Topics Appointment Scheduler - Block Time Search:  

Block Button: Provides a feature to Block Appointments slots for the Selected Provider/Doctor in List Box. If the Provider has a Meeting / Conference / Emergency then his schedule can be blocked. If there were any Appointments scheduled in that period, the user will be warned about it. If the Slot is blocked, the status for existing Patient appointments in that period will get changed to ‘To Be Rescheduled’ and the Patients will be informed by email. And any Non Patient Appointments in that period will be cancelled. (The same rule applies to Doctors Selecting a Vacation under Appointments > Vacations)

Location: This column displays the Provider's Clinic locations of whose slots are to be blocked for the Appointments.

Date: Select the date from the calendar or enter it in mm-dd-yyyy format on which the Appointment is to be blocked for the specific slot.

From: Select the ‘from' or start time from where the Provider will not be available for the Appointment on selected date.

To: Select the ‘To' or end time till which the Provider will not be available for the Appointment on selected date.

Reason: Enter the reason for blocking the slot for the Appointment of the provider.