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Release Notes (Billing) Version No: 2.0 Build No: 3 |
Contents | ||||||||||||||||
1. Introduction
The aim of this document is to give an overview of the new features related to PrognoCIS Billing released in Version 2.0 Build 3. Following are the new features added in PrognoCIS version 2.0 Build 3: NDC codes can now be associated to HCPC codes on HCPC master for Non-Inhouse drugs. User can now associate NDC codes directly to HCPC codes by going to Settings è Configuration è Codes/Drugs è HCPC. This NDC code will be sent alongwith the associated HCPC code for Billing when:
2.2 RVU Units can now be explicitly assigned to the required CPT/ HCPC Codes |
This is used for reporting purposes Relative Value Units (RVU) is the numeric reimbursement value associated with the services a practice provides. Medicare publishes a list of RVU for charge codes. Figure 2: RVU associated to HCPC code Q0091 When HCPC codes(Ex:Q0091) with certain units(Ex:1) and associated RVU (Ex:0.37) are billed to Insurance through PrognoCIS, for the clinic to know the RVU production of that charge code and RVU production summary based on Charge Codes and Providers, there are 3 reports added on Billing side: Reports è Tabular, as shown in the figure below. Figure 3: Three RVU Specific Reports added to the Standard Tabular Reports on Billing side
Following snapshot shows output of report ‘RVU Production Summary Provider wise”: Figure 4: Report 3: Q0091 has one Unit Billed and RVU Associated as 0.37, resulting into RVU Total Qty as Units x RVU
2.3 Anesthesia Billing: Feature | ||||||||||||||||
If Anesthesia is Applicable for the Clinic (property prognocis.anesthesia.support), user can mark selected codes Applicable for Anesthesia and also define the Base Units. In such a case, if the Anesthesia Start and End Time and Duration is also entered, when the Code crosses over from Assessment to Billing, the system computes the Time Units (Time Duration / 15) adds Base Units and sets these as Units on the Claim generated. Steps for using Anesthesia Billing functionality: For turning ON Anesthesia Billing, set the property, prognocis.anesthesia.support to Y. During upgrade, a new Speciality Template named ‘Anesthesia' will automatically get added to: Settings>Configuration>Speciality The 3 new elements displayed in table below with NUMERIC result type will be added to the above system: Table 1: Elements Anesthesia Start Time, End Time and Duration
Figure 5: Anesthesia Template imported during Upgrade to Version 2, Build 3 Please make sure to associate the appropriate Charge code to the Anesthesia template, (alongwith modifier if required). The test codes for 3 elements have to be present in the 3 properties as shown in fig. below: Figure 6: Properties with associated test codes for Anesthesia Duration, End Time and Start Time Check the checkbox “Applicable for Anesthesia” and Associate appropriate “Base Units” to the Charge Code associated to Anesthesia Template: Settings>Configuration>CPT Master. Figure 7 : CPT Master with Anesthesia CPT code associated with Base Units(5) When anesthesia is applied to any patient, go to Encounter è Speciality and select the template “Anesthesia” and fill the following: The associated CPT code will get transferred to Assessment on Save. On creation of Claim, the system does following calculation for the Anesthesia Charge code Units: Figure 8: Claim created with Anesthesia Charge Code with proper(Ex. 8 ) Billable units Figure 9 : “i“ button on Claim Screen shows the Anesthesia Start Time, End Time and Duration Note: The Units added/transferred from Anesthesia template alongwith Anesthesia Code on Assessment screen in EMR will not be considered for Anesthesia Billing. Figure 10 This is how the EDI Claims send the Anesthesia Time: Figure 11
Settings è Configuration è Masters è Insurance è Extra Info Tab shows checkbox “Anesthesia Minutes on CMS” checked. This checkbox when checked, prints Minutes instead of Units in column 24G on a CMS 1500 form. Figure 12: Anesthesia Minutes to be printed on CMS1500
Settings è Configuration è Masters è Insurance è Extra Info Tab shows checkbox “Anesthesia Minutes on CMS” checked . Figure 13: 24G on CMS 1500 prints Anesthesia Minutes instead of Units when “Anesthesia Minutes On CMS” checkbox is checked on Insurance Master
Note: The above setting “Anesthesia Minutes On CMS” is applicable only for CMS1500 – paper Insurance form. The EDI Claim will still continue to send minutes as shown in EDI snapshot above.
2.4 CPT MasterTo identify a CPT explicitly as a Procedure, a check Box is provided on Settings è Configuration è CPT screen. This way if required a tabular report can be generated for Procedure wise Claims made 2.5 CPT Master: The label ‘Follow up days’ Settings è Configuration è CPT Screen is changed to “Free Procedure Follow up days”. Cross Over CPT and Cross Ref ICD message Functionality: Then, go to Settings è Configuration è Group types è BD Insurance AR Codes Click ‘BD' hyperlink and add/edit the AR Groups as shown in fig. below. Figure 14: Group Type ‘Insurance AR Codes' with hyperlink on ‘BD' to add/edit AR codes On Insurance Master, Settings è Configuration è Insurance link, select the Insurance Company and associate AR group from drop-down list so that Cross Over functionality works for the selected Insurance. Figure 15: Insurance Master Screen - AR Group Dropdown –Associate appropriate option Note: One AR group (Ex: Commercial) can be associated to multiple Insurance companies (ex: Cigna, Aetna , etc.) where same Cross Over rules have to be applied. Go to Settings è Configuration è Masters è CPT/HCPC and select a CPT/HCPC code for which a cross over code with Modifier for different AR groups has to be defined. The Fig. below shows CPT Code 99203 selected from CPT Master. Figure 16: Cross Over Codes Pop-up shows INS Category, Cross Over Code and Modifiers 1,2 and 3 Click on ‘CO CPT' button as shown in Fig. above. The ‘Cross Over Codes' pop-up is displayed. All AR Groups are displayed as ‘INS Category'. For each AR group, a Cross Over code with modifier can be associated (Ex: For 99203 standard CPT code, 99213 with Mod 91 for AR Group ‘Medicare' has been associated).
Create a claim from Claims è New for Insurance : ‘Medicare FL First Coast Service J9' for which the AR group: ‘Medicare' is associated. Select the CPT code: 99203 on the claim and click button ‘Save'. As soon as button ‘Save' becomes disabled, the button ‘Cross Over' becomes enabled. The reason the button ‘Cross Over' becomes enabled is because its finds a match for Cross over for CPT 99203. See Fig. below: Figure 17 : On “Save”, “Cross Over” Button gets enabled if Insurance and CPT (for which Cross over code is defined) is present on the claim and when clicked, shows Original Code, New Code and Modifiers. On clicking ‘Cross Over' button, “Cross Over Codes” pop-up will display with Original code, new code and Modifiers(if applicable) as shown in fig. above. The standard CPT ‘99203' will get replaced by its Cross Over Code ‘99213' with modifier ‘91' as shown in fig. below. Fig: Figure 18: Charges Crossed Over after Ok button click on Cross Over pop-up The claim will get processed with CPT Code ‘99213' and associated modifier ‘91' 2.6 Cross Over Message for Charge Code-ICD pair for a AR Group/INS CategoryFor the current CPT Code, and a range of ICD Codes, a cross over Message can be defined for each of the Insurance AR Group defined in the system. If a Charge code has Cross Over message stored for ICD ranges and one of the ICDs is associated to the charge code, on clicking of “Save” button on “Claim”, the Cross Over message pops up .
Examples of Cross Over Warnings: It is not recommended to use this CPT-ICD combination for the selected Insurance company. For getting paid more for this CPT-ICD combination, kindly use Modifier XX. Etc. To invoke the Cross Over message functionality, please go to Settings è Configuration è Properties è Billing Parameters and turn ON the property: Billing.use.crossreficd : Y Then go to Settings è Configuration è Masters è CPT/HCPC and select a CPT/HCPC code for which Cross Over Message has to be associated for a specific ICD code range for a AR group/Ins Category. (Ex: CPT: 97124, ICD code: 847.1 for AR Group/INS Category: Commercial Pop-up message: “Medicare recommends ICD code 847.2 instead of ICD code 847.1 while billing CPT code 97124”). Click on button ‘CO Msg'. For displayed AR group (Ex: Commercial) Select ICD code (Ex: 847.1). If 1 ICD is selected, the same ICD will display in both “From” and “Upto”. For selecting range of ICDs, select 2 ICDs : ICD From and ICDUpto from the same binocular. Type the Cross Over message (Ex: “Recommendation to use ICD code 847.2 instead of ICD code 847.1 while billing CPT code 97124”) as shown in Fig. below. Figure 19: CPT Master code with Cross Over Message details stored by clicking the “CO Msg” button “Warn.”Checkbox Functionality: Based on the above functionality decide if the message should be only a warning or Biller should be forced to change the ICD-CPT combination before processing the claim. Make sure that “INS Category” also referred to as AR Group (Ex: Commercial) is associated to appropriate Insurances in Settings è Configuration è Masters è Insurance (Ex: Aetna Health Plan) When a Claim is created for the same combination of Insurance, ICD-Charge code, and checked/unchecked Checkbox “Warn.” , on click of button “Save “, the cross over message would pop-up as shown in Fig. below igure 20 : Claims: Cross Over Message for ICD-CPT-Insurance combination stored in CPT Master. Based on this message, the Billers are forced to take appropriate corrective actions based on whether Settings è Configuration è Masters è CPT/HCPC è Co Message è “WARN” checkbox is checked and then send the claim Ability to mark a provider as ‘Non-Billing' Provider so that he is not available to be associated as Rendering Doc on a Claim Figure 21: Provider marked as Non Billing so that claims cannot be billed on the provider's name even though the provider saw the patient On the Claims è Edit è ‘i' button and on Claims è New screen, Rendering Provider Dropdown list does not show the Non Billing Provider. So the Non-Billing provider cannot be the Rendering Provider for a claim. Rendering Doc associated to Non Billing Provider on Medics Master. If not associated…then Primary Provider of the Patient associated on Patient è Register screen. The button: EDI info on Insurance Master screen is now renamed as Extra Info. “Sec By Paper” checkbox on Extra Info screen of Ins Master. Figure 22
For ERx and certain CPT combination: G8553 will be sent Subscriber ID length can now be defined on Insurance Master. For defining the Subscriber ID length, go to Settings è Configuration è Masters è Insurance. Select the Insurance company (Ex: AARP) for which the Subscriber ID length is to be defined. Click on Extra Info button. On the Extra Info button, there is a new field added: Subscriber ID Length. Enter the length (Ex: 8) Figure 23: Subscriber ID Length can be defined on Insurance Master Screen Now, consider a case where a patient has the same Insurance associated on screen Patient è Insurance. When a claim is created for this patient, on clicking the button: “Save”, a pop-up message gets displayed as shown in the fig. Figure 24: On “Save” on Claims /Edit Screen, the following pop-up comes if the Insurance associated to that patient claim does not have correct Subscriber ID Length as set on Insurance Master To proceed further with the claim, go to Patient Insurance screen and change the Subscriber ID such that its length now matches the length defined on the Insurance Master. Checkbox ‘Anesthesia Minutes on CMS' if checked, prints Minutes instead of Units in column 24G on a CMS 1500 - Paper Claim Form as seen during Anesthesia Functionality explanation above. Figure 25: Settings è Configuration è Masters è Insurance è Extra Info Tab shows checkbox “Anesthesia Minutes on CMS” checked The AR Group which was existing but not very important is now significant. As explained above in Cross Over Feature, the AR Group is used to define the entries on Settings è Configuration è CPT/HCPC Master è CrossOver Codes and CrossOver Message Screens and later on claim screen.
2.9 Home Page related changes (EMR and Billing) Insurance Eligibility button added to read Eligibility details on Home page. Click on the button: For display on Home Page of Billing module, Insurance Outstanding and Patient Outstanding Amount calculation has changed(Outstanding Claims è Insurance and Outstanding Claims è Patient columns). Earlier it would total only those claim amounts which were Not –ve. Now it totals them in either case. 2.10 Patient Insurance Screen Patient Insurance Subscriber Relation CANNOT be Self for Minors. Figure 27: If a patient is a minor, while adding the Insurance info for the patient, if Relation is “Self”, on click on “Update” button, the system pops the message “Relation cannot be SELF for minor” On changing the relation to some other Relation, the Insurance Info gets updated and saved.
Additional Check for “Subscriber ID Length” and appropriate message display when Subscriber ID length defined on Insurance Master does not match with the Subscriber ID entered on patient Insurance screen as explained in section: Insurance Master Changes. If a Insurance company is marked as “Inactive” from screen: “Insurance Master” after that Insurance was associated to various patients, on press of button: “Update” on screen: “Patient Insurance” following message pops up indicating the users to mark the Insurance as Status: “Non-active”. 2.11 Co-Pay screen related changes Co-pay after claim is already billed and EOB received Even after the Claim is processed, Co-pay screen will remain enabled to add/edit the Co-pay and Deductible amount. Once the patient responsibility is created, the Co-pay screen will be uneditable. This change will allow the Clinic to continue to add/edit the Co-pay and Deductible for a visit even from In case there is only one insurance associated to a claim, on Ready to Post of Primary Remittance, the Co-pay and Deductible gets applied to Patient responsibility assigned by Insurance. Hence, on posting the Primary Remittance, the Co-pay screen will become non-editable. In case there are Primary and Secondary Insurances, on Ready to Post of Secondary Remittance, the Co-pay and Deductible gets applied to Patient responsibility assigned by Sec Insurance. Hence, on posting the Secondary Remittance, the Co-pay screen will become non-editable. This change will reduce the extra steps of creating Patient Responsibility for Co-pay received after visit and then applying those receipts to claim after patient responsibility is created (i.e. payments from Primary/Secondary Insurance is received and posted). Professional courtesy for Co-Pay can be assigned by checking the checkbox “Copay Courtesy”. Figure 28: Co-pay screen with ‘Copay Courtesy' checkbox checked and saved without collecting any payment amount
When the remittance is posted for such claim, the patient responsibility entered as “Co-pay” on Remittance screen gets compared with this courtesy copay amount as if the patient had actually paid. The comparison results are as follows: If Courtesy copay equals Copay asked by Insurance on Remittance screen, Courtesy Co-pay gets evened out with the Co-pay on Remittance. If Courtesy Co-pay is less than Co-pay asked by Insurance, the difference is passed on to patient creating patient responsibility. If Courtesy Co-pay is more than Co-pay asked by Insurance, the difference is not transferred to Patient Advance because in Co-pay Courtesy, there is actually no co-pay collected. The last case is important to understand in case of Co-pay courtesy. Batch Number linked to Co-pay. Info button on Co-pay screen. Figure 29: On click of the button “Info” , a pop-up is displayed and it shows the names of Location, Business Unit and Rendering Provider associated to the claim
Note: The Info is “Display only” and hence the “ok” button remains disabled.
‘Appointment Location' label changed to ‘ Claim Location ' since no appointment is generated on new claim creation from Billing side.. Lable ‘Reason' is changed to ‘ Reason for visit' while creating a new claim since this Reason is saved as Encounter Reason. 2.13 Claim screen changesFollowing changes have been included in the Claim screen (GoTo tab: Claim à Edit):
Header Level changes on Claim Screen : ‘Self Pay' Insurance assignment to Claim if all Patient Insurances are marked “Non-Active”.
Figure 30: Both Insurances are Non Active and hence Insurance associated to Claim is “Self Pay” If a Claim is created for a patient who has insurances associated, but they are marked as Status: Non-Active, the Insurance field on Claim will display “Self Pay” just like it shows for patients having no Insurance associated. Earlier, even though the Insurance was non-active, the Insurance used to get associated to Claim and then the message used to display on Save of the claim that the Insurance is Non-active and users were required to change the insurance to “Self Pay” exclusively. Now this is no more required.
Inactive Insurance (From Insurance Master)when used on claim, gives a message “Primary Insurance Inactive”. Checkboxes -> Work Comp, Auto Accident and Personal Accident automatically checked based on Properties and appropriate Encounter Types. I. First (Primary) Patient Insurances is of Status “WorkerComp” Visit Type OR Encounter type is “WC” Note: When claim is created from Screen: Claims è New , there is no Enc Type and hence the property given above is not read, but for checkbox: “Work Comp Employment” to be checked on Screen: “Claims”, the first(primary) insurance associated on Screen: Patient Insurance has to be of status “WorkComp”. II. For Auto Accident case, following conditions have to be fulfilled for checkbox: “Auto Accident” to be checked on Screen: “Claims”: Atleast one of the Patient Insurances is of Status “MotorAcc”. Visit Type OR Encounter type is “AA”
III. For Personal Accident case , following conditions have to be fulfilled for checkbox: “Other Accidents” to be checked on Screen: “Claims”: IV. For claim created for Auto Accident and Personal Accident, Patient Insurance with corresponding status “MotorAcc” and “PersonalAcc” is chosen as Primary Insurance. If it is an Auto Accident Type of Enc Type and Same is true for Personal Accident case. Same is true for Workers Comp Case. Checkbox: “ Assign Benefits ”on screen: Claim is no more linked with Checkbox: “ Not Assigned ” on Master: Insurance – Fix. 2.14 GUI (Graphical User Interface) changes in the Claims Screen - Header New icon of Insurance Eligibility: The icon, Track Status: The icon, Patient A/c: The icon, Claim ledger: The icon, Resend Claim has been moved next to icon, Track Status. Note: Refer to the following figures to compare the changes done. Figure 32: Old GUI of the Claim screen - Header Figure 33: New GUI of the Claim screen - Header
Figure 34: Pre-Auth numbers printed on CMS1500 form as typed in field “Pre Auth No” on Screen: Claim
Figure 35:
Figure 36: Word ‘Reopen' displays in Black after the claim is reprocessed. The word ‘Rebill' is displayed on claim in red color quickly indicating that the claim has been Rebilled. Figure 37: The claim can be Rebilled by choosing Status: Denied with Action: ‘Rebill creating a new claim' while doing Remittance. This new claim claim created with new Claim ID has the word “Rebill” in red color on it. Once this claim is billed, the word Rebill is shown in black color. Figure 38 Max ICDs allowed on a Claim are now 8. The ICD selection ‘+' button becomes disabled once 8 ICDs are selected. Figure 39: As soon as 8 ICDs are assigned to a claim, the ‘+' button gets disabled For enabling the “Pregnant” checkbox, kindly set the property: If set to ‘Y', the “Pregnant” checkbox on claim screen will remain enabled to be checked. This will be helpful for claims created directly from Claims è New screen. If set to ‘N', it will behave as per the earlier functionality: The ‘Pregnant checkbox will always remain disabled. The Test: “Pregnant? No/Yes in Speciality section on EMR side has to be answered as ‘Yes'. Also, its test code has to be mapped to property: rx.pregnancy.testcode. Statement for DOS generated from Preview, now appears in a proper window. FIXED.
By default the System Date(Today's Date) is considered as Post Date. It can be edited to any date upto Today. Future Dates are not accepted in Post Date. Post Date is useful when the Users want to make a note of when actually the claim was posted if the Post Date is different than the Visit Date and Sent Date of Claim(When marked as Processed) in PrognoCIS. The Post Date can be used for Reporting purposes by generating reports based on Post Date. Track Status' button now displays entries of claims processed as Patient EDI and Patient CMS from Print button of Claim, where Insurance is associated and amounts are billed to Patients. 2.16 Details Level changes on Claim Screen
Reopened Reopened From Pri Eob Denied Reopened From Sec Eob Denied
2.17 ‘i’ button screen on Claim
2.18 Claims > Ready to Send and Claims > Process/Billed and Claims > Reopen
2.19 Send Claims Screen related change
2.20 Remittance Related Changes
2.21 Remittance > Unallocated Screen 2.22 Remittance > Processed Screen List Box ‘Voucher' has two more entries ‘Ins Credit' and ‘ Pat Return' ‘Filter' List Box has three more entries: Secondary Insurance Y Patient 2.24 Remittance > Ins w/off Screen A New field ‘Post Date' added on this screen with functionality as on Remittance screen. A New field ‘Post Date' added on this screen with functionality as on Remittance screen. 2.26 Remittance > Pat Item Returns The Lable ‘Pat Returns” has been changed to ‘Pat Item Returns' for clarity purposes. Reports/Statement Screen
Reports > Pat Aging Screen
Reports > Ins Aging Screen
Report > Tabular
Report > Ledger
2.28 Settings>Configuration>Scheduled Processes > Statement
2.29 Settings > Configuration > Business Unit Settings > Configuration > Receipts Batch No Multiple open batches for remittances, receipts and co-pay allowed now. This is property based.2.30 Tabular Report Design related changes Tabular Report Design allows Users to specify a Comma separated list of Report Codes. When the main report is run, each of the comma separated Report Codes specified are also executed and appended to the main report. Note that the parameters selected for main report are assumed to be applicable and sufficient for the appended reports. 2.31 Diagnostics related changes Settings > Configuration > Diagnostics Added options for List of Minor Patients with Insurance relation as SELF. List of Charge Rows with -ve Balance. List of Inconsistent Reopens.2.32 EDI and ERA Related Change Electronic Claims: EDI837
Electronic Remittances: EDI835
2.33 Other Changes related to EDI and ERA