Release Notes - Billing

Version No: 2.0
Build No: 9






Bizmatics, Inc.

4010 Moorpark Ave., Ste. 222

San Jose, CA  95117




Table of Contents


2.UB04 - Rural Health Billing Workflows are now supported.

3. Patient Payment Plan is now introduced in PrognoCIS.

4. HSA/HRA payment for patient responsibilty is now supported on EOB screen.

5.Claim Creation when Enc Starts.

6.Changes to fields 'Adjuster' and 'Attorney' on Patient Insurance screen and Implementation of Patient Attorney, Case Manager, Address Book Contacts association to Registration screen.

7.Insurance Master redesigned and new fields added to support Rural Health Billing and Capitation Reports.

8.Header and Footer for Reports and Ledger.

9.Void functionality
9.1 More Enhancements added to 'Void Claims' functionality.
9.2 'Mark Void' (Do Not Send) functionality enhanced.

10.More functionality added to Change Secondary/Tertiary.

11.Patient Account Screen
11.1 Direct Access to Clearing House Portal from PrognoCIS.
11.2 Entries about Patient Statement/ Responsible Person / CSV printed under Statement section.

12.Patient Insurance : PreAuth
12.1 Patient Insurance PreAuth can now support upto 25 entries.

13.1 EDI 837: For Office Ally ClearingHouse, EDI 837 files are generated with Prefix 837P_ for Professional/ 837I_ for Institutional UB04.
13.2 EDI 835: EDI 835: Payment received from Check Mode is marked as ‘By Check’.

13.3 EDI 835: Compressed .RMT files received from clearinghouse and PrognoCIS unzips to process it further.
13.4 EDI 997: Compressed .997 files received from clearinghouse and PrognoCIS unzips to process it further.

14.Claims >> Edit
14.1 Tooltip under field ‘charges’ displays allowed amount.
14.2 Checkbox ‘Sync Fee Schedule on Save’ is now removed.

14.3 Insurance Attorney and Adjuster fields gets auto populated on button ‘Injury’ for Worker’s Comp/Other accident claims.
14.4 Charge codes marked as ‘Mark Void’ displayed with text ‘Marked Void’ on Claim Ledger.
14.5 New filter criteria added to button ‘Filter’.
14.6 Filter: All fields (criteria) having Y/N option have dropdown list box.
14.7 PO Box Address validation for Patient and Subscriber’s address is now property based.

15.Claims >> Unprocessed
15.1 Ability to filter out ‘reopened-not reopened’ unprocessed claims .

16.Remittance >> EOB/ERA
16.1 Population of 'Allowed' amount field for capitation claims is now property driven.
16.2 Hyperlink ‘Instrument#’ displays ‘void’ for charge code marked as void.

16.3 Claims search displays Pri/Sec/Ter Ins. name under Pri/Sec/Ter Tab respectively under column ‘Insurance’.
16.4 Partial recoup of ‘Excess’ amount is now allowed.
16.5 Text ‘Claim4PayPlan’/ ‘PatientPayPlan’ displayed against claims selected in EOB according to Patient Payment Plan association.
16.6 Recoup Claims Search on EOB has a new column: 'For'.

17.Reports >> Statement
17.1 Provision incorporated to print Statement for Attorney.

18.Reports >> Tabular
18.1 HSA/HRA tabular reports generation capability to support HSA account feature.
18.2 Details about Void claims in tabular reports are now displayed.
18.3 Now Tabular report for Patient Payment Plan ‘Defaulter’ generated.
18.4 Tabular report for Capitation Amount for Attending Doc Per claim with Copay.
18.5 Program now remembers the last report executed throughout session.
18.6 New 'Attending Provider' wise Daily Collection Tabular report added.

19.Reports >> Ledger
19.1 New Ledger format layout introduced for ledger.

20.Reports >> Letters
20.1 Now send outstanding reminder letter to ‘defaulter’ under Payment Plan Patient.

21.Reports >>By Claims/ By Charges/ Collection/ Fin Analysis
21.1 Printing of Header and Footer in reports is now property based.

22.Settings >> Config >> Clinic >> Enc Types

23.Settings >> Config >> Clinic >> Patient PayPlans

24.Settings >> Config >> Templates
24.1 Various new templates added to support various features.
24.2 Modify UB04 template using button ‘Edit UB04’.

25.Settings >> Diagnostics
25.1 Several new cases are added in Diagnostics.

26.Settings >> Config >> Vendors >> Ins Adjuster
26.1 Ability to Copy Insurance Address to Adjuster Address and modify it.

27.Settings >> Config >> Clinics >> Scheduled Process
27.1 New Scheduled Process ‘WRITE _OFF_CAPITATION’ is now introduced...
27.2 Scheduled Process search list displays ‘Billingspecific scheduled process only.

New Properties Introduced

New Tags Introduced

Browser Settings

1. Introduction

Numbers of new features related to PrognoCIS Billing have been released in Version 2.0 Build9.

2. UB04 - Rural Health Billing Workflows are now supported.

Many clinics, these days are moving from regular professional practice to Rural Heath practice. These practices sign up with Government Insurances like Medicaid and Medicare to be approved for seeing Rural Health patients. Government gives such practices some additional incentives against each Rural Heath Claim, for which clinics have to send UB04 i.e Institutional claim.

This feature is intended to support various Rural Health Billing scenarios by creating appropriate claims and appropriate procedure codes, their amounts depending on value set in the property and for appropriate Insurances provided the Bill Type on Enc Type is selected as ‘Rural Health’. The pre-requisite to create claims for Rural Health are:

The ‘Rural Health’ Claims are necessarily created from ‘Encounter Close’ of the patient with above conditions fulfilled.
There are four scenarios for which UB04 Rural Health claims would be created by the system. In some scenarios, a professional claim (CMS1500) as well as a UB04 claim will get created. For UB04 Rural Health Claims, Place of Service is automatically set as '72' on Claims >> Edit screen.

Scenario1: Patient having only Primary Rural Health Insurance (Proc Code: 01)
Create an Encounter of patient who has single primary insurance with no ‘Main Ins.’ on Insurance master associated on patient insurance screen and where all the three criteria defined above are satisfied. On Encounter Assessment screen, charge codes can be associated but are not included in the UB04 Rural Health claims. When patient Encounter is closed, claim is created. 
UB04 Rural Health claim is created with Revenue Code, Procedure Code and Amount as set in property ‘ub04.rh1.revprocamts’. The value of Revenue Code, Procedure Code and Amount is property driven. Therefore, it is important to set the values in the property stated above. For example if property ‘ub04.rh1.revprocamts = 451:01$100’ then Revenue Code = 451, Procedure Code = 01 and Amount = $100 for charge row on Rural Health Claim.
UB04 Form >> Box 50 will print name of Primary Insurance.

Scenario2: Patient having Non Rural Health Primary Insurance and Rural Health Secondary Insurance (Proc Code: 02)

Create an Encounter of patient with two insurances having Primary Insurance as Non Rural Health Primary Insurance and Rural Health Secondary Insurance. User can added CPT/HCPC codes on Assessment. On Encounter Close, two claims are created. These are:

Limitation: Generally, in this scenario, box 50 should print primary ‘Non-Rural’ insurance first and  Sec ‘Rural’ Insurance later but as per current logic, whatever is the sequence of Insurances on claim, the same sequence will be maintained while printing payers in box 50. Hence, in this case, Secondary Insurance will be printed first and then the Primary Insurance name.

Scenario3: Primary Managed Care Insurance and Seconadry Rural Health Insurance (Proc Code: 18)
Managed Care Program is for Low Income group individuals with multiple family members.
A Managed Care qualifying patient will have two Insurances defined: