Topics | Data Mapping | Search: |
When data is imported from HL7 messages, there could
be a number of fields for which the values/ codes used by PrognoCIS and
the other applications will differ. e.g. the default sex of a Patient is
M in PrognoCIS and the valid values are M and F whereas in the other applications
the default could be Unknown and valid values Unknown, Male, Female. Hence
we need to create a Mapping set for each of the fields which need to be
imported. Which fields require to be mapped will be specified in the import
properties file. Code: A Code for the mapping set to be created. Name: A Name for the mapping set to be created. Ext Data Type: Select Field Data Type in the Import file from the List box. Our Data Type: Select PrognoCIS Field Data Type from the List box. Ext Data Length: Enter Field Length in the Import file. Our Data Length: Enter Field Length in PrognoCIS. Ext Data Default: Default value in External Application. (Used only for export) Our Data Default: Default value in PrognoCIS. Mapping Table: Enter the set of values in the external application each mapped to the equivalent values in PrognoCIS. |