amount field label shows Check Amt whereas if Pay Mode is EFT or Credit Card, it changes label to Receipt Amt. Check No: When Pay Mode selected is Check, this Number field label shows Check No label whereas if Pay Mode is EFT, the label changes to Instrument # and if Pay Mode is Credit Card, it changes label to Card No.Check or Instrument # or Credit Card # (Stores only last 4 Digits) Remittance No:
This indicates Auto created voucher# which by default starts with either
ERA (For Paper remittances) or ELE (For Electronic Remittances). Clicking
this # will also give users a basic
Audit Trail
of transactions.
Remittance No
is generated using the property
The label Remittance No is hyperlinked to display the Last modified By
Name and Date time stamp at header and each Claim Charge row level.. Remittance Date: Date on which remittance is created; current date is displayed by default but it is an editable field (user can change or edit the date). Allocated Amt:It is the amount allocated by the Insurance (payer) towards the claim(s). The sum of 'Paid' and 'Excess Amounts' entered for all claims on the EOB/ERA adds up to Allocated Amt. Post Date: Post Date can be entered by user if Receipt Batch No is Not applicable and EOB is Not reopened and EOB is not in posted or achieved state. On manual creation of new EOB, Post Date gets auto populated as Today’s Date and to Run Date when ELE is processed when Receipt Batch No is not applicable. If Receipt Batch is applicable, this is set to the Batch Creation Date and the field is Non editable. Batch No: This is the Check deposit batch number. This is automatically generated by PrognoCIS for each batch of Remittance Voucher. This feature is enabled only if the property: billing.use.receipt.batchno is set to 'Y'. If the user has rights to create or to start a new batch then the button “+” is enabled and the user is able to select an existing open batch or create a new batch . If the property is turned 'On' then the user will not be able to post a voucher until a batch number is selected.
User can select any of the reopened voucher and load it to explore the details. When reopened Remittance voucher is loaded, header portion of the voucher is highlighted with Yellow border. User can navigate to Original Remittance voucher by clicking the same button. When the search is invoked from a reopened remittance voucher, it will list the Original Remittance voucher at the beginning of search list with corresponding status. Also, other instances of reopened vouchers will be enlisted below the original voucher, allowing user either to navigate to the Original Remittance Voucher or explore the other archived copies, if any. Status: Displays the status Entered, Posted, and Archived. This is followed by Reopen in Red if the EOB was posted earlier and then Reopened.Remaining Amt: Remaining Amt is the difference of Received Amount and Allocated Amount. If 'era.remittance.useadvance' is set to Y, Remaining amount on Remittance Voucher will be moved To/From Advance, depending upon whether Remaining Amount is Positive/Negative. Back to Top Claims Section Select Claims Search Button: Click on this icon to see a list of Outstanding Claims pertaining to this selected Insurance and Attending Provider. Claim Details: On selecting a claim the details are shown in the bottom table. The Charge Billed is displayed and the user can enter all other amounts. Recoup Search: It displays all claims which are posted, considering all the Insurance companies. Earlier, Recoup was allowed to be done multiple times. Now, once Complete Paid Amount is recouped then it will not be allowed to recoup again. ![]()
EOB / ERA Screen contains only two sections Header Section, Claim header and third Charges section is merged into Claim header section in form of an expandable accordion; set to expand on a mouse click.
When a
Claim is selected from the search binocular the Claim level displays the
accordion. For each claim row accordion the following details are displayed when accordion is expanded. Claim Table: This table displays the claim related information details in the accordion. The following fields such as PaidAs, A2 and DCN ICN are shown editable but only when accordion is expanded. Hence, changes can be made. Charges Table:This table displays information related to the claim charge code. When user clicks on the other accordion then existing accordion gets automatically saved.
Claim Posting allows the users to:
· Post a
single claim without posting the entire Remittance
· Unpost
and Edit payments from a single Claim of the remittance without impacting
other posted claims on the same remittance using the Edit button. Post button![]() ![]() The claim row also Includes important information in reference to claims selected such as – Claim ID, Date of Service, POS, Patient, Paid As, Allocated Amt, A2 (Auto Bill Secondary), Primary Ins, Secondary Insurance, Tertiary Insurance, Provider, DCN / ICN Number
The Charges
section presents the information at the charge level (It
gives details of Charges which are reported on a selected claim and which
are paid or accounted for in the EOB / ERA which is being posted This section presents following information to the users:Charge Code, Modifier if applicable, Billed Amt, Contract Amt, Allowed Amt, Paid Amt, Coinsurance, Copay, Deductible, Not Covered, Balance, Excess Payment, Write off, Status / Action Section, Bill Patient Checkbox, Current Balance, Current Responsibility And Delete Checkbox. Fields in Details Frame Single Claim Edit Functionality is obsolete. Now, Single Claim Posting has been introduced.Charge: This is the charge code for selected claim. The background color can be Hyperlink O: When payment is posted on the same charge code from the same payment source then the O hyperlink is enabled.For example:When Primary Payment is posted and user is posting another payment from Primary insurance on the same charge code, then O button is shown enabled. Hyperlink 'R': When any other receipt is posted on the same charge code then the R hyperlink is enabled.For example: When Primary Payment is posted and user posts the Secondary payment or the Patient Receipt on the same charge code then the 'R' Hyperlink is shown enabled. Bill Amount: This is the billed amount for the charge code in a claim. Contract: The Maximum allowable amount as per Provider's contract with that particular insurance carrier. The value in this section is controlled by Allowable Fee schedule as set up in PrognoCIS. (Read Only Field) By default this field does not have any direct impact on Calculations on the EOB. However it plays a key role while tracking Underpayments. Adjust: The amount of monies which are applied towards Contractual Obligations or Contractual Adjustments. The adjustments are calculated automatically as soon as Allowed amounts are added.Allowed: The maximum allowable amount as per EOB. Bill Amount: The Amount billed to Insurance Co. for the charge, Allowed Amount is computed at the beginning at the time of charge entry creation, depending on the Insurance company and its applicable schedule (Settings → Configuration → Insurance). The Biller will certainly need to edit this amount based on the actual specified in the Insurance Remittance Advice. Paid: It is the actual amount paid in this remittance. Co Ins: Amount is the amount to be collected from Secondary Insurance. Note, if this remittance was against Secondary insurance, then the Co Ins Amount column is disabled. Co Pay: It is the one to be collected as Co Pay from the Patient. Note, if this remittance was against Secondary insurance, then the Co Ins Amount column is disabled. Deductible Amount: It is the one to be collected from the Patient. Not Covered: It is Not covered by the Insurance Company, as such must be charged to the patient. Balance Amount: It is the Allowed - Paid - Co Ins - Co Pay - Deductible - Not Covered. It is unlikely that there will be any Balance Amount, when the Insurance Company makes a payment.
User can enter the excess amount paid by Insurance along with its reason
like Late Payment / Interest. Note that this amount does not affect the
outstanding / AR for the charge. Status + Action: Users can select the status manually while posting EOBs from status and Action drop down at the charges section on EOB. The permitted values are,
Denied Status
Denials are posted in PrognoCIS with Denied Status at the Charge Level. By
default when insurance carrier denies a claim, the balance is kept in the
same bucket (Primary / Secondary / Tertiary) and is not moved to the next
entity unless user explicitly takes action to do so. All
Claims are shown under AR/Follow-up → Denied
claims list so that billers may take appropriate actions for the same. The
Action window is invoked from all screens where denials can be accessed · For posting a denial, Selecting appropriate Denied Reason is mandatory · For Action codes: Write Off & Charge Next Responsible; Populating Action Reasons is mandatory
Any comment added in the Statement Comments section will be added to
As the values are modified, note that the column totals are billed up. The Paid Amount in the Claims line in the middle table is updated. The Assigned Amount and
Balance Amounts are updated in the header area. Bill Pat: This indicates that the charge code is
directly billed to Patient. Configure Phrases for Appeals for Denied and Disputed Claims
Appeal Phrases can be configured as follows:
On EOB / ERA screen three dotted button
populates the details for Denials such as Denial and Action reasons. This
button also provides an option to mark a Payment as Disputed payment if
Allowed Amount is lesser than Insurance Contract Amount. Since both denials
and disputes can be contested or appealed, users have an option to use these
screens to populate Appeal phrases.
Impact of
Appeal on Patient Account The ID displays the Attach ID and
is hyper linked to invoke
a copy of the form which was printed. On every print of the form from EOB a
copy of the letter will get saved under Patient's account. Date column display the Date when Appeal letter was printed. Subject Line of the Appeal form label
is displayed as Appeal DocNo:
<<VOUCHER#) Claim: <<CLAIM ID>>. The Attached form can be deleted from Patient Account screen by
navigating to Attached Document button and invokes the same popup. The printed copy of the appeal form can also be seen from Claims letter
screen under EMR Documents button. The form can be printed with Copy of Medical
Records to respective insurances.
Validations are the error messages on closing the accordion and posting the voucher.
Following are the list of validations which are performed on saving the
accordion details.
Error Message
Negative Balance Amount
If the balance amount
for any of the charges is negative amount then on close of the
accordion or on click of another claim row an error message saying ‘Error Line No:1 Code: XXXXX Negative Balance Amount’ is displayed
How to Fix
User will have to remove
the negative amount found in the EOB and add appropriate values
Claim Level Validation
Error Message
Woff for Denied
If charges marked denied
and the charge code is also written off using the write off button
on the charges row then error message saying ‘Error
Line No:1 Code: XXXXX Woff for Denied' is displayed.
User will have to remove
the write off amount added or do not take Denied action on the
charge codes
Claim Level Validation
Error Message
Woff for Duplicate.
If charges marked are
duplicate and are also written off using write off button then an
error message saying ‘Error
Line No:1 Code: XXXXX Woff for Duplicate’ is displayed.
How to Fix
User will have to remove
the writeoff amount from the charge code to avoid the message
Claim Level Validation
Error Message
Woff & Excess Amount are not supported on same
charge row
When the charge code has
transaction with write off amount and excess amount is also present
then on save message ‘Woff &
Excess Amount are not supported on same charge row’ is
How to Fix
User will have to remove
the Write off amount or the Excess amount from the charge code in
that EOB.
Claim Level
Error Message
Please define reason for Denial.
If Status ‘Approved’ is
changed to Denied and the accordion is closed then message saying ‘Error
Line No: X Code: XXXXX Denied No Reason’ is displayed.
How to Fix
User will have to select
Denied Reason from the drop down to avoid the error message on save
of the claim.
Claim Level Validation
Error Message
Excess Amount collected with Balance Amount
If the Allowed amt is
100 and the Paid amt is 80 and the Balance amt is not paid and
Excess amt is collected as 10 $ then on save message ‘Error
Line No 1: Code XXXX Excess Amount collected with Balance Amount’ is
How to Fix
User will have to remove
the balance amount or Allocate the Balance Amt in CoIns, Copay or
Not Cov bucket
Claim Level Validation
Error Message
For Additional Payment, Next responsible amount
Consider a scenario,
where the Allowed Amount is 100 and suppose Paid amt is 80. Now if
there is next responsibility present and there is an Additional
Payment then on save message’ Error Line No 1: Code: XXXX For
Additional Payment, Next responsible amount is NOT ALLOWED’ is
How to Fix
Next Responsibility and
Additional Payment do not work together. User has to remove the next
the responsibility or not enter the next responsibility to avoid the
error message.
Claim Level Validation
Error Message
To Delete entire claim, please use Delete Icon
for Highlighted claim.
If all the charges are marked for deletion
then on save an error message is displayed
How to Fix
User will have to use
the delete icon to delete the entire claim instead of the Delete
button on the EOB screen
Voucher Level Validation |
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