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The Advanced Search is invoked from the Schedule
Appointment screen to find appointments slots based upon additional search
criteria. The Day, Time, Doctor, Location from Schedule Appointment screen
is available by default. Doctor: This is by default set from Schedule Appointment screen. Select the required Doctor Or All Doctors. Location: This is by default set from Schedule Appointment screen. Select the required Location Or All Locations. Search for these days: By default, an appointment can be booked on any day of the week. If the Patient has a preference for specific days of the week, uncheck the other days. Time Range: This is by default set to the Clinic Open - Close time. If the Patient has a preference for specific Time Range, this can be specified. Search Criteria: Earliest: This computes the earliest appointment possible after the default date and time for the selected doctor and location in the list box. Note that it is possible to select all doctors option in the list box. In which case it considers the schedule of all doctors and gets the earliest appointment. Next Day/Week/Month: The system considers the next Day / Week / Month from the referrence date and computes the earliest appointment possible after that date. Find Button: All entries in the table below are initialized and the newly computed result added to the table. The system can compute multiple results (based on property, Appointment Scheduling > appointment.max_search_rows). Find Next Button: Based on the earlier find, it considers the selected row in the result table and computes a further set of earliest appointments available and adds it to the table. Result table: The computed set of schedules are added to this table. The current row is shown selected. The user can scroll this list to see all possible dates. He may click on any other row to make it current. A click on OK button selects and returns only one schedule namely that of the selected current row. This takes the user back to the Confirm Appointment screen with the selected schedule. He will need to click on the schedule button there to finally book the appointment. |