Topics | Encounter Report Definition | Search: |
Progress Notes (and Forms and Letter) Templates can
be used to generate a report for a specific encounter. If a template is
designed to print a few fields / rows and it is used for all relevant encounters,
it provides a easy way of generating adhoc reports providing a great deal
of information. The trick is to define a SQL query to select requisite
encounter Ids. No other field should be selected in the query. Of course,
a basic understanding of the underlying database structure is important,
and as such this report is best configured by the admin or Bizmatics support
staff. Option Name: The Option as seen in the selection list box by the end user. Report Header: The name of the report as it will be printed. This name can consist of the following predefined tags: <X>: It is the number of days parameter selected for the report. <P>: The selected period for which report is to be genereated. <D>: The specific Doctor selected. <A>: The applicable code selected. SQL: The SQL required to generate the report. This can consist of special tags which get appropriately substituted before executing the SQL. The special tags are: [DATE_FROM] from date defined in selected period. [DATE_UPTO] up to date defined in selected period. [TODAY] is run date. [TODAY_MINUS_X] is run date minus the 'X' days parameter. [YESTERDAY] is run date minus one. [THIS_WEEK_START] the start date of current week. Week is assumed to start on Monday. [THIS_WEEK_END] the last date of current week. Week is assumed to end on Sunday. [LAST_WEEK_START] the start date of last week. Week is assumed to start on Monday. [LAST_WEEK_END] the last date of last week. Week is assumed to end on Sunday. [THIS_MONTH_START] the start date of current month. [THIS_MONTH_END] the last date of current month. [THIS_DOC] is the Id of login Doctor. [SPL_CODE] is the entered applicable code. [THIS_PATIENT] is the Patient ID selected from the current encounter. [THIS_APPT_ID] is the ID of the current appointment. [EXTRA_PARAM] is the value to be passed in case of a hyperlinked report. Applicable: Select the appropriate check box which will decide what selections a user can make when he selects this report to be executed. Default Template: Select the required Template to be used as a Default when the report is to be generated. Sequence No.: The Sequence No. in which the Report Options will be displayed in the List Box. |