Release Notes
Version No: 2.0
Build No: 2 |
Contents |
1. Introduction
The release notes describe the various new features and enhancements
carried out in version 2.0 of PrognoCIS.
2. New Features
2.1 Save and Print option provided in
'Doctor Form' and all its dependent forms
- A new button "Save & Print" has been provided in the Doctor Form and all its dependent forms, in addition to the already existing button: Save. With the introduction of a single button of 'Save & Print' the provider can now perform the function of saving the details entered in the Doctor Form and simultaneously print the details according to the associated 'Print Template'.
- Print Template, is a template that is designed to contain tags. Depending
upon these tags, on print selective data is pulled from the patient's
encounter and printed, as designed. It is important to associate a 'print
template' to the Doctor Form. The association of the print template
to the Doctor Form is a one time process until the provider requires
changing the existing print template.
- To associate a print template GoTo Settings → Configurations → column: Report Design → link: Doctor Forms → screen: Doctor Form Definition. In the screen: Doctor Form Definition notice the newly introduced field: Print along with the Master (Template) Search icon. The template name selected is then displayed in the field: Print. Refer to figure 1.1
Figure 1.1: Associate a Print Template from the Template Search
icon displayed
- Now to after the association of the Print Template has been done with, when a provider enters details through the Doctor Form and Clicks on the button: Save & Print the details are automatically saved with the encounter and you would receive a print prompt to print the encounter related details (even details coming from past encounters). The details are printed as per the print template designed and selected.
- To design a new print template GoTo Settings → Configuration → column: Templates → link: Form
- Consider the following conditions that are applicable for the button:
Save & Print to remain enabled (available):
1. The button remains enabled only for Open Encounters.
2. The button remains enabled only if any Print Template is
associated with the Doctor Form.
2.2 'Procedure
Done Details' option has been added in the specialty
- A new button "Done Details" has been provided in the Specialty screen thus making it convenient
for a provider to mark a procedure as 'Done' as well as to further add
the details about the procedure conducted on the patient, by
clicking on the icon:
Refer to figure 1.2
This way, the provider is saved from the efforts to navigate back to
the screen: Health Maintenance and enter the procedure 'Done Details'
- as was the case earlier.
Figure 1.2: A specialty screen displaying a procedure with the
option to mark the procedure as done and the button: Done Details
- User has to first mark the procedure as DONE - by selecting the checkbox
under the column: Done only then the button-icon
is enabled.
- A pop-up: Done Details is displayed that takes in patient's
procedure related details as part of patient's health maintenance Refer
to figure 1.3
Figure 1.3: Add patient's ‘Done Details' here
- The procedure that is done with the procedure details added and saved
in the Specialty screen is also reflected in the screen: Health Maintenance
of the patient's encounter. But the same is NOT true vice-versa.
Note: The functionality of transferring
the Done Details of a procedure from a specialty screen to the screen:
Health Maintenance depends on a property: phh.add2hm.on.procedure.done
in such a way that,
- if a procedure 'A' is present in the screen: Health Maintenance,
and from the Specialty screen the procedure is marked as 'Done'
as well the Done Details are added then the Done Details is reflected
in the screen: Health Maintenance - irrespective
of the property value of 'Y' or 'N'
- If a procedure 'A' is NOT present in the screen: Health
Maintenance, and from the Specialty screen the provider (user)
adds a procedure, marks it 'Done', and enters the 'Done Details'
then if the property value is 'Y' then the procedure along with
its Done Details is 'added' to the screen: Health Maintenance
whereas, if the property value is 'N' then the new procedure added
in the Specialty screen does not reflect in the screen: Health
- The option of 'Done Details' is available only on procedure template.
To mark a specialty template as a 'procedure': GoTo Settings → Configuration → column: Specialty → link: Template. In the template screen, the option: Procedure
when selected marks the specialty template as a procedure. Refer
to figure 1.4
Figure 1.4: The options allows the Specialty template to be marked
as a procedure
Consider the following conditions for the icon:
of Done Details to be enabled:
Encounter is LIVE.
Encounter type is not a Face Sheet encounter.
The "Done" check box is checked.
2.3 Ability to add procedural addendum
notes after an encounter close
- A new button "addendum" has been provided in the Specialty screen after the encounter is closed
so that a user is able to add any procedure related addendum notes without
a need to re-open the encounter. Refer to figure 1.5
Figure 1.5: Procedure addendum button seen in specialty screen after encounter closed
- The button is available or displayed only if the encounter had procedure(s) done by the provider.
- On click on the button: addendum a pop-up: Procedure Addendum Notes is displayed Refer to figure 1.6 the procedure notes added here is automatically appended and available in the Preview and Print option of the procedure note in the Specialty screen. Also, the pop-up displays all the earlier added addendum notes in the gray area of the pop-up.
Figure 1.6: Add procedure Addendum notes after the close of encounter
- To include procedure addendum in the progress notes report, the following
and use the property: enc.close.show.proc.addendum to auto append the procedure addendum in the progress notes.
- If the Procedure Addendum has been added by user other than the attending
provider then on save of the procedure addendum notes a message is sent
to the attending provider with the details of the addendum notes and
the date and time of the entry
- Procedure addendum note entered for a specialty template is displayed
at the bottom section of the procedure note.
2.4 Lab Order date is editable, and the sample collection 'date and time' can be added after an encounter has been closed
- At times the results for the tests ordered or performed are expected
in few days after the encounter with the patient. A provision has been
made available for the feature of Lab Order wherein a user is able to
edit Lab Order Date; add the information with regard to the date and
time of samples collected or tests conducted; date and time of the food
or drink consumed - even after an encounter is closed.
- A new button "Collection
" has been provided in the screen: Lab Order Refer to figure 1.7 The availability
of this functionality depends on the 'Status' of the Lab Order i.e.
only if the status of the Lab Order is any of the following will the
button: Collection remain enabled
The functionality is NOT available if the status of the Lab Order
selected is either 'Results Received' or 'Completed'
- The pop-up: Collection Date is displayed on click on
the button: Collection
Refer to figure 1.7
Figure 1.7: Button 'Update' updates the Lab Order screen with
the information added here
- All the tests entered in the screen: Lab Order is now
seen in the pop-up: Collection Date
- The field: Order Date displays the Order Date of the Lab
Order; any change done to the date reflects in the Lab Order.
- The field: Date Time takes in the date and time value that
gets applied to the option chosen from 'Apply To'
- The field: Order Date displays the Order Date of the Lab
Order; any change done to the date reflects in the Lab Order.
- The option: All Collection Date/Time when selected adds
the date and time value in the respective column; the option: All
Food/Drink Date/Time adds the date and time value in the respective
column; the option: Selected adds the date and time value
only in the fields whose checkboxes have been selected; the option:
Blank adds the date and time value in ALL the fields that are blank
without any values.
2.5 Patient related documents can
now be attached and sent via Message Compose
- A message composed can now have documents attached and sent out to
different medics; and roles
- A new button "Attach" has been added in the screen: Compose (GoTo tab: Message → Compose) Refer to figure 1.8
Figure 1.8: The different documents attached to the message
- The button: Attach is enabled only if a Patient name
has been selected in the field: Reference Patient; if
a user has navigated to the screen: Compose after accessing
the patient's encounter details then that patient is selected automatically
in the field: Reference Patient.
- A document list of the patient records is displayed on click on the
button: Attach; the user selects the documents that have to be sent
out, the documents attached is displayed next to the button: Attach
and above the field: Message. Refer to figure 1.7
- Based on the different types of documents selected, different icons
representing these documents are displayed as attachments. Refer
to figure 1.8
- Though there is an option to send the message out to the patient,
the messages reach the patient's Inbox without the attachments; this
is in compliance with the HIPPA laws; a prompt alerting the user about
the same is also displayed. Refer to figure 1.9
Figure 1.9: prompt alerting the user when the user has a Patient
in the 'Send To' list
The maximum attachments permitted for attach is 10; and if a user attempts
selection of documents beyond 10 then a prompt limiting user's action
is displayed. Refer to figure 1.10
Figure 1.10: prompt alerting the user of the max limit reached
while selecting documents to attach
To view the Patient Notes sent with attachment, GoTo Patient →
Review → Messages; when a message is opened it displays these attachment
as a comma separated list.
- The receiver of the message, receives the message in his/her Inbox
with the list of attachments arranged in a comma separated list that
can be easily forwarded as well.
2.6 Assessment code checks
performed before an Encounter is 'closed' or Patient Workflow is marked
as 'DONE' |
- Two new properties are added to perform assessment code checks before
an encounter is closed or when the patient workflow status is set to
'DONE'. This way, it becomes mandatory for a provider to enter the respective
assessment codes to the service(s) rendered.
- Consider the following two properties, depending on the values assigned
relevant checks of assessment codes are performed before allowing the
user to close an encounter or mark the patient workflow status to be
set as 'Done':
- Assign the values I - ICD, C- CPT, H- HCPC, A - Any, B - Billing
(CPT or HCPC) respectively to the property: enc.close.assessment.must;
depending on the value(s) assigned, the application checks for the assessment
codes before an encounter is closed.
- Similarly, assign the values Y or N to the property:
encounter.patworkflow.done.checkforasssement; if the value is set to
Y then application checks for the mandatory assessment codes defined
under the property "enc.close.assessment.must"when the user
tries to mark an encounter as DONE. Set the value as N in case assessment
code checks are not required.
2.7 The Review Status of an
encounter is not displayed as 'Reviewed' until the Reviewer explicitly marks
it so.
- A new property has been added whereby a provider (reviewer) has to
explicitly mark the encounter as 'Reviewed' for the status of the encounter
to display as 'Open and Reviewed'. For this, the provider has to explicitly
select the option: Review from the screen: Review Encounter (GoTo
Report → Review Encounter).
Note: The significance of this function
is that now a reviewer provider enters his/her comments until and unless
the reviewer marks the encounter as 'Reviewed' the encounter remains
accessible for further comments at a later stage
- In the property tag: encounter.review.explicitly ; assign the
value 'Y' to apply the property.
2.8 ICD codes entered in the
previous encounter can now be viewed in the Doctor Form |
In the Doctor Form, it is now possible to view the ICD
codes entered in the previous encounter. On start of a new encounter,
a new search list - Past ICD Code is made available to the provider
in the Doctor Form. The Past ICD Code list contains all the ICD codes
entered in the previous encounter(s). The information makes it convenient
for a provider to reassign the same ICD codes in the current encounter. |
2.9 Notification sent to the
Attending provider, on Save of the Reviewer's comments |
The attending provider is sent a notification to his/her
Inbox, the moment the Reviewer saves review comments to an encounter.
The Encounter Review property: events.supported, should
include the event id as 205. |
2.10 Ability to resend Rx-Hub
Eligibility request without requiring to start an encounter again |
Earlier, an eligibility request could be sent only on
start of an encounter, there was no provision to send the eligibility
request but to start an encounter again (incase an error occurred
and was rectified). Now a button: Retry
has been added to the pop-up screen: Eligibility; this
way, the user is able to send an eligibility request and get the proper
response as well by clicking on the button: Retry. |
2.11 Ability to view a list
of existing appointments from the Appointment Scheduler |
- A new icon: Existing Appt to list
out all the other existing appointments of a patient has been introduced
in the pop-up: Appointment Schedule (GoTo tab: Appointment → Schedule
→ pop-up: Appointment Schedule)
- The icon is enabled only if appointments (Scheduled/To be Confirmed)
exists for the selected patient.
- The pop-up: 'Other Appointment for Patient' is displayed
on click on the icon: Existing Appt; if the pop-up: Appointment
Schedule has been invoked by clicking on a patient's current
appointment then the details of ALL the existing appointments excluding
the current appointment (from where the pop-up: 'Other Appointment For
Patient' has been invoked) is displayed.
2.12 Addition of a new property
that takes in configurable value in receiving application for LabCorp |
The property value for the property: 'hl7.export.receiverapp.vendor'
is now configurable (earlier it was hard-coded with the value of 1100) |
2.13 Batch file now supports
axis2 |
The classpath mentioned in the batch file of PrognoCIS
is now redirected to the JAR file: axis2 and then alternatively to
the JAR file: axis1. |
2.14 Ability to select separate
pharmacy vendor individually for each drugs in the same prescription |
It is now possible for users to select a separate pharmacy
vendor individually for each drug in the same prescription. Now, each
drug of a prescription can have different Pharmacy or NO pharmacy
assigned. On print of such a prescription, those many prescriptions
are printed as many pharmacies have been chosen and for a drug with
no pharmacy mentioned, a separate prescription is printed.
Note: The label of the prescription screen changes from 'Prescription' to 'Multi-Pharmacy' in case the prescription has been saved with multiple pharmacies |
2.15 Ability to view past
Rx information |
A new functionality or option of
Past Rx has been introduced in the drop-down menu prior
to the button: Warning in the screen: Current Medication. Past Rx,
displays a list of Stopped drugs, Old Med drugs, and Current drugs
(including the ones added and dispensed). The option of Past Rx consists
of two additional fields of 'No. of days' and 'Unique drug id'
The field: No. of days depends on the property: rx.pastrx.days
which implies, the number of previous days up to which the
drugs will be selected in Past Rx. Also, the option: Unique drug id
depends on the property: rx.pastrx.uniqueDrug which
implies, a drug can be prescribed in multiple encounters. To display
all entries, set the properties to 'N'. To display only the latest
entry of a drug set the property to 'Y'. |
2.16 GUI (Graphic User Interface)
changes in the screen: Current Medication. |
GoTo Face Sheet → cell: Current Medication.
A couple of important GUI changes has been done. Earlier, the action
menus or options such as 'Continue'; 'Edit dosage'; 'Stop'; 'Over'
was common for all the drugs in the screen: Current Medication but
now they appear and can be applied individually to all the drugs present. |
2.17 GUI changes in the screen:
Prescription |
GoTo Encounter →TOC → Prescription
A new button: Past Rx has replaced the earlier button: Curr Med; on
click the pop-up: Current Medication is invoked displaying the details
of the option: Past Rx. |
2.18 New Current Medication
tags added for data display in Progress Notes |
Following tags have been added that help to display
the Current medication data in the Progress Notes:
ENC_MED_OVER_STR_NOW - Medication marked as over in this encounter
(would display as String value)
ENC_MED_OVER_STR_ALL - Medication marked as over for all encounters
(would display as String value)
ENC_MED_OVER_TBL_NOW - Medication marked as over in this encounter
(would display in tabular format)
ENC_MED_OVER_TBL_ALL - Medication marked as over for all (would
display as String value)
2.19 A new icon added in
the System Menu Icons to invoke Appointment Scheduler |
A new icon to invoke the pop-up: Appointment Scheduler
is now a part of System Menu Icons in the GUI of PrognoCIS found right
next to the toggle switch of EMR and BILL. This way, a user can invoke
the pop-up: Appointment Scheduler at any point of time
with a single click and schedule an appointment for a 'patient' or
'others' |
2.20 Import and export of
Lab HL7 files now incorporated to the standard of Bio-Reference Inc. |
PrognoCIS now incorporates import and export of Lab
HL7 files to the standard of Bio-Reference Inc. |
2.21 An additional rule added
to verify records before import of HL7 lab report
An additional rule that matches the combination of Patient's
Date of Birth and the Chart No. before accepting or rejecting Patient's
HL7 Lab results has been added. This rule works in co-ordination with
the earlier rule of matching patient's name and patient's Date of
Birth. |
2.22 Header and Footer displayed in each individual page of a Doctor Form
Now, on print, the clinic’s header and footer information is available on every page of a Doctor Form. |
2.23 Print option also available to print Doctor Forms of past encounters
A print button has been provided also to the Doctor Forms present in the ‘view History’ list. |
2.24 Progress Notes Report is now editable |
GoTo Encounter TOC → menu: Progress Notes → menu-item: Progress Notes Reports
Progress Notes Reports that earlier could only be printed is now editable even if the encounter is closed. Refer to the figure 1.11
Figure 1.11: Editable menu-items of Progress Notes Report
The edit-menu items provided are the standard items useful for editing and formatting text and for each menu-icon appropriate tool tip have been provided.
In addition to the already existing Print button, the following buttons have been included: save; delete; and reset - performing the regular functionalities.
It is possible to recreate the Progress Notes Report and save it with a new name in two possible ways:
i. Edit the currently opened Progress Notes Report and click on the button: save; a pop-up requiring a name and the category for the report is displayed. Refer to figure 1.12
Figure 1.12: Provide the Name and Category for the new Progress Notes Report
Note: - The current template is considered for the new Progress Notes Report; to change the template, select a template from the Master Search Icon:
- It is only on the first ‘Save’ that the pop-up is displayed.
ii. Click on the icon: (Recreate); two pop-ups are displayed, one is to select the template for the progress notes report and the second one is to give your template a name and to define a category for the same. Refer to figure 1.13
Figure 1.13: Icon-Recreate displays two pop-ups to name and define the Progress Notes Report
Note: On ‘Save’ the template is available in the drop-down menu: Create Progress Note Report.
2.25 Change in URL to the interface - MD Advanced
The URL used to access the third-party interface: MD Advanced has been changed from https://sl1-api02.advancedmd.com to https://c-app.advancedmd.com all the relevant files have this update incorporated . |
Validation added in Patient Insurance screen
Validation has been added that the button: 'check' and button: 'details' in Patient Insurance should be disabled if the selected insurance company does not have Gateway Payer ID entered . |
Paths in Web-Service files now made property based
The web Paths in the Web-Service file that were programmatically hard coded (eg. C:/) was there in webservice source files which was causing problem on Linux environment as there is no C drive.
Now these hardcoded paths are made property based. So it can be read from property file and utilised differently on different environment (Linux & Windows) |
Reviewer details and few additional details of e-prescribing Provider sent to Surescript via eRx
Earlier the e-prescribing provider's SPI information alone used to be sent to Surescript. Now, additionally the provider's NPI number and DEA information is also sent and displayed in the respective XML file generated.
The Reviewer's details i.e. the SPI, NPI, and DEA numbers are also sent to Surescript and displayed under a section, ‘Supervisor' in the XML file generated. |