Topics | Billing : Edit Claims | Search: |
Introduction Encounter Close screen of encounter this is assumed to be checked and treated accordingly.
On Left hand side of Claim screen
there are 3 buttons in green on Toolbar. Add, Search and Filter.
All Claims List Box: This text Box shows 3 Values:
When property is ON, then only user could see this list box on Claim screen. By default the Property is turned Off. Based on the option selected related claims are displayed on the screen and on the search results. For instance, if option Billed claims is selected then all the claims that are billed status will be displayed in the search results. First claims from the search list if displayed on the claims edit screen. When option Non Billed is selected then all the claims that are either in Entered or Ready to Send are displayed in the search result. When option All Claims is selected then search result will display all the claims whether they are in Billed, Ready to Send or Entered status. Navigation Icons: First, Previous, Next, Last are the 4 Navigation icons available on Toolbar to navigate to Claim screen. These Navigation Icons are governed by Search list. For Ex: If current Claim is 3nd in the Search List and there are total 1500 records in Claim search, click on First will take to 1st Claim , Previous will take to 2nd Claim, Next will take to 4th Claim in search list and Last will take to 1500th Claim i.e. the last Claim in the search. Note: Next is NOT in chronological Order, it is in Reverse chronology OR in Order of Display in search.
Print: Print button is used to print the Claim; User can have following option on Print Popup: Primary Insurance CMS as ICD 10, Secondary Insurance CMS as ICD 10, Tertiary Insurance CMS as ICD 10, Primary Insurance UB04 as ICD 10, Primary Insurance UB04 as ICD 10, Statement for DOS and Alternate CMS1500. This Popup has Ok and Cancel button. Fields and Icons on Edit Claims Screens (Charge Details Panel)Patient: Name of the patient auto populates in the field with a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink invokes the Patient information popup. User can make the desired changes related to patient information from this popup.
Claim ID Hyperlink: It is unique Id auto generated by the system associated to Claim as soon as it is created. It is one up number which is incremented by one each time new Claim is created. Claim Id cannot be edited. Claim Id on Claims Edit screen is hyper linked. Click hyperlinked ‘Claim Id’ to view Claims Update History pop up. Claims Update History shows update history of edition of Claims from version V2B5 onwards. Claims Update history pop up displays information about: · Claims / Charge Code level update · Last user who had updated the Claim
Amt Paid: It is the upfront payment (Copay) collected from patient. When hyperlinked ‘Amt Paid’ is clicked, it displays pop up ‘Copay’ having details about 'CoPay',Deductible', 'Visit', 'Advance' etc. Chart No: This is typically entered for completing the backlog of existing Patients at the clinic. Chart No. is added to Patient Registration Page from EMR module and is displayed here. Post Date: It is the date on which Claim was processed. It could be between visit date and date on Claim is processed. It is manual and editable field. Postdate cannot be further changed once Claim is processed. To alter ‘Post Date’ of processed Claims, Processed Claims needs to be Re-opened. Sent Date: As soon as Claim is marked as ‘billed’ ‘Sent Date’ is automatically populated. This date is updated whenever Claim is reopened and processed again. Therefore, Sent Date is the last updated date on which Claim was reopened and processed. Dco No./ Voucher number of Billed Claim is displayed right after 'Sent Date' for 'Billed' Claim.
Edi Batch Number:After Sent date, EDI batch number is generated,
if Claim is sent via EDI. Pre Auth Hyperlink: It is valid PreAuth No. received from Insurance Company. It is hyperlinked and displays 'active' and 'Inactive' Pre Auth details in chronological sequence with 'open' PreAuth at top and closed at bottom.Status: There are four statuses of Claims:
Claim’s status is also displayed on Billing Home Page.
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Type of Claim Checkboxes
Work Comp Employment, Auto Accident and Other Accidents
Accidental Claims can be created when Encounter type is
defined as Work Comp or Auto Accident and patient insurance has defined
'Work Comp' or 'Auto accident'. User can create an Accidental claim directly
from Claims → New
by selecting Encounter type as Workers Compensation. If user creates a Claim
with Encounter type as workers Comp but Insurance is not defined as 'Workers
Comp', then on Ready to send and save user gets a message saying
Pri Ins status is not Workers Comp.
If Patient do not have any Insurance and on Claims → New screen if user select Encounter type as Workers
Comp then a self-pay Claim gets created, which do not have 'Work comp' check
box checked. These check boxes govern whether the created claim is of Type
accident claim or not. When any of these check boxes are checked, then all
three checkboxes are heighted in Red. Usually users are allowed to only one
checkbox. When any of these check boxes are checked then Injury button gets
enabled. This button help user to add Injury related information.
Information entered on Injury button gets stored in I button on Save of
Provider SOF: It is Patient Signature on file. It is the authorization/ consent given by patient to release any medical or other information to process Claim. By default, ‘Patient SOF’ is checked and grayed. It is printed in Cell12 and Cell13 (Insurance subscribed by other and used by patient).Pregnancy: Workflow of this checkbox is governed by a property billing.enable.pregnancy.cb when the property is turned ‘ON’ pregnancy checkbox will be checked irrespective of the status on the EMR module. However, when the property is turned ‘OFF’ then the status of Pregnancy check box continues to remain as it was initiated in the EMR side. By default this property is set to OFF.
Plan Payment: Checkbox 'Plan Payment' is
displayed in red color and bold font for patient having assigned with
'Patient Payment Plan. It is automatically checked for such patients and
having patient responsibility. Later user can uncheck it. The tooltip on the
checkbox 'Plan Payment' displays Plan Name, Installment Amount and Next
Bill to Employer: Checkbox 'Bill To
Employer' is checked when Claim is Employer Billing Claim. When valid
Employer is associated to Patient on Contacts Tab in Patient Registration
and the Claim is either created Encounter Close or from Claims → New screen
then 'Bill To Employer' gets checked automatically. When Employer Billing
Claim is created from EMR side, then Claim's encounter is set to the 'Enc
Type' on 'I' button as it is set on Patient's Appointment. Please refer help
Employer Billing to learn more about it. ICD TableThe table comprise of Codes for Diagnosis. It is diagnostic codes entered by Provider or Doctor from EMR module and are transferred through assessment screen to Claims when encounter is closed and Claims are created. Here Biller can add, update or delete them if required. When Claims are created from Claims → New screen then ICD codes are not available. ICD codes are manually entered using '+' icon and these are added at ‘Claim Level’. ICD codes are printed on Cell21 of CMS1500 and at the most, twelve ICD codes are allowed to print and added at Claim level. Maximum number of ICDs’ which can be entered is governed by cms1500.max.icds. By default, it is set as 12.
Diagnosis Codes Popup:
When Claim is created from EMR side, the ICD's on assessment
which are marked as 'Bill' and are not marked as 'Non-Assessment' ICD's and
which are not Duplicate on Assessment only those ICD's will be transferred
on Claim. But, if Claim is created from Billing, then user has to manually
click on '+' button and add those ICD codes. On Clicking + button of ICD
popup with 4 tabs gets Invoked these tabs are General, Custom, preferred and
Drilldown. The sequence of tabs is based on property
There are three types of preferred list, CP – Clinic preferred, MP – Medic
Preferred and DS – Doctor Specialty. Preferred list changes with the change
in login entity. The popup displays Description followed by ICD9 codes,
ICD10 codes, SNOMED Int'l and Type. Column ICD9 display the list if ICD9
codes, column ‘ICD10’ display ICD10 codes corresponding to ICD9 codes.
Mention about SNOMED Int'l and column Type displays the preference type,
like CP – Clinic preferred, MP – Medic Preferred or DS – Doctor Specialty.
In the preferred list user can view Standard ICD codes which are added in
preferred. General:
When this tab is selected it displays this list of general ICDs. As user
click on General tab, popup shows blank screen, user has to give input of 3
characters and after that auto search is invoked, which gives lit of all ICD
codes where entered 3 characters are found in either code (ICD 9 Or ICD 10),
or in ICD description, or in SNOMED. If user enters exact ICD number, then
the list of that exact ICD code is given where it might have different
Description and different Snomed combination. Custom:
This column displays the list of custom ICDs created manually.
Drill Down:
From the General tab, users have provision to select ICD 10 codes
alternatively to the preexisting ICD 9 code – this provision gives User a
choice to select the appropriate code for the appropriate diagnosis at a
granular level. For example, ‘Pregnancy' has same ICD 9 code for several
different conditions in pregnancy whereas the ICD10 codes have multiple and
varied codes for these conditions. Whereas, on the Drill Down tab, for each
of these specific conditions there is a possibility for a User to ‘DRILL'
the Search further to get to the exact ICD10 code that depicts the patient's
pregnancy condition very specifically. The provision to actually drill
further on the IMO search popup and find the appropriate ICD10 codes for the
condition experienced by the Patient is the functionality available on the
'Drill-Down' tab. UI of Drill Down tab is quite different from other tabs.
Icons present in the Drill Down screen are:
Location is the venue or place where Provider or Doctor had examined the patient. Default location
in Encounter is displayed in the dropdown list. But it can be changed if required for specific Claim. It can be configured from Settings → Configuration
→ Clinic →Locations.
Business Unit:
Business Unit is like at different places different units are located and services are rendered to
patients against rendering provider. Default value is displayed in the dropdown list. It can be configured from Settings → Configuration
→ Clinic → Business Unit.
Add: From the dropdown user can select
the type of codes they wish to add in the Claim. Types of Charge applicable
Based on the selected option binocular icon present next the corresponding field gets enabled. Clicking on that icon user can select the Revenue Charges/Special Charge/ Items .Buttons Governing Charge Code After Claim is created from EMR side, when doctor add CPT/HCPC/Modifiers and ICD's to Assessment and load the Claim without visiting the Encounter close screen, then on load of Claim user gets validation message saying Assessment has been changed after last save of Claim. This is when EMR code button is enabled and on clicking the button user can add changed assessment data on Claim.
Copy Codes:
The purpose of this button
is to enable user to copy CPT/HCPC Codes for the Patient from his existing
Claims. Codes will get copied despite of the fact whether the claim is in
Billed statuses.
CrossOver: Usually, it is not
recommended to send non-standard code to Insurances, CrossOver feature
enable users to cross over the non-standard CPT/HCPC with the defined
CPT/HCPC along with modifier.This functionality is used to change or replace one code with another.
For example, on CPT Master for charge code 99203, a CoCPT 99213 is
defined with modifier 21. Now, whenever charge code '99203' is used in claim
and button 'Crossover' is used for this charge code then existing code
'99203' would be replaced with code '99213' having modifier '21.
CheatSheet is a list of customized validations maintained by Clinic for
different Insurances. These validations in CheatSheet evaluate the claims
while processing for sending claim to insurance company. Biller can
implement various validations according to the distinct requirement so that
claims are not rejected by Insurance companies for stringent requirement
specific to Insurance Company. Cheatsheet acts as a check list for the users
to check the details filled in the claim to minimize or eliminate the
possibility of rejection from the insurance companies. CheatSheet can be
created with the help of .xls file from Claims → Edit Claims
→ CheatSheet. An .xls file can be downloaded by clicking on the ‘Download’
icon and after defining the CheatSheet validations the sheet can be uploaded
by clicking the ‘Attach’ icon. Attach: User can send Claims Attachment for 2 clearing Houses: P2P and Gateway
Modifiers can be added along with
CPT/HCFC Charge codes. Sequence of addition of Modifiers to a charge code is
retained and displayed accordingly. User can add modifiers from
Group types → CPT Modifiers. Modifiers can be associated with charge
code by following ways:
After adding modifiers by any of the above ways it gets
auto populated in modifiers on Modifiers Button of claims Screen. If the
Modifiers are manually added, then on save of Claim it will check those
Modifiers which have been manually added.
Based on the units entered amount
in the field ‘Charges’ gets auto populated in the field. For example, two
injections have been used in the encounter of $20 then system will calculate
fees with unit and will populate $40 in the field.
Users are allowed to add 0 amount charges on Claims and
while posting a Claim system displays a validation message
Zero Charge Rows: 1 : Do you still
want to continue? If user clicks on Yes, then system mark that Claim
as billed with 0 amount charge code. Pointers: This field is enabled only when CPT/HCPC Codes are added to the Claim. This field is disabled when Special Charge Codes or Items are added to the Claim. Pointers get added by adding the Alphabets which are defined in the ICD Table. User can manually enter pointers without Comma. But on save of pointers those associated ICD codes get displayed on ICD 10 table as comma separated. For a single charge Code only 4 pointers can be added. When Pointers are added then on save the Pointers tab value gets wipe out and the value gets printed on ICD 10.
From Date: Enter the date on which the
medication started. Date can be entered either manually or by using the
colander icon present next to the field. By default present date is
displayed in the field.
Upto date: Enter the date on which the
medication ended. Date can be entered either manually or by using the
colander icon present next to the field. By default present date is
displayed in the field.
Comments: User can mention comment (if any)
for future reference. Action Checkboxes
Add Tax:
Users can calculate tax for a new claim or for existing claim by
checking the Add Tax checkbox. The functionality will be governed by two
Save: The button helps in saving the claim. The button gets enabled only when any change is made in the claim.Send: This button helps in billing
the claim. The button is governed by a property
the button is displayed as enabled only when the property is set to Y.
For billed claims the button send gets relabeled as re-send.
Delete: Claims can be deleted by clicking on this button. The button gets enabled only when the claim is in
entered or ready to send status. It remains disabled for billed claims. For claims that are in re-opened status the button is enabled only when no
voucher is received on the claim, else the button remains disabled.
Reset: Clicking on this button
resets the unsaved data.
After charge codes are
assigned to a claim and then changes are made in the fees schedule. Then
clicking on the re-calc button re calculates the fees and charges.
Clicking this button re-opens the billed claim. Enabling or disabling of this button depends on
the role. If user is allowed to re-open a claim then the button is displayed as enabled else it is disabled.
The button is helpful to mark a billed claim as void. The button is governed by a property
the button is displayed as enabled only when the property is
set to Y. When the property is set to N the button is displayed as disabled.
The button helps in splitting Employer claim in to separate TPA claims.
Based on the CPTs added on the claim, the split button gets enabled on Claim
screen. |