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Intoduction: Each Outstanding Charge from a Patient can be grouped into customizable aging bucket, depending on the number of days it remains unpaid. All such Bills of the patients when grouped together, gives the outstanding amounts due for the patient for each of the specified slots. The aging buckets are customizable with the help of property 'billing.aging.slot' or customize bucket using button 'layout' on pop-up 'Patient Aging Report' on fly.
Details about property 'billing.aging.slot': Comma separated list of slots greater than zero for outstanding receivables according to user preference which are used on Patient Registration Billing Info, Patient Account, Statement, etc. The default value of slots are 30,60,90,120 which results in buckets considered as follows: 0-30,31-60,61-90,91-120,120+ . Details about various fields on pop-up Patient Aging Report Group By Patient's: Patients in the Aging report can be grouped by
Amount more than upto: Pateints with net Outstanding in the specified Amount range will be considered for Patient Aging Report Generation. Aging By: Patient Aging Report can be generated based on 'Responsibility Date' (the actual date on which patient's responsibility was created) or 'DOS'. Select either of the two following radio button to generate aging report:
print: Print dialog displays list of printers attached to the computer to choose and after selecting the printer and clicking Ok, it would print the document on selected printer. It could be document writer option like One Note. view: Prevpreiew of the generated Patient Aging report is displayed. cancel: Revert the changes on pop up 'Patient Aging Report' . |