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Release Notes Build No: 1 |
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1. Introduction
After the end of encounter(s) a provider may want to give away a printout of prescription or educational material to patients or may have a practice of maintaining printouts of documents related to patient's encounter as records. In times as such, the new feature, ‘Check Out Docs' implemented in PrognoCIS version 2.0 comes in handy. Check out docs shows the list of documents to be printed related to the encounter of a patient(s). The screen shows Type and Name of the document to be printed and also shows a checkbox to select the document. Multiple documents can be printed based on the checkbox selected. All the selected documents are printed into a single PDF file which either can be saved as a softcopy or in turn taken as a printout. Supported Documents: LET - Letters LAB - Lab Order RAD - Rad Order RX - Prescription PN - Progress Notes (Progress note template for checkout document is customizable) SC - Clinic Forms LD - Legal Docs OD - Other Docs (Documents attached as others category from message > attach) ED - Education User can access checkout documents from home page > Checkout document 2.1.1 MA can see list of open encounters Provided an option for MA to view list of all open encounters of all providers from Home page > Open encounter tab Patient alerts are used in case more attention is required for patient's specific information. For example: Copay is still pending etc Patient alert is provided as popup on Appointment > Schedule. A property “ appointment.show.patientalert” is added in the application. If set to Y patient's alert will be popped up on scheduler screen. Following tabs are added on patient alert popup window: View alert: Shows the alerts entered by different user for selected patient My alert: Alerts entered by logged in user only for selected patient
In case if there is some alert then patient alert icon will be Use case: Go to Appointment > Schedule Select a time slot to take a appointment Select a patient On Appointment schedule popup click on patient alert icon Enter some alerts for patient While entering the alerts user can also define till when alerts should be displayed, on which screen alerts should be available for user like on appointment screen, encounter and billing screen Once the alerts are entered the patient alert icon changes to Next time when user will click on the same patient's appointment on Appointment > Schedule Patient alert popup will be displayed with the alerts entered User can click on Ok or Delete if required 2.3 Patient Registration In case, if there are two records existing in PrognoCIS for the same patient then it is possible for the user to merge these two records in to one. An option is provided to merge two records in to single record. Patient Registration > Merge into Merge Into button will be available in case: A property “ patient.merge.onreplac”e is added in the application. If set to N only patient encounter details will be merged. If set to Y patient demographic details along with encounter details will be merged. Login user must have Replacebutton role assigned to him. On click of Merge into list will be displayed to show the patients sharing same DOB or First Name and Last Name with opened patient record. Use case: If there are 2 records A & B of single patient exists in PrognoCIS then to merge record A in to B. Login as office manger with Replace button role Open record A Click on Merge into button List of all records with either same DOB or First and last name will be displayed Select record B Message to confirm whether to replace the records or not will be displayed Click on yes Record A will be merged in to record B After merge only record B will exist in the application Note: If there is an open encounter in record A then merge into button won't be available. 2.3.2 Patient History History Property is added in to the system to decide whether user wants to track the changes or not. “patient.show.history” (If set to Y, then the History of changes will be available on Patient Registration Screen.) On click of History button patient's record before and after merge will be displayed. An option is provided to exempt patient from reporting. A check box is provided on Patient Registration > Other Info Tab to mark whether patient should be exempt from report or not. To apply this filter sql of tabular report (Settings > Configuration > Tabular) should include a parameter “PATIENT_FILTER” Patients marked exempt from report won't be available under tabular report generated from Report > Tabular . A button: More appearing in the patient registration page, under Tab: Contacts serves the purpose with ease. Patient Registration > More button is provided to add details. property “patient.other.relations” is added in application to define the list of relations so that user can enter the information from registration screen. Insurance Eligibility check is to verify whether the patient has got the insurance or not and if yes then what are the benefits he/she is going to get. Button
Note: At present PrognoCIS supports 4010 EDI version available in market. 5010 is not yet released and is planned for 2012. There are at times special cases of patient suffering from condition that may be considered as a social stigma, in such a case, the provider is reluctant to share the patient's case details with other user's of application except for a few. In the current version of PrognoCIS 2.0 a provision is given to the providers whereby the case details of such patient's appear hidden from other user's of PrognoCIS, and the chosen few are assigned the role of ‘Break Glass' that they can make use of in case of an emergency and in the absence of the rendering provider. The confidentiality is so maintained that these privileged users can view the restricted patient's details only for the current session and all the activity done during this session is logged. Scenario: Break the Glass role is added to allow access to restricted patient's details access. Break the glass is available as role under Settings > Configuration > User Roles > Break Glass and can be assigned to any user as per clinic workflow. Once the user is restricted from accessing the chart user with break the glass role can access the chart. Use case: Login as user 1. User 1 should have role “DenyAccess” assigned to him Goto Patient Registration screen > Click on Deny Access Select the provider 1 from the list to whom access to patient's chart to be restricted Now login as provider 1. Provider 1 should have Break the glass role already assigned to him. Select the same patient's chart for which access is restricted for provider 1 Message “Access restricted do you want to break the glass” will be displayed On click of ok patient's chart will be displayed. Break the glass report: To view Break the glass events click on Report > Audit Trail Select Break Glass from object drop down Report with break glass events will be displayed 2.6 Allergy
Provided an option to select and display different status of Allergy. Status to be available can be defined under property “all ergy.status.types”. User can define comma separated list of allergy status. To design an order set go to Settings > Configuration > Order set User has a choice to add laboratory test and/or Radiology test and/or Medications and/or Consults. Once the order set is created user can retrieve the order set from Face sheet > Order Sheet and order. Provision to display Date, time stamp and name of the order set is also provided as tool tip from F acesheet > Order sheet > Test. Once an order is done from order sheet status of all the order changes to Ordered and hyperlink to each order is provided to view the details of each order. Note: Feature is available from doc forms.
2.9 Current Medication Drug-Drug Interaction Drug-Disease Interaction Drug-Allergy Ingredient Interaction Drug-Allergy Interaction Drug-cross sensitivity Interaction To display the alerts following properties are added so that user can decide whether to display interaction alerts or not. Based on user's choice property can be turned on or turned off. a) cm.check.allergens: If set Y allergens will be checked on Current Medication screen b) cm.check.drugdruginteraction: If set Y Drug-Drug Interaction will be checked on Current Medication screen c) cm.drugdruginteraction.severitylevel: Following values can be set to display 1 - Most Severe 2 - Moderate Severe 3 - Least Severe interactions. Also provided a 2.9.2 Current Medication History Provided an option to view the identity of the user who added, modified, inactivated or removed medications. History also displays the attributes of changes done to medication. ![]() 2.9.3 New Tags for Current Medication Following four tags display medication status in respective formats in the progress notes, the last tag, as is described displays the classification codes associated to the CPT/HCPC codes assigned.
2.10 Vaccination Provided an option for user to select multiple tests from protocol option on Health Maintenance screen. In this case user can manually select the protocol if required 2.12.1 Radiology Alert To enter the alerts go to Settings > Configuration > Radiology Tests > Alerts Once the alerts are defined for a specific test then user can view the alerts from Encounter > Rad Order screen. User can view the alerts by clicking on ill be only available if there is an alert associated with the any of the tests. Scenario: Provider orders radiology test from doctor form Provider receives the results once order is done After looking at the rad result provider updates the results from doctor form Status of radiology order becomes Result received MA or technician needs to update the jacket number and comments on radiology screen after the test is done Role "RadOrderRRModify" is added to limit the ability to update the radiology order screen once results are received. Only the person who is assigned role “RadOrderRRModify” will be able to edit radiology order even after provider has entered results Considering this an option is provided to enter patient's confidential information in patient's record. Along with this user can also define to whom access to the information should be provided and to whom not. User can enter confidential information from Dictate Transcribe > Confidential Info If 'Y' is the property value to the property: show.Confidential.notes then confidetial notes wil be available under dictate transcribe based on access OR to the encounter attending doctor. Once entered user can define to which medics type access to the information is allowed. Once associated and if protocol is applicable for the patient then the associated education material will be available from Encounter > TOC > Education.
The Note Sign-off feature is associated with two properties as follows: The property, sign.off.for.usertypes – defines the role (user) for whom the functionality would remain available. The property takes in the values: DR – Doctor; RN – Registered Nurse. The property, Enc.signoff.notes – defines the contents of the sign-off note and the sequence that it should appear in the patient's progress notes. The property takes in the values: ENSO_SIGN - Show Signature, ENSO_DOC - Show Name, ENSO_DATE - Show Sign Off Date, ENSO_DT - Show Sign Off DateTime Note: Add the tag: [ENC_NOTES__SIGNOFF] in the progress notes to display the above mentioned details. Following tag is used to display details of user who has done sign-off [ENC_NOTES__SIGNOFF] Use case: In case nurse practitioner worked on patient's chart and can not close the encounter until provider reviews his/her work. Provider logs in and reviews the encounter and click on sign-off note Provider's signature will be displayed on narrative 2.16 Prescription Drug-Drug Interaction Drug-Disease Interaction Drug-Allergy Ingredient Interaction Drug-Allergy Interaction Drug-cross sensitivity Interaction User can decide whether to display the alerts by turning off or on following properties: a) rx.check.allergens: If set Y allergens will be checked on Prescription screen b) rx.check.drugdiseaseinteraction: If set Y Drug-Disease Interaction will be checked on Prescription screen c) rx.check.drugdruginteraction: If set Y Drug-Drug Interaction will be checked on Prescription screen d) rx.drugdruginteraction.severitylevel: Following values can be set to display 1 - Most Severe 2 - Moderate Severe 3 - Least Severe interactions. e) rx.drugdiseaseinteraction.severitylevel: Following values can be set to display 1 - Most Severe 2 - Moderate Severe 3 - Least Severe interactions. Once the properties are set to display the interaction user will get popup on Prescription screen in case interaction exists between the prescribed drugs and inhouse drugs. On popup user will get option to Override, Ignore and Correct the prescription - If user clicks on Override and ignore , drugs will be saved considering user is overriding the interactions. In case of Override user will get option to select the pre-defined reasons to override the warning. - If user clicks on Correct, drugs won't be saved until user does the correction in prescription 2.16.2 Customize Drug Interaction
- On Dispense screen user can enter Route, Site, Admin by, Date and Time of dispensed drugs User can also enter the rx drug details. Once defined doc preferred drugs will be available on prescription screen from 2.16.5 G-code associated with eRx is displayed in the assessment screen G-code associated with every drug prescribed via eRx is displayed in the Assessment screen under HCPC. Also, it is exported in a HL-7 file.
Eligibility : Provides information on patient's pharmacy insurance. Whether the selected drug is covered under selected pharmacy insurance or not Co-pay amount paid by the patient |
2.19 eLab eLab feature allows to order lab test & receive lab results electronically. Results get uploaded into patient's record without a click. eLab feature is implemented for Labcorp. 2.20 Tabular Report 2.20.1 Sorting Provides option to sort the report on selected column in ascending/descending order. 2.20.2 Hide Identifier In case report needs to be given to a user (hardcopy or csv) by hiding the requisite information or to share with Public Health Agencies then an option is provided to hide vital information by marking the column as SECRET. While defining a tabular report certain column titles can be defined with suffix of keyword SECRET. Which on selecting the report from Report > Tabular and HIDE IDENTIFIER is checked then the generated report will display column contents displayed as xxx. 2.20.3 Encryption/Decryption of CSV Report This option allows to export the report password protected. When user clicks on Then when user tries to open the report from local destination a popup is displayed to enter the password entered at the time of exporting. Once the password is entered (Decryption) report is displayed to the user.
A property “Fhr.types” is added to define the set of documents and to be send as FHR. User can include Lab Result, Progress Note, Rad Result, Legal documents in FHR. Once the documents are defined in the property user can send the FHR from Letter Out > Attach > FHR 2.22 Document list filter Provided an option to filter document list based on Assessment code, Date Range , Attending Provider and Document Type 2.23 LOINC codeLOINC codes are test information codes and unique for lab vendors. These are standard codes followed by all lab vendors. User can assign the LOINC code from Settings > Configuration > Rad > Test ettings > Configuration > Lab > Test CVX codes are unique and used for Immunization registries information exchange. Settings > Configuration > Vaccine allows user to associate CVX code Provided option to associate NDC code with in house medications and display the NDC code on progress notes. User can assign NDC code from Settings > Configuration > In-house drug > NDC code Tag [ENC_DRUGS_IH_NEW$4,2] is added to display NDC code on progress note. Property "cpoe.labresults.noinhouse" and "cpoe.radresults.noinhouse" are added to view only external Lab and rad results respectively from CPOE > Lab and CPOE > rad result.. If set to Y, then only external lab/rad results are displayed from CPOE 2.28 Addendum/ReopenTo reflect the changes done to the reopened encounter, addendum popup is displayed when user tries to close the reopened encounter. Popup allows to enter changes made to the encounter. Once entered and saved a message will be sent to attending provider informing addendum is made. Addendum notes will appear at the top of the progress note. 2.29.1 Header and Footer information to appear on every page of a document Perform the following steps to display clinic's header and footer information on every page of a document. i) Create header and footer templates under tab: Settings > Configuration > column: Template > link: Forms ii) Assign these templates to the property files: form.header.template and form.footer.template respectively. ii) Introduce page-breaks at relevant places by using the command: <!-- FORM_PAGE_BREAK --> within the property file 2.29.2 Copy assessment details to the next encounter Property, assessment.autocopy carries forward or copies the assessment details of the previous encounter to the new encounter. Depending upon the values (refer to the following example) added to the property, the respective codes along with the associated notes and plan are copied unto the new encounter. For example:
The only limitation currently faced is that if the assessment codes are selected in Doctor Forms via the search binocular (i.e. Master Search) then the assessment codes do not get copied to the next encounter. As a work around, the doctor form can have a fixed set of codes (displaying as checkbox options) depending on the specialty of the clinic. 2.29.3 Ability to display 'Print' option in Doctors Form Print option has been made available in the Doctor's Form as well. Perform the following steps to print a Doctor's Form: