Encounter Co Pay screen has a provision to apportion collected amount to
CoPay - Amount C
Deductible - Amount D
Visit Charges - Amount V
Advance - Amount A
It is important to understand these fields and their implications. Since the same names appear in the Encounter Co Pay screen for Apportionment and also in the remittance screen, it would be confusing. So the Co Pay screen Amounts for Apportionment have been named as Amount C,D,V and A above.
The Amount C is used to square Off the CoPay Amount specified in the Remittance CoPay field. If the remittance specified a CoPay of $20, then the program will take this to be the Patients responsibility and charge it to him (Invoice / Bill). However if an amount of $20 was collected as Amount C, then the net amount to be charged to the Patient will be 0, as such an Invoice/bill will NOT be raised. However if the Amount C was only $15 then the Patient bill be Invoiced/billed for $5 ($20 - $15). Theoretically if Amount C was $25 (which is unlikely) then $20 will get adjusted as in first case and $5 will remain as excess coPay collected but Not adjusted. Whats to be done with it will become clear in the Remittance > Advance option.
The Amount D is used to square Off the Deductible + Not Covered Amount specified in the Remittance fields. If the remittance specified a Deductible of $50 and Not Covered $25, then the program will take this to be the Patients responsibility and charge $75 to him (Invoice / Bill). However if an amount of $75 was collected as Amount D, then the net amount to be charged to the Patient will be 0, as such an Invoice/bill will NOT be raised. However if the Amount D was only $60 then the Patient bill be Invoiced/billed for $15 ($75 - $60). Theoretically if Amount D was $100 (which is unlikely) then $75 will get adjusted as in first case and $25 will remain as excess Deductible collected but Not adjusted. Whats to be done with it will become clear in the Remittance > Advance option.
Many a times it is clear that the patient is going to self pay. This can happen because either he does not have an Insurance Or he knows that he has come for some procedure/supplies/items which are definitely not covered by Insurance, so he would pay for it. In such a case only Amount V Visit Amount is specified in Encounter CoPay screen. At the end of the encounter, the Patient will be Billed for necessary amount. It would in all probability be same as the amount collected, in which case the Patient is Not Billed. For excess or Short collection the treatment is identical to that explained earlier.
Lastly Amount A, is the Advance / Adhoc Amount collected at the front desk against his previous Bills. The Receipt option matches the receipt amount against each Charge Line Item. The front office does not have the time to do that, so they can best collect it under this head.
When a patient registers at a clinic, along with his personal details, the Insurance details are also captured.
This pop up has the ability to Accept the Co Payment made by Patient, and
Print a Receipt.
Details of Insurance:
Patient Name and Date: Are displayed
automatically and are not editable.
Insurance Company: The name of the company offering
the Insurance plan.
Policy Number: The Insurance Policy Number.
Plan: The name of the plan.
Subscriber Name: The policy could be subscribed
by the patient himself or the subscriber could be any relative of the patient
or a legal guardian.
Relation: The relation of the subscriber with the patient.
Co-Payment: Co-Payment conditions are displayed
depending on the Insurance company selected from the list box.
Details of Co-Payment:
Total Charges: This is the total CoPay collection.
Super Bill: Click on Link invokes the SuperBill.
Payment Amount: User can make payment by Cash Or Check Or Credit Card. Click on Check or Credit Card enables corressponding fields for Check No., Bank, Validity Thru, Card Type, for details to be entered.
Apportion to: The payment amount may be divided under any or all heads for CoPay Or Deductible Or Visit Or Advance.
Card: Enter the payment amount to be made by card.
Debit: click on Debit button if user wants to make a payment by Debit Card. Debit button is enabled only if User enters an amount in the Card field.
Credit: click on Credit button if user wants to make a payment by Credit Card. Credit button is enabled only if User enters an amount in the Card field.
Remarks: User can enter Remarks if any.
Click on Save or Delete or Close or Print takes the said action for CoPayment.