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Current: The drop-down list value displays drugs from past encounters which have upto date greater than encounter date or has 'Long Term' checked or 'PRN' Checked or the property, set to 'Y'. The list ignores all drugs marked as 'Over' or 'Stopped' or 'Deleted' in this encounter. Shows drugs Prescribed / Added in current medication of current encounter. Stopped: Drugs which have been stopped in this or previous encounter. Past Rx: Displays a list of Stopped drugs, Old Med drugs, and Current drugs (including the ones added and dispensed). The field: No. of days depends on the property: rx.pastrx.days which implies, the number of previous days up to which the drugs will be selected in Past Rx. Also, the option: Unique drug id, depends on the property: rx.pastrx.uniqueDrug which implies, a drug can be prescribed in multiple encounters. To display all entries set to N. To display only the latest entry of a drug set to Y. On Start: Drugs which were in Current Medication on start of the encounter, before the provider prescribed him anything. This will include drugs carried forward from earlier encounter which the patient is supposed to be taking, as well as new ones told by the patient.
Note: If the stop date added on current medication is less than encounter start date, the record will not be seen even under "On Start" list box option. If the stop date is >= encounter date, it is not seen under "Current", but seen under "On Start". Old Med: Makes a list of all drugs ever prescribed to the patient. The drugs in Current option are ignored, the remaining are displayed here. In other words, drugs which were prescribed earlier, but were marked over / stopped and not re prescribed are listed here. All: Displays original entry of drug from Prescription / Current Medication for the Patient. Includes drugs which are Stopped or marked Over. If the details were edited they are not displayed. Does not display drugs entered from Current Medication which do not have an assigned strength. +Rx: Add to Prescription - If selected adds the drug to the prescription. The option is available in the Current and Past Rx selection to add the drug to the prescription. Continue
Warning: Displays drug interaction related warning messages (if any). No Known Current Medication: The option when selected marks that the patient has no known current medication. Transition of Care section - The following field description of Transition of Care is equally applicable to the Current Medication section
Status of Transition of Care: The status of transition of care done or not done in the current encounter is displayed or selected from the drop-down list.. Following is the list of values and its description:
No Known Transition of Care: The option is selected if the patient has transitioned without medication. Note, selecting the option would indicate that though there are no medications to reconcile but the reconciliation action has been performed and would be considered in the MU calculations. Del: Delete - if selected and saved then the records is deleted. The option remains enabled only for drugs added from the Current Medication screen; for all the prescribed drugs the options remains disabled. Refills: Number of refills is displayed next to the Upto Date column. It represents the number of times refill for medication can be taken from the pharmacy without seeing the doctor Note: This Refill information displayed is the one entered on Prescription screen. Comments: The column displays the specific drug dosage along with the comments entered by the provider in the pop-up: Edit Drug Details. Source: The drop-down list displays various sources from where the drug has been added. It is a mandatory field. The following table lists out these sources and its description:
Reconciliation: The drop-down list by default displays value, ‘Add' for drugs added via [+] and Medication History, whereas it displays value, ‘Select' for drugs imported via CCD. To add drugs to the patient's current medication list from Transition of Care section, User has to select the Reconciliation action as ‘Add' on the drug. To remove drugs from Transition of Care section, User has to select the Reconciliation action as ‘Remove' – this entry is not added to the current medication. Once a drug has been reconciled then that entry is removed from Transition of Care section. Last Modified: Last Modified field displays information such as the latest modified date, time, and time zone of clinic location. Edu Indication: The SNOMED or ICD code indicated as diagonosis and available in CCD-CCR is displayed here; the display of description is optional. Status: Displays 'Done' status as available on CCD CCR file. Notes close button: On click closes the Current Medication screen. history... button: All the user performed actions in the current medication screen are traced and logged. The button history when clicked displays this Current Medication history. print button: On click prints the clinic details as header followed by the patient details and the patient's current medication history details. |